“ Analisis Strategi Pembentukan Badan Usaha Milik Desa Melalui Sustainable Livelihood Approach (Studi Kasus Di Desa Kalipucang, Tutur, Pasuruan)”

Zuhdiyaty, Noor (2019) “ Analisis Strategi Pembentukan Badan Usaha Milik Desa Melalui Sustainable Livelihood Approach (Studi Kasus Di Desa Kalipucang, Tutur, Pasuruan)”. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Terbitnya UU Desa No.6 Tahun 2014 menguatkan bahwa desa memiliki kewenangan untuk mengurus serta mengatur urusannya sendiri serta mendukung adanya kemandirian desa. Selama ini masih banyak desa yang belum mandiri termasuk Desa Kalipucang,Tutur, Pasuruan. Letaknya yang di bawah lereng Gunung Bromo membuat Kalipucang memiliki keindahan alam nan indah, namun demikian belum ada manfaat yang dirasakan dari adanya Bromo. Selama ini Kalipucang hanya digunakan sebagi jalan atau lalu lalang menuju Bromo. Banyaknya potensi juga di temukan di Desa Kalipucang diantaranya susu murni sebesar 12.000 liter dihasilkan setiap harinya, banyaknya kawasan indah yang berpotensi untuk dijadikan tempat wisata, banyak tanaman juga tumbuh disana seperti durian, pisang, dll. Namun demikian adanya potensi yang ada masih belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Keberadaan BUM Desa diharapkan dapat menjadi suatu lembaga atau tempat untuk mengembangkan potensi yang ada. BUM Desa sendiri merupakan salah satu jalan untuk menggerakkan perekonomian desa yang beridiri atas prakarsa dan inisiatif masyarakat, sehingga pada penelitian ini ingin melihat BUM Desa berdiri berdasarkan potensi yang ada menggunakan lima modal yang ada dalam sustainable livelihood sistem (SLA) yaitu modal alam, modal fisik, modal manusia, modal keuangan dan modal sosial.Dengan demikian penulis mengambil judul “ANALISIS STRATEGI PEMBENTUKAN BADAN USAHA MILIK DESA MELALUI SUSTAINABLE LIVELIHOOD APPROACH (Studi Kasus di Desa Kalipucang, Tutur, Pasuruan)”. Tujuan yang akan dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah 1) mengetahui penggunaan dana desa kaitannya dengan aktivitas ekonomi Desa Kalipucang; 2) untuk mengetahui faktor- faktor yang kuat dan lemah dalam sustainable livelihood sistem (SLA) (modal alam, modal manusia, modal fisik, modal keuangan dan modal sosial) yang ada di Kalipucang; 3) untuk menyusun strategi yang digunakan pada pembentukan BUM Desa di Desa Kalipucang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan metode berurutan campuran (sequential mixed method). Lokasi peelitia di Desa Kalipucang Kecamatan Tutur Kabupaten Pasuruan. Hasil studi memperlihatkan bahwa penggunaan dana desa di Kalipucang selama ini masih banyak digunakan untuk pembangunan desa daripada untuk pemberdayaan masyarakat. Adapun diantara kelima modal dalam SLA, modal paling kuat yaitu pada modal keuangan sebesar 60,65, kedua modal fisik 56,0%, ketiga modal alam sebesar 54,8%, keempat modal sosial sebesar 53,4%, dan modal manusia sebesar 41,8%. Sementara strategi yang digunakan adalah dengan fokus pada modal yang paling kuat dan lemah terlebih dahulu yaitu pada modal keuangan dan modal manusia, kemudian baru difokuskan pada ketiga modal lainnya, selian itu BUM Desa nanti juga harus mampu menghadapai segala bentuk kerentaranan yang mungkin terjadi sehingga diharapkan dapat memiliki keberlanjutan usaha, pembentukan BUM Desa sendiri juga memiliki beberapa tahapan, yaitu (i) atas prakarsa masyarakat, (ii) identifikasi potensi berdasarkan lima modal SLA, (iii) musdes, (iv) pembuatan AD/ART, (v) pengusulan penetapan perdesa, (vi) pembentukan BUM Desa

English Abstract

The emergence of Acts of Village No. 6 of 2014 strengthen a point where a village has the authority to manage its own business while supporting the independence of the village. After all this time, a lot of villages that are not yet independent, including Kalipucang village, Tutur, Pasuruan. It is located at the under of the slopes of Bromo mountain which makes Kalipucang has its natural beauty, however there are no benefit from Bromo mountain yet. Moreover, Kalipucang is only used as a road towards Bromo mountain. There are also numerous of great amount of potential that can be found at Kalipucang village which are the 12,000 litres of pure milk that are being produced everyday, many beautiful areas that can be utilized as tourists attractions and also various of plants grow in this area such as durian, banana, etc. Although, these potentials are yet to be utilized optimally. The existence of village-owned enterprises is expected to be an institution or place where these potentials can be developed further. Village-owned enterprises itself is one of the solutions to mobilize the village economy that stands based on people initiative. Therefore, this research wants to see the village-owned enterprises that stands on based on the potentials that exist within five capitals in the Sustainable Livelihood System (SLA) which are natural capital, physical capital, human capital, financial capital and social capital. Hence the researcher goes with the title “AN ANALYSIS OF THE ESTABLISHMENT STRATEGY OF VILLAGE-OWNED ENTERPRISES BASED ON SUSTAINABLE LIVELIHOOD APPROACH (A Case Study in Kalipucang Village, Tutur, Pasuruan)”. The purposes of this research are as follows: 1). To discover the use of the funds of the village in relation with the economic activities of Kalipucang village; 2). To discover the strong and the weak factors in the Sustainable Livelihood System (SLA) (natural capital, human capital, physical capital, financial capital and social capital) that exists in Kalipucang; 3). To arrange the strategy that will be implemented on the establishment of village-owned enterprises in Kalipucang village. This research uses sequential mixed method approach and the research location is located at Kalipucang village, Tutur sub-district, Pasuruab regency. The results of the research show that the utilization of village fund in Kalipucang village are mostly used for the village development rather than the empowerment of the people of the village. Amongst the five capitals in SLA, the strongest capital is financial capital with 60.65%, the second is physical capital with 56.0%, the third is natural capital with 54.8%, the fourth is social capital with 53.4% and the last is human capital with 41.8%. Meanwhile the strategy that being applied first is the strategy that focus on the strongest capital and the weakest capital on the financial capital and human capital, then it will focusing on the other three capitals. Furthermore, the village-owned enterprises also needs to be able to deal with any kind of susceptibility that might occur in the future therefore it is expected to have its sustainability. The establishment of village-owned enterprises have several stages and they are as follows: (i) based on the initiative of the people, (ii) the identification of potentials based on 5 capitals of SLA, (iii) village meetings, (iv) the establishment of x articles of association/memorandum, (v) the proposal of village regulations, (vi) the establishment of village-owned enterprises

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/658.159 2/ZUH/a/2019/041910498
Uncontrolled Keywords: BUM Desa, SLA, Pembangunan ekonomi lokal desa, desa
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 658 General management > 658.1 Organization and financial management > 658.15 Financial management > 658.159 2 Small bussiness
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Ilmu Ekonomi, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 11 Aug 2022 03:12
Last Modified: 11 Aug 2022 03:12
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/193140
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