Performans Produksi, Profil Hormon Reproduksi dan Sex Rasio Anak, setelah Induksi Hormon Progesteron pada Induk Ayam Arab

Iswati, - and Prof. Dr. Ir. Trinil Susilawati,, MS., IPU., ASEAN Eng. and Prof. Dr. Ir. Gatot Ciptadi,, DESS., IPU., ASEAN Eng. and Prof. Dr. Ir. M. Halim Natsir,, S.Pt., MP., IPM., ASEAN Eng. (2021) Performans Produksi, Profil Hormon Reproduksi dan Sex Rasio Anak, setelah Induksi Hormon Progesteron pada Induk Ayam Arab. Doctor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh induksi hormon progesteron pada induk ayam arab terhadap performans produksi, profil hormon reproduksi dan sex rasio anak ayam arab. Materi penelitian adalah 3 ekor pejantan ayam arab dan 60 ekor induk ayam arab. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode experimental dengan Rancangan Acak lengkap terdiri dari 3 perlakuan 10 ulangan. Perlakuan dosis hormon Progesteron meliputi: 1) Po: tanpa injeksi (kontrol); 2) P1: injeksi progesteron 1mg/ekor dan 3); P2: Progesteron 2 mg/ekor. Variabel yang diamati adalah produksi telur, kualitas telur, fertilitas, daya hidup embrio, daya tetas, konsentrasi hormon progesteron dan Luteinizing Hormon dalam darah, sex rasio anak ayam, dan konfirmasi sexing molekuler. Data dianalisis dengan analisis deskriptif, analisis of variant dan uji chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa injeksi progesteron tidak berbeda nyata (P>0,05) terhadap produksi telur ayam arab pada saat awal perlakuan dan menunjukkan pengaruh yang nyata pada minggu ke 2 dan ke 6 setelah perlakuan. Injeksi hormon progesteron tidak berpengaruh nyata pada kualitas eksterior telur (P>0,05). Rasio jenis kelamin anak ayam betina terhadap jantan pada P0 (1,2:1) dan P1 (1,1:1) dengan persentase anak betina masing-masing 54,74% dan 53,33%, sedangkan P2 (1,7:1) menghasilkan anak betina 62,92%. Kadar hormon progesteron dalam darah berbeda nyata (P<0,05) setelah injeksi hormone progesteron. Kadar hormon LH dalam darah tidak berbeda nyata pada semua perlakuan (P>0.5). Sexing molekuler menggunakan teknik Polymerase Chain Reaction dengan gen Chromodomain Helicase DNA binding protein, primer 2550F-2718R, menunjukkan fragmen gen Chromodomain Helicase DNA pada kromosom Z dengan panjang fragment 547,1 - 598,5 bp dan fragmen gen Chromodomain Helicase DNA pada kromosom W dengan panjang fragment 442,4 - 443,0 bp. Disimpulkan bahwa Injeksi hormon progesteron pada induk ayam arab pada fase produksi menyebabkan variasi puncak produksi. Konsentrasi hormon progesteron dalam darah induk ayam mengalami peningkatan pasca induksi hormone progesteron menyebabkan feedback positif terhadap konsentrasi LH. Induksi hormon progesteron dengan dosis 2mg/ekor menghasilkan keturunan betina tertinggi sebagai peluang manipulasi sex rasio anak ayam arab. Diperlukan penelitian lebih lanjut tentang pengaruh induksi hormon progesteron dengan dosis dan modifikasi skema waktu injeksi agar tetap berdampak positif pada produktivitas ayam dan perlunya evaluasi terhadap kematian embrio spesifik jenis kelamin.

English Abstract

This study aims to analyze the effect of progesterone induction in Arabic hens on production performance, reproductive hormone profile and sex ratio of Arabic chicks. The study utilized on three male Arabic chickens and sixty Arabic hens. The method used was an experimental with a completely randomized design consisting of 3 treatments of 10 replications. Progesterone hormone dosage treatments include: 1) P0: without injection (control); 2) P1: progesterone injection 1 mg/hens and 3); P2: Progesterone 2 mg/hen.The variables observed were egg production, egg quality, fertility, embryo viability, hatchability, concentration of the hormones progesterone and Luteinizing Hormone in the blood, sex ratio of chicks, and confirmation of molecular sexing. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis, analysis of variant and chi-square test. The results showed that progesterone injection was not significantly different (P> 0.05) on the production of Arabic chicken eggs at the beginning of the treatment and showed a significant effect at the second and sixth week after treatment. Progesterone injection had no significant effect on the exterior quality of eggs (P> 0.05). The sex ratio of female chicks to male chicks was at P0 (1.2: 1) and P1 (1.1: 1) with the percentage of female chicks 54.74% and 53.33%, respectively, while P2 (1.7: 1) produced 62,92% female chicks. Progesterone levels in the blood were significantly different (P <0.05) after injection of the hormone Progesterone. LH hormone levels in the blood were not significantly different in all treatments (P> 0.5). Molecular sexing used the Polymerase Chain Reaction technique with the DNA-binding protein Chromodomain Helicase gene, primary 2550F-2718R, showed that the Chromodomain Helicase DNA gene on chromosome Z has a fragment length of 547.1 - 598.5 bp and the Chromodomain Helicase DNA gene on chromosome W has a fragment length of 442.4 - 443.0 bp. It was concluded that the injection of the progesterone hormone in Arabic hens during the production phase caused variations in the peak production. The concentration of the progesterone hormone increased after induction causing a positive feedback on the LH concentration. Induction of the hormone progesterone at a dose of 2mg/hen produced the highest female offspring as an opportunity to manipulate the sex ratio of Arabic chicks. Further research is needed on the effect of induction of the hormone progesterone by dosage and modification of the injection timing scheme in order to maintain a positive impact on chicken productivity and it is necessary to evaluate of sex-specific embryo mortality.

Item Type: Thesis (Doctor)
Identification Number: 062105
Uncontrolled Keywords: kromosom sex, Luteinizing Hormone, manipualsi sex rasio,sex chromosomes, Luteinizing Hormone, sex ratio manipulation
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 636 Animal husbandry
Divisions: S2/S3 > Doktor Ilmu Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 11 Jan 2022 01:26
Last Modified: 22 Feb 2022 03:54
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2023.

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