Efek Pemberian Semanggi Air (Marsilea crenata) Terhadap Kadar LH dan Testosteron pada Tikus Putih Jantan (Rattus norvegicus) yang Diinduksi Monosodium Glutam

Annisa, Riska and : Dr. Sri Rahayu, M.Kes. and Prof.Dr.Ir. Moch. Sasmito Djati, MS. (2019) Efek Pemberian Semanggi Air (Marsilea crenata) Terhadap Kadar LH dan Testosteron pada Tikus Putih Jantan (Rattus norvegicus) yang Diinduksi Monosodium Glutam. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Monosodium glutamat (MSG) dikenal secara luas sebagai penambah cita rasa makanan. MSG dapat dengan mudah ditemukan pada makanan kemasan, fast food dan masakan rumahan. Komsumsi MSG secara berlebih dapat menyebabkan terjadinya peningkatan Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). Peroksidasi lipid akibat ROS dapat merusak struktur lipid membran plasma sel dan menurunkan fluiditas membran sehingga menyebabkan fungsi membran terganggu. Untuk mencegah terbentuknya ROS secara berlebihan maka diperlukan antioksidan. Antioksidan adalah senyawa yang penting bagi tubuh untuk menetralisir radikal bebas. Salah satu tumbuhan air yang kaya akan antioksidan adalah semanggi air (Marsilea crenata). Semanggi air (M. crenata) mengandung antioksidan seperti flavonoid, isoflavon dan vitamin C yang diduga dapat mengurangi efek negatif radikal bebas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek pemberian semanggi air (M.crenata) terhadap kadar LH dan Testosteron pada tikus putih jantan (Rattus norvegicus) yang diinduksi monosodium glutamat. Sebanyak 20 ekor tikus jantan strain wistar berumur 3-4 bulan dengan berat badan 200-300 g dibagi ke dalam 5 kelompok. Kelompok kontrol (K) diberi aquadest selama 45 hari; Kelompok kontrol positif (M) diberi MSG dosis 4 mg/g BB selama 45 hari; Kelompok perlakuan M(15)+S1 (0,216 mg/g BB), M(15)+S2 (0,432 mg/g BB) dan M(15)+S3 0,648 mg/g BB) masing-masing diberi MSG dosis 4 mg/g BB selama 15 hari, kemudian diberi MSG dosis 4 mg/gBB serta ekstrak semanggi air dengan dosis berbeda yaitu 0,216 mg/g BB, 0,432 mg/g BB dan 0,648 mg/g BB selama 30 hari. Pengambilan darah dilakukan pada hari ke-16 pemberian MSG dan di akhir perlakuan (hari ke-46) hewan coba dibedah untuk diambil organ testis serta darah dari jantung. Organ testis dicuci dengan Phospat Buffer Saline (PBS) kemudian ditimbang bobot relatifnya. Organ testis difiksasi menggunakan formalin 10% selama 24 jam. Selanjutnya dibuat preparat histologi metode paraffin dengan pewarnaan Hematoxilin-Eosin (HE) untuk menghitung jumlah sel Leydig. Sedangkan darah diiinkubasi pada suhu ruang untuk memperoleh serum. Serum digunakan untuk analisis kadar LH dan Testosteron. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan program SPSS 16.0 for windows dengan uji one-way ANOVA. Jika hasil uji ANOVA menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna (p ≤ 0,05), maka dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah sel Leydig kelompok perlakuan MSG (M) adalah 3,08±0,34 lebih rendah secara signifikan dibandingkan kontrol (7,03±0,17). Kelompok M(15)+S1 memiliki jumlah sel Leydig 5,20±0,44, lebih banyak jika dibandingkan kelompok M (<0,05). Kelompok perlakuan M(15)+S2 memiliki jumlah sel Leydig 5,53±0,22, tidak berbeda nyata dengan kelompok M(15)+S1. Kelompok perlakuan M(15)+S3 memiliki jumlah sel Leydig 6,05±0,37, lebih banyak jika dibandingkan dengan kelompok M, M(15)+S1 dan M(15)+S2, akan tetapi lebih rendah secara signifikan dibandingkan kontrol. Hasil analisis ELISA pada hari ke-16 menunjukkan konsentrasi LH tikus jantan yang diberi perlakuan MSG selama 15 hari pertama yaitu kelompok MSG 7,20±0,70 mIU/mL, M(15)+S1 (7,42±1,64 mIU/mL), M(15)+S2 (7,43±0,73 mIU/mL) dan M(15)+S3 (7,65±0,91 mIU/mL), tidak menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan dengan kontrol (8,89±0,91). Pada hari ke-46, kelompok perlakuan MSG (M) memiliki konsentrasi LH 6,40±0,33 mIU/mL, lebih rendah secara signifikan dibandingkan dengan kontrol (8,26±0,32 mIU/mL), serta lebih rendah 0,8 mIU/mL