Traffic noise level assessment in the residential area around different road functions in malang city, East Java, Indonesia

N. Tjahjono, - (2021) Traffic noise level assessment in the residential area around different road functions in malang city, East Java, Indonesia. Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology, 9 (3).


Noise due to motorized vehicles is a major problem in urban areas which can interfere with physiological and psychological health. This study aims to determine the extent of noise levels outside and inside the house around the function of different roads in Malang City, East Java, Indonesia. The study was conducted by measuring the traffic noise level using a sound level meter. Measurements were taken in the afternoon between 16.00-21.00 during the peak of heavy traffic and outside working hours when residents were already at home. Statistical Student’s t-test analysis was used to test differences in the average noise level outside and inside the house on each road function. Variance analysis was used to compare noise levels around primary arterial roads, secondary arteries, primary collectors, secondary collectors, primary local, and secondary local. From the measurement results, it is known that the noise due to motorized vehicles is 84.28 dB on average. This exceeds the threshold based on the Decree of the State Minister for the Environment Number 48 of 1996. There was a significant difference in noise level between outside and inside the house on each road function. There was no significant difference in noise level between the functions of the road segments both outside and inside the house. The results of the study concluded that the traffic noise level at 16:00 to 21:00 hours on all roads that were targeted for research exceeds the national threshold. It is recommended that the level of traffic noise around roads in the city of Malang can be reduced to minimize the negative impact on physiological and psychological health.

English Abstract

Noise due to motorized vehicles is a major problem in urban areas which can interfere with physiological and psychological health. This study aims to determine the extent of noise levels outside and inside the house around the function of different roads in Malang City, East Java, Indonesia. The study was conducted by measuring the traffic noise level using a sound level meter. Measurements were taken in the afternoon between 16.00-21.00 during the peak of heavy traffic and outside working hours when residents were already at home. Statistical Student’s t-test analysis was used to test differences in the average noise level outside and inside the house on each road function. Variance analysis was used to compare noise levels around primary arterial roads, secondary arteries, primary collectors, secondary collectors, primary local, and secondary local. From the measurement results, it is known that the noise due to motorized vehicles is 84.28 dB on average. This exceeds the threshold based on the Decree of the State Minister for the Environment Number 48 of 1996. There was a significant difference in noise level between outside and inside the house on each road function. There was no significant difference in noise level between the functions of the road segments both outside and inside the house. The results of the study concluded that the traffic noise level at 16:00 to 21:00 hours on all roads that were targeted for research exceeds the national threshold. It is recommended that the level of traffic noise around roads in the city of Malang can be reduced to minimize the negative impact on physiological and psychological health.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: National threshold, noise level, road function, traffic noise
Depositing User: Pitoyo Widhi Atmoko
Date Deposited: 12 Jan 2022 03:48
Last Modified: 12 Jan 2022 03:48
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