Effect Of Rennet Enzyme And Pineapple Extract (Ananas Comosus) Towards Clotting Time, Ph, Tpc, And Calcium Content In Subclinical Mastitis Milk Undergraduate Thesis

Humairo, Asiah Putri and Prof.Dr.Ir. Lilik Eka, MS (2021) Effect Of Rennet Enzyme And Pineapple Extract (Ananas Comosus) Towards Clotting Time, Ph, Tpc, And Calcium Content In Subclinical Mastitis Milk Undergraduate Thesis. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


This purpose of this research was to observe the effect of rennet enzyme and pineapple extract towards coagulation time, pH, microbial count, and calcium content in subclinical mastitis milk. This research used an experimental method with Nested Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 7 treatments and 2 replications. The treatments were namely T0 (subclinical mastitis milk), T1 (subclinical mastitis milk with 1% of rennet enzyme and 1% of pineapple extract), T2 (subclinical mastitis milk with 2% of rennet enzyme and 2% of pineapple extract), T3 (subclinical mastitis milk with 4% of rennet enzyme and 4% of pineapple extract), T4 (subclinical mastitis milk with 1% of pineapple extract), T5 (subclinical mastitis milk with 2% of pineapple extract), and T6 (subclinical mastitis milk with 4% of pineapple extract). The data obtained are analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and followed by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The result showed that the effect of adding rennet enzyme and pineapple extract towards coagulation time showed significant difference (P<0,01). On pH showed difference (P<0,05) towards the different subclinical mastitis milk used and also showed significant difference (P<0,01) towards treatments. While no difference between milk nor treatments for microbial count. For calcium content between treatments showed significant differences (P<0,01) with increasing amount according to concentrations used for based on each treatment. Suggestions for further research is to know what can effect rennet enzyme and pineapple extract on subclinical mastitis milk towards color changes that can be turned into an indicator.

English Abstract

Milk is a white liquid obtained from milking cows or other mammals that can be consumed or used as a healthy food ingredient. Milk is a source of food that is needed for the growth and development of the body as well as in maintaining a healthy body. Cow's milk is a food that has high nutritional value, such as protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins which are very beneficial for human. Milk is counted as perishable food or easily damaged. The perishable nature of milk makes it necessary to pay attention on how to handle milk before and after milking. One of the causes of low production and quality of milk for dairy cows is from the health aspect, namely the presence of mastitis. Mastitis is a disease caused by various types of bacteria including Streptococcus agalactiae, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. These bacteria attack the udder causing inflammation and damage to the alveoli cells. Based on clinical symptoms, mastitis is classified into 2 types, namely clinical mastitis and sub clinical mastitis. Clinical mastitis is mastitis that shows symptoms through abnormalities in the physical quality of the milk, swelling of the udder, udder that is hot when touched, reddish udder color, decreased appetite and cattle that look uncomfortable or painful when milked. Meanwhile, sub clinical mastitis does not show any detectable symptoms such as no visible abnormalities in the physical milk or udder. The purpose of this research was to determine the percentage of rennet enzyme and pineapple extract added to show which have a significant effect on subclinical mastitis milk on pH, clotting rate, the number of microbes and calcium content. The method used was experimental research with the basic principles of making cheese is to agglomerate milk. Data obtained from direct observation. Data processing used the experimental method nested completely randomized design (CRD) with 2 types of subclinical mastitis milk, 7 treatments and 2 replications and continued by Duncan’s Multiple Range Test if there was any significant difference. The variables tested included pH, coagulation time, Total Plate Count (TPC) and calcium levels. The treatments used were rennet enzyme and pineapple extract given with specific concentration according to the treatments. The result showed that the subclinical mastitis milk given treatments had highly significant effect (P < 0,01) on coagulation time, pH value and calcium content. Microbial count using Total Plate Count (TPC) method in treated milk showed a non – significant result. Suggestion for further research, to know the detailed reaction on how the rennet enzyme and pineapple extract affect the subclinical mastitis milk.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0521050281
Uncontrolled Keywords: subclinical mastitis, pH, TPC, clotting, rennet enzyme, pineapple extract
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 636 Animal husbandry
Divisions: Fakultas Peternakan > Peternakan
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 26 Jan 2022 01:50
Last Modified: 25 Feb 2022 00:54
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/188857
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