dibandingkan hari ke-16. Kelompok M(15)+S1 memiliki konsentrasi LH 7,24±0,56 mIU/mL, lebih tinggi secara signifikan dibandingkan kelompok M 6,40±0,33 mIU/mL, serta lebih rendah 0,18 mIU/mL dibandingkan hari ke-16. Konsentrasi LH kelompok M(15)+S2 pada hari ke-46 adalah 8,28±0,52 mIU/mL, meningkat 0,85 mIU/mL dibandingkan hari ke-16, serta lebih tinggi secara signifikan dibandingkan kelompok M dan M(15)+S1. Kelompok M(15)+S3 memiliki konsentrasi LH 8,67±0,62 mIU/mL, meningkat 1,02 mIU/mL dibandingkan hari ke-16, serta lebih tinggi secara signifikan dibandingkan kelompok M dan M(15)+S1. Konsentrasi LH kelompok M(15)+S2 dan M(15)+S3 pada hari ke-46 tidak berbeda nyata dengan kelompok kontrol. Hasil analisis ELISA Hormon Testosteron hari ke-16 menunjukkan konsentrasi Testosteron serum kelompok perlakuan M 6,26±0,45 nmol/L, M(15)+S1 6,13±0,82 nmol/L, M(15)+S2 6,87±0,54 nmol/L dan M(15)+S3 yaitu 6,97±0,70 nmol/L, lebih rendah secara signifikan dibandingkan dengan kontrol (6,97±0,70 nmol/L). Hasil analisis ELISA pada hari ke-46, konsentrasi Testosteron kelompok perlakuan M 4,49±0,62 nmol/L, lebih rendah 1,77 nmol/L dibandingkan hari ke-16, serta lebih rendah secara signifikan dibandingkan kelompok kontrol (7,70±0,65 nmol/L). Konsentrasi Testosteron kelompok M(15)+S1 adalah 7,02 ±0,65 nmol/L, M(15)+S2 dengan konsentrasi 7,80 ±0,51 nmol/L dan M(15)+S3 7,93 ±0,39 nmol/L. Jika dibandingkan hari ke-16, konsentrasi Testosteron kelompok M(15)+S1 meningkat 0,89 nmol/L, M(15)+S2 0,93 nmol/L dan M(15)+S3 0,96 nmol/L. Konsentrasi Testosteron kelompok M(15)+S2 dan M(15)+S3 pada hari ke-46 tidak berbeda nyata dengan kelompok kontrol. Kesimpulan ekstrak semanggi air (M.crenata) dosis 0,648 mg/g BB cenderung meningkatkan konsentrasi LH, Testosteron dan jumlah sel Leydig tikus jantan setelah diinduksi monosodium glutamat.

English Abstract

Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is well-known as flavor enhancer in food. MSG can be easily found in packaged foods, fast food, and household kitchens. Excessive MSG consumption might lead to the increase in Reactive Oxygen Speies (ROS). The lipid peroxidation from ROS damages the structure of cell plasma membrane lipid and reduces the fluidity of the membrane, interfering the function of the membrane. To prevent excessive ROS formation antioxidants are needed. Antioxidant is quite important in preventing excessive formation of ROS. Water clover (Marsilea crenata) is a plant that contains antioxidants including flavonoids, isoflavones and vitamin C which are believed to reduce the damages caused by free radicals. This study aims to explain the effect of water clover (M. crenata) on LH and Testosterone levels in male white rats (Rattus norvegicus) induced with monosodium glutamate. A total of 20 wistar male rats aged 3-4 months with a weight of 200-300 g were grouped into 5. The control group (K) was given distilled water for 45 days; Positive control group (M) was given MSG at 4 mg/g BW for 45 days; Groups M(15)+S1 (0.216 mg/g BW), M(15)+S2 (0.432 mg/g BW), and M(15)+S3 (0.432 mg/g BW) were given MSG at a dose of 4 mg/g BW for 15 days, then given MSG at a dose of 4 mg/gBW and water clover extract at different doses of 0.216 mg/g BW, 0.432 mg/g BW and 0.648 mg/g BW for 30 days respectively. Blood test was administered in day-16 MSG treatment and the end of the treatment (in day-46) the animals were dissected for their testicular organs and blood was drawn from the heart. The testicular organs were washed with Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS) before the relative weight was measured. The testicular organs fixation used 10% formalin for 24 hours. Furthermore, histology preparations of the paraffin method were made with Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE) staining to count the number of Leydig cells. Meanwhile, the blood was incubated at room temperature to form serum which was used to analyze the levels of LH and Testosterone. The obtained data were