Pengaruh Sumplementasi L-Arginin Terhadap Kualitas Semen Beku Kambing

Fahlevi, Reza and Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Wahjuningsih, M.Si. and Prof. Dr. Ir. M. Nur Ihsan, MS (2022) Pengaruh Sumplementasi L-Arginin Terhadap Kualitas Semen Beku Kambing. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Spermatozoa pada kambing mengalami kerusakan pada saat proses pembekuan. Masalah yang timbul pada proses pembekuan adalah pengaruh cold shock, cekaman osmotik (osmotic shock), pada sel yang dibekukan yang merusak membran plasma sel sehingga berakibat kematian pada spermatozoa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis pengaruh penambahan suplementasi L-Arginin terhadap kualitas semen beku kambing. Semen yang digunakan sebagai penelitian mempunyai persyaratan motilitas individu minimal 80% dan motilitas massa minimal ++. Semen diencerkan menggunakan Tris aminometan Kuning Telur dengan penambahan L-Arginin, dengan 10 kali penampungan selama penelitian. Semen segar diuji secara makroskopis meliputi warna, bau, volume, konsitensi, dan pH. Sedangkan uji secara mikroskopis meliputi motilitas massa, motilitas individu, viabilitas dan abnormalitas serta dilakukan uji tudung akrosom utuh (TAU) dan total spermatozoa motil (TSM). Penelitian menggunakan metode eksperimental laboratorium dengan 4 perlakuan 10 kali ulangan dan percobaan laboratorium menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL). Perlakuan penelitian ini sebagai berikut : P0: 0mM L-Arginin + Tris aminometan kuning telur, P1: 5mM L-Arginin + Tris aminometan kuning telur, P2: 6mM L-Arginin + Tris aminometan kuning telur,P3: 7mM L-Arginin + Tris aminometan kuning telur. Kesimpulan dari penelitian adalah penambahan L-Arginin P2: 6mM L-Arginin memiliki persentase penambahan L-Arginin lebih baik dibandingan perlakuan lainnya.

English Abstract

Spermatozoa in goats are depleted during the freezing process. The problem that arises in the freezing process is the effect of cold shock, osmotic shock, on frozen cells that damage the plasma membrane of the cells, resulting in the death of spermatozoa. L-Arginine is an antioxidant so that it can inactivate superoxide produced by spermatozoa during the oxygen consumption process. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the addition of L-Arginine supplementation on the quality of frozen goat semen. The semen used in the study had a minimum individual motility requirement of 80% and a minimum mass motility of ++. Semen was diluted using Tris aminomethane Egg Yolk with the addition of L-Arginine, with 10 times holding during the study. Fresh semen was tested macroscopically including color, odor, volume, consistency, and pH. Meanwhile, the microscopic test included mass motility, individual motility, viability and abnormality as well as the intact acrosome hood test and total sperm motility (TSM). The study used a laboratory experimental method with 4 treatments with 10 replications and a laboratory experiment using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The treatment of this study was as follows: P0: 0mM L-Arginine + Tris aminomethane egg yolk, P1: 5mM L-Arginine + Tris aminomethane egg yolk, P2: 6mM L-Arginine + Tris aminomethane egg yolk, P3: 7mM L-Arginine + Tris aminomethane egg yolk. The conclusion of the study is the addition of L-Arginine P2: 6mM L-Arginine has a better percentage of L-Arginine addition than other treatments.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 0422050001
Uncontrolled Keywords: motilitas, viabilitas, abnormalitas, kualitas semen beku kambing, motility, viability, abnormality, Goat frozen semen quality
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 636 Animal husbandry
Divisions: Fakultas Peternakan > Peternakan
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 27 Apr 2022 06:41
Last Modified: 27 Apr 2022 06:41
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