Efek ekstrak Physalis angulata terhadap kadar IL-6 pada kultur fibroblas jaringan keloid

Mandasari, Silfia and dr. Santosa Basuki, Sp.KK. and dr. Sinta Murlistyarini, Sp.KK. (2019) Efek ekstrak Physalis angulata terhadap kadar IL-6 pada kultur fibroblas jaringan keloid. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Keloid merupakan tumor jinak fibroproliferatif sebagai respon dari berbagai macam trauma pada individu tertentu, disebabkan secara primer oleh akumulasi berlebih jaringan kolagen dan secara sekunder oleh hiperplasia fibroblas. Pada keloid terjadi pemanjangan periode inflamasi, infiltrat sel-sel imun, yang menyebabkan peningkatan aktivitas fibroblas. Interleukin-6(IL-6) merupakan sitokin kunci yang diketahui berkontribusi terhadap pembentukan keloid. Pada fibroblas keloid, terjadi peningkatan ekspresi gen dan produksi IL-6 disebabkan gangguan regulasi autokrin IL-6. Saat ini kebutuhan akan obat alami baru yang lebih efisien atau bersinergi dengan terapi keloid yang sudah ada sangatlah besar. Physalis angulata merupakan tanaman perdu yang mengandung berbagai macam zat aktif. Physalis angulata diketahui menghambat produksi IL-6 pada makrofag, namun hingga saat ini, belum ada penelitian mengenai efek Physalis angulata pada sel fibroblas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek ekstrak Physalis angulata terhadap kadar IL-6 yang dihasilkan pada supernatan kultur fibroblas keloid. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental laboratorik di Laboratorium Biomedik Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya. Sampel adalah subkultur sel fibroblas dari biakan jaringan keloid yang diambil dari keloid pasien poliklinik kulit dan kelamin Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Dr. Saiful Anwar-Malang dengan metode eksisi shave. Sel keloid hasil subkultur passage ke-3 terbagi menjadi 24 well yang masing-masing dibagi ke dalam 4 kelompok perlakuan. Supernatan dari kultur diambil untuk dilakukan pengukuran dengan menggunakan specific sandwich ELISA human IL-6 immunoassay. Berdasarkan hasil uji viabilitas sel yang diberikan perlakuan ekstrak Physalis angulata pada dosis 1 μg/ml, 5 μg/ml, 10 μg/ml, 20 μg/ml, 40 μg/ml, didapatkan lC50 3.541 μg/ml. Berdasarkan hasil viabilitas sel tersebut, maka dilakukan penyesuaian dosis untuk perlakuan, yaitu pada dosis 0,25 μg/ml, 0,5 μg/ml, dan 1 μg/ml. Hasil perhitungan didapatkan, rerata kadar IL-6 dari kelompok fibroblas kontrol adalah 21.73±0.88 ng/L, rerata kadar IL-6 dari kelompok perlakuan ekstrak Physalis angulata dosis 0.25 μg/ml 23.82±1.52 ng/L, rerata kadar IL-6 kelompok perlakuan ekstrak Physalis angulata dosis 0.5μg/ml 18.42±0.90 ng/L dan rerata kadar IL-6 dari kelompok perlakuan ekstrak Physalis angulata 1μg/ml 20.98±2.41 ng/L. Pada penelitian ini, penurunan kadar IL-6 didapatkan tidak linear. Hal ini disebabkan beberapa hal, yaitu: efek Physalis Angulata bertolak belakang terhadap jenis sel yang sama dengan dosis dan perlakuan berbeda, sampel keloid diambil tanpa membedakan regio. Selain itu juga banyaknya zat aktif yang dikandung Physalis angulata dengan efek yang berbeda dan bertolak belakang, dan yang terakhir adalah substrat dihitung pada hari ke-6 dimana banyak sel apoptosis akibat tingginya tingkat kepadatan sel pada culture flask. Namun demikian, berdasarkan uji analisis One way ANOVA, penurunan kadar IL-6 kelompok perlakuan ekstrak Physalis angulata pada dosis 0.5μg/ml (18.42±0.90 ng/L) berbeda signifikan secara statistik dengan kelompok kontrol (P<0.001). Disimpulkan bahwa terdapat penurunan kadar IL-6 pada pemberian ekstrak Physalis angulata dibandingkan dengan kontrol dengan beda signifikan secara statistik.