analyzed using SPSS 16.0 program for windows in the form of one-way ANOVA test. If the result of the ANOVA test indicated significant (p ≤ 0,05), Duncan test would be performed. The results of the analysis showed that the number of Leydig cells in the MSG treatment group was found 3,08±0,34 lower than the control group (7,03±0,17). M(15)+S1 group obtained a number of Leydig cells of 5,20±0,44 which is significantly different than the one obtained in M groups (<0,05). The M(15)+S2 treatment group had the number of Leydig cells 5,53±0,22, not significantly different with the M(15)+S1 group. While the M(15)+S3 treatment group showed a number of Leydig cells 6,05±0,37 which is highest than the M, M(15)+S1 and M(15)+S2, but lower than the control group (7,03±0,17). The ELISA analysis on LH serum on the 16th day showed that LH concentrations of male rats treated with MSG for the first 15 days were MSG group (M) (7.20±0.70 mIU/mL), M(15)+S1 (7.42 ± 1.64 mIU/mL), M(15)+S2 (7.43± 0.73 mIU/mL) and M(15)+S3 (7.65±0.91 mIU/mL) did not show any significant differences form the one of the control group (8.89±0.91 mIU/m). On the 46th day, the MSG treatment group obtained an LH concentration of 6.40±0.33 mIU/ mL which is significantly lower than the one of the control group (8.26±0.32 mIU/mL), and lower than 0,8 mIU/mL compared to one measured on day-16. The M(15)+S1 group had an LH concentration of 7.24 ± 0.56 mIU/mL that is significantly highest than the M group of 6,40±0,33 mIU/mL, and lower than 0.18 mIU/mL compared to one measured on day-16. The LH concentration of M(15)+S2 group on day-46 was 8.28±0.52 mIU/mL which has an increase of 0.85 mIU/mL from the 16th day, and significantly highest than the M and M(15)+S1 group. The M(15)+S3 group had an LH concentration of 8.67±0.62 mIU/mL with an increase of 1.02 mIU/mL from the 16th day, and significantly highest than the M and M(15)+S1 group. The LH concentration of M(15)+S2 and M(15)+S3 groups were not significantly different from the ones of the control group. The result ELISA test of the Testosterone on the 16th day showed the level of serum Testosterone concentration of MSG treatment group was 6.26±0.45 nmol/L, M(15)+S1 6.13±0.82 nmol/L, M(15)+S2 6.87±0.54 nmol/L and M(15)+S3 6.97±0.70 nmol/L that are significantly lower than the one found in the control group of (6.97±0.70 nmol/L). The results of the ELISA analysis conducted on day 46 showed that the Testosterone concentration in the MSG treatment group was 4.49±0.62 nmol/L, which is 1.77 nmol/L lower than the one measured on the 16th day and it is significantly lower than the one of the control group (7.70±0.65 nmol/L). Whilst, the testosterone concentration in M(15)+S1 group was 7.02±0.65 nmol/L, M(15)+S2 7.80±0.51 nmol/L and M(15)+S3 7.93±0.39 nmol/L, significantly highest than the M group of 4.49±0.62 nmol/L. Compared to the day-16, the Testosterone concentration in M(15)+S1 group has an increase of 0.89 nmol/L, MS2 0.93 nmol/L and MS3 0.96 nmol/L. The Testosteron concentration of M(15)+S2 and M(15)+S3 groups were not significantly different from the ones of the control group. It was concluded from the results of this research that the consumption of water clover (M. crenata) at dose 0,648 mg/g BW tended to increase the concentration of LH, Testosterone and the number of leydig cells in male rats after being induced by monosodium glutamate.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/615.327 3/ANN/e/2019/041903910
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 615 Pharmacology and therapeutics > 615.3 Organics drugs > 615.32 Drugs derived from plants and mikroorganisms > 615.327 3 Drugs derived from spesific plant (Polypodiopsida)
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Biologi, Fakultas MIPA
Depositing User: yulia Chasanah
Date Deposited: 29 Aug 2022 08:21
Last Modified: 20 Nov 2023 07:15
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/193734
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