Usulan Pengurangan Waste Pada Proses Produksi Kaos Dengan Pendekatan Lean Manufacturing (Studi Kasus: PT. Magnum Attack Indonesia)

Hartati Tarigan, Siska (2021) Usulan Pengurangan Waste Pada Proses Produksi Kaos Dengan Pendekatan Lean Manufacturing (Studi Kasus: PT. Magnum Attack Indonesia). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


PT. Magnum Attack Indonesia merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang industri garmen dengan sistem make to order. Pada perusahaan masih terjadi keterlambatan pemenuhan order produk kaos disebabkan adanya beberapa jenis waste pada proses produksinya. Untuk mereduksi waste tersebut digunakan beberapa tools dalam lean manufacturing. VSM berfungsi untuk menggambarkan current state mapping dan diperoleh hasil identifikasi waste sebesar 3067,99 detik. Adapun jenis waste yang terjadi yaitu unnecessary inventory, transportation, waiting, unnecessary motion, deffect dan inappropriate processing. Pemetaan seluruh aktivitas produksi dengan detail dibuat menggunakan PAM. Analisa akar penyebab waste dilakukan menggunakan 5 whys dan fishbone diagram. Usulan perbaikan diberikan berdasarkan hasil analisa akar penyebab waste yaitu penggunaan red tag; membuat shadow board, seiso checklist sheet, poster 5S dan 5S audit checklist and report; melakukan maintenance yang tepat serta melakukan pelatihan pekerja di perusahaan. Dari penggambaran fututre state mapping (FSM) diketahui selisih lead time sebelum dan sesudah perbaikan sebesar 172,16 detik.

English Abstract

PT. Magnum Attack Indonesia or also known as Mack Garment is a company that engaged in the garment industry that produces various types of garments with various models according to customer orders. At this company, there are still delays in the arrival of t-shirt product orders which are indicated because of some types of waste (waste) that occur in the production process that need to be reduced. Therefore, research is needed to identify waste, analyze the root causes of waste and provide improvements to reduce the waste. This research uses a lean manufacturing approach to reduce waste that occurs in the tshirt production process at PT. Magnum Attack Indonesia. Several tools in lean manufacturing are used in this research, starting from the value stream mapping (VSM) tools to describe the current state mapping which is then used to identify waste in the t-shirt production process flow. Then proceed with mapping all production activities in detail using process activity mapping (PAM). After that, an analysis of the root causes of waste is carried out using the 5 whys tools and fishbone diagrams. The last step is to propose improvements to reduce the waste that occurs so that the production process can run effectively and efficiently and then the future state mapping (FSM) prediction is described to determine the flow of the production process after the improvements. The results of this research indicate that from the analysis of current state mapping found waste of unnecessary inventory, transportation, waiting, unnecessary motion, defects and inappropriate processing caused by the lack of supervision, the absence of 5S programs, job training is still rarely done and there is no scheduling for machine maintenance. Based on the results of process activity mapping (PAM), there were 1462.57 seconds of value added activities (VA); 192.16 seconds of necessary but non-value added activities (NNVA) and 4444.40 seconds of non-value added activities (NVA). The proposed improvement are implementing 5S in the production area, starting from using red tags to sort all tools and materials at each work station, using labels on storage racks and shadow boards at each work station, for example at cutting work stations to store patterns and tools used during the cutting process and shadow boards to store cleaning equipment, using seiso checklist sheets to control cleanliness in production areas, using 5S posters to encourage workers to cultivate 5S in production areas and using 5S audit checklists and reports to monitor the progress of 5S implementation in production areas; perform proper machines maintenance that used in the t-shirt production process and conduct training