Pendugaan Umur Simpan dan Perubahan Asam Lemak Abon Jamur Tiram Selama Penyimpanan

Immaroh, Nundiah Zuhrohfi and Dr. Ir. Sudarminto S. Y,, M.App.Sc. and Prof. Dr. Ir. Harijono,, M.App.Sc. (2021) Pendugaan Umur Simpan dan Perubahan Asam Lemak Abon Jamur Tiram Selama Penyimpanan. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Abon merupakan salah satu produk makanan kering yang umumnya berbahan baku daging yang melalui proses perebusan dan penggorengan. Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, produk makanan semakin bervariasi, salah satunya adalah abon jamur tiram. Selama penyimpanan, abon jamur tiram mengalami penurunan mutu seperti perubahan fisik berupa perubahan warna menjadi lebih gelap, kimia berupa oksidasi lemak dan sensoris berupa penolakan oleh 50% panelis dengan parameter penolakan aroma tengik, munculnya aroma tengik muncul dapat diakibatkan oleh reaksi oksidasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perubahan karakteristik fisik, kimia dan sensori, untuk memprediksi umur simpan abon jamur tiram dan untuk mengetahui perubahan asam lemak sebelum dan sesudah penyimpanan. Penentuan umur simpan abon jamur tiram dilakukan menggunakan metode Accelerated Shelf Life Testing (ASLT) dengan persamaan Arrhenius. Produk disimpan pada kondisi lingkungan yang ekstrim untuk mempercepat penurunan mutu. Penentuan umur simpan abon jamur tiram menggunakan mekanisme transfer panas, dimana transfer massa dibuat seminimal mungkin dengan menggunakan jenis pengemasan aluminium foil sehingga penurunan mutu yang diakibatkan oleh transfer massa dapat dihambat dan penurunan mutu hanya dipengaruhi faktor suhu.Tahap penelitian terbagi menjadi tiga tahap. Tahap pertama penentuan titik akhir penyimpanan, tahap kedua penentuan laju kerusakan dan perhitungan umur simpan abon jamur tiram dianalisis menggunakan metode regresi linier pada program Microsoft excel dan tahap terakhir analisis perubahan komponen asam lemak sebelum dan sesudah penyimpanan menggunakan GC-MS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak 60% panelis terlatih menolak abon jamur tiram pada hari ke-147. Mutu kritis warna yaitu L* sebesar 33,2 , a* sebesar 18,8, b* sebesar 16, nilai peroksida sebesar 16,45Meq/kg, nilai asam lemak bebas sebesar 0,83 dan nilai TBA sebesar 3,46 mg/kg. penentuan umur simpan menggunakan nilai energi aktivasi paling rendah yaitu parameter TBA yaitu sebesar 3982,931kal/mol dengan persamaan regresi linier dari plot Arrhenius y = -2005,5x + 1,5173 dan nilai R2 0,908. Umur simpan abon jamur tiram pada suhu 25, 27, dan 30oC berturut-turut adalah 515,34; 489,49 dan 458,14 hari. Hasil analisis lemak menggunakan GC-MS pada abon jamur tiram sebelum penyimpanan terdeteksi 8 asam lemak dan sesudah penyimpanan senyawa yang terdeteksi sebanyak 14 asam lemak, enam diantaranya senyawa baru yang muncul setelah penyimpanan .

English Abstract

Floss is one of dry food products which is generally made of meat that goes through the process of boiling and frying. Along with the times, food products are increasingly varied, one of which is oyster mushroom floss. During the storage period, oyster mushroom floss experienced a decline in quality like the emergence of rancid smell that was caused by oxidation reaction. The objective of this research was to determine the shelf life of oyster mushroom floss and fatty acid changes before and after storage. The researcher used Accelerated Shelf-Life Testing (ASLT) method with the equation of Arrhenius to determine the shelf life of oyster mushroom floss, where the product was stored in extreme environmental conditions to accelerate the decline in quality. The determination of oyster mushroom floss shelf life used the heat transfer mechanism in which the mass transfer was kept to a minimum so that a decrease in quality during storage was only influenced by temperature factor. The research phase is divided into four stages. The first stage was the selection of trained panelist, the second was the determination of oyster mushroom floss end point of storage, the third stage was determining the product damage based on the parameters of color, TBA, free fatty acids, and peroxide value, the last stage was calculation of oyster mushroom floss shelf life was analyzed using the method of regression linear to the program Microsoft Excel that has the lowest activation energy value. and analysis of fat component changes after storage using GC-MS. The results of the research showed as much as 60% of trained panelists refused oyster mushroom floss on the 147th day. The critical quality of color was L* of 33.2, a* of 18.8, b* of 16, peroxide value of 16.45Meq/kg, free fatty acid value of 0.83 and TBA value of 3.46 mg/kg. The determination of the shelf life using the lowest activation energy value that was TBA parameter amounted to 3134.76 cal/mol with linear regression equation of the plot Arrhenius y = -2005.5x + 1.5173 and the R2 value of 0.908. Shelf life of oyster mushroom floss at a temperature of 25, 27 and 30°C respectively were 515,34; 489,49 and 458,14days. The results of fat analysis using GC-MS on shredded oyster mushrooms before storage were detected 8 fats and after storage the compounds detected were 14 fats. After storage resulted six new compounds that appeared.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 0421100008
Uncontrolled Keywords: Abon Jamur Tiram, Asam Peroksida, ASLT, GC-MS, TBA,oyster mushroom floss, peroxide acid, ASLT, GC-MS, TBA
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.1 Agriculture
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 13 May 2022 07:31
Last Modified: 11 Oct 2024 06:46
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