English Abstract

Keloid is a fibroproliferative benign tumor in response to various types of trauma in certain individuals, caused primarily by excessive accumulation of collagen tissue and secondary to fibroblast hyperplasia on the side of the wound. In keloids there is an extended period of inflammation, infiltration of immune cells, which causes increased fibroblast activity. Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is a key cytokine known to contribute to keloid formation. In keloid fibroblasts, it is known that there is an increase in gene expression and IL-6 production due to autocrine disruption of IL-6. At present, the need for new natural medicines that are more efficient and work with synergy to existing keloid therapy. Physalis angulata is a shrub plant that contains various active substances. Physalis angulata is known to inhibit the production of IL-6 in macrophages, but until now, there have been no studies on the effects of Physalis angulata on fibroblast cells. This study aims to determine the effect of Physalis angulata extract on IL-6 levels produced in supernatant keloid fibroblasts. The research was conducted in an experimental laboratory at the Biomedical Laboratory of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya. Subculture of fibroblast cells taken from keloid patient at Dermatology and Venereoogy outpatient clinic of the Regional General Hospital Dr. Saiful Anwar-Malang with shaved axcision methode. Keloid cells from third subculture were divided into 24 wells, each of which was divided into 4 treatment groups. Supernatants from culture were measured using a specific sandwich ELISA human IL-6 immunoassay. Based on the results of cell viability test given Physalis angulata extract treatment at a dose of 1 μg / ml, 5 μg / ml, 10 μg / ml, 20 μg / ml, 40 μg / ml, lC50 was obtained 3.541 μg / ml. Based on the results of cell viability, dosage adjustments were made for treatment, at doses of 0.25 μg / ml, 0.5 μg / ml, and 1 μg / ml. The calculation results showed that the mean IL-6 level of the control fibroblast group was 21.73 ± 0.88 ng / L, mean IL-6 level from the treatment group of Physalis angulata extract dose 0.25 μg / ml 23.82 ± 1.52 ng / L, mean IL-6 level the treatment group extract of Physalis angulata dose 0.5μg / ml 18.42 ± 0.90 ng / L and mean IL-6 levels from the treatment group extract of Physalis angulata 1μg / ml 20.98 ± 2.41 ng / L. In this study, the decrease in IL-6 levels were non-linear. This is due to several reason, firstly the effect of Physalis Angulata in contrast to the same cell type with different doses and treatments, in this study keloid was taken without distinguishing wether peripheral or central keloid region. In addition, the number of active substances contained in Physalis angulata with different and opposite effects, and finally the substrate was calculated on the 6th day where many cells apoptosis due to the high level of cell density in the culture flask. However, based on One way ANOVA analysis test, the reduction in IL-6 levels in the treatment group given Physalis angulata extract at a dose of 0.5μg / ml (18.42 ± 0.90 ng / L) statistically different from the control group (P <0.001). It was concluded that there was a decrease in IL-6 levels in the administration of Physalis angulata extract compared to controls with a statistically significant difference.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/615.323 952/MAN/e/2019/041904316
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata kunci : Physalis angulata, IL-6, kultur fibroblas, keloid
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 615 Pharmacology and therapeutics > 615.3 Organics drugs > 615.32 Drugs derived from plants and mikroorganisms > 615.323 95 Drugs derived from spesific plant (Scrophulariales) > 615.323 952 Drugs derived from spesific plants (tomatoes)
Divisions: Profesi Kedokteran > Spesialis Dermatologi dan Venereologi, Fakultas Kedokteran
Depositing User: yulia Chasanah
Date Deposited: 13 Sep 2022 02:13
Last Modified: 13 Sep 2022 02:13
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/194172
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