Penerapan Metode Lean Six Sigma Dalam Upaya Meminimalisasi Waste pada Proses Produksi Kain Batik Cap CV. Shokagaya

Amalia, Nanda Rizki and Dr.Eng. Oke Oktavianty, S.Si,M.T. (2022) Penerapan Metode Lean Six Sigma Dalam Upaya Meminimalisasi Waste pada Proses Produksi Kain Batik Cap CV. Shokagaya. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini dilakukan pada sebuah usaha mikro kecil menengah yang memproduksi kain batik dengan nama Batik Shokagaya. Usaha ini bertempat di Kota Malang, Jawa Timur dengan produk yang ditawarkan dari bahan baku hingga produk batik yang siap digunakan. Terdapat beberapa jenis kain batik yang diproduksi diantaranya jenis kain batik cap dan tulis dengan variasi jenis pewarnaan yang digunakan. Proses produksi Batik Shokagaya menerapkan sistem produksi make to stock dan make to order sesuai dengan permintaan konsumen. Dimana ketepatan waktu dalam memenuhi permintaan merupakan faktor utama yang diperhatikan agar tidak mengalami keterlambatan. Selama proses produksi mengalami adanya pemborosan hingga produk defect yang tertinggi pada jenis kain batik cap dengan presentase yang melebihi batas toleransi sebesar 9.5%. Adanya pemborosan berupa transportation, inventory, waiting yang menyebabkan penumpukan produk WIP pada lantai produksi. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang telah dijelaskan, dilakukan penelitian untuk mengidentifikasi waste yang muncul selama proses produksi dan memberikan efek kegagalan yang besar pada proses produksi serta akar penyebab adanya waste untuk menentukan rekomendasi agar dapat mengurangi dan memperbaiki sistem produksi kain batik khususnya jenis cap. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Lean Six Sigma yang mengadopsi konsep DMAIC( Define, Measure, Analyze, Inmprove, Control) dan Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) untuk menentukan waste yang memiliki efek atau tingkat kegagalan dengan menghitung RPN (Risk Priority Number) berdasarkan kriteria penilaian severity, occurance dan detection. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, diketahui adanya aktivitas yang dapat menyebabkan waste karena tidak memberikan nilai tambah pada produk tergolong dalam kategori aktivitas necessary non value added sebesar 23.52% dan non value added activity sebesar 30.88%. Dengan waste yang menjadi prioritas karena memiliki tingkat kegagalan yang tinggi yaitu terjadi pada proses pewarnaan berupa waste waiting dan inventory serta adanya produk defect dari hasil pewarnaan dan waterglass yang menyebabkan warna dapat luntur. Dengan faktor penyebab yang menjadi focus utama permasalahan adalah tidak adanya SOP produksi khususnya pada proses pewarnaan, kurangnya pengetahuan owner terkait penjadwalan produksi serta kurangnya fasilitas atau tempat untuk menjemur. Sehingga diberikan rekomendasi untuk mengefisiensi proses pewarnaan, penjadwalan produksi serta pembagian jobdesc pekerja serta penggunaan alat bantu pengukuran kekentalan cairan. Dari hasil perbaikan dengan upaya untuk meminimalkan adanya waste pada produksi kain batik cap Shokagaya mendapatkan peningkatan nilai process cycle efficiency sebesar 14%

English Abstract

This research was conducted on a micro, small and medium enterprise that produces batik cloth under the name Batik Shokagaya. This business is located in Malang City, East Java, with products offered from raw materials to ready-to-use batik products. There are several types of batik fabrics produced, including stamped and written batik fabrics with variations in the types of coloring used. The production process of Shokagaya Batik applies to make-to-stock and make-to-order production systems according to consumer demand. Where timeliness in meeting requests is the main factor that is considered so as not to experience delays. During the production process, there was waste and the highest defect product was in the type of stamped batik cloth with a percentage that exceeded the tolerance limit of 9.5%. There is waste in the form of transportation, inventory, and waiting, which causes the accumulation of Work-In-Process (WIP) products on the production floor. Based on the problems that have been described, a study was conducted to identify waste that arose during the production process and had a large failure effect on the production process as well as the root cause of the waste to determine recommendations to reduce and improve the batik cloth production system, especially the type of stamp. This research was conducted using the Lean Six Sigma method, which adopted the concept of DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) and Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) to determine the waste that has an effect or failure rate by calculating the RPN (Risk Priority Number). based on the assessment criteria for severity, occurrence, and detection. Based on the research conducted, it is known that there are activities that can cause waste because they do not provide added value to the product belonging to the category of necessary non- value-added ofadded and non-value added activity of 30.88%. With waste priobecause it haprior becau,seilure rate, which occurs in the coloring process in the form of waiting and inventory waste, as well as the presence of defective products from staining and waterglass which causes the color to fade. The causative factors that became the main focus of the problem were the absence of production SOPs, especially in the coloring process; the owner's lack of knowledge regarding production scheduling, and the lack of facilities or places for drying. Therefore, recommendations are given to streamline thestreamliningprocess, production scheduling, and division of worker job descriptions, as well as the use of liquid viscosity measurement tools. From the results of improvements with efforts to minimize waste in the production of Shokagaya-stamped batik cloth, the process cycle efficiency value increased by 14%.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0522070114
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata Kunci: Waste, Batik, Lean Six Sigma, Aktivitas, DMAIC, FMEA
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 670 Manufacturing
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Industri
Depositing User: yulia Chasanah
Date Deposited: 20 Jul 2022 03:14
Last Modified: 20 Jul 2022 03:44
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2024.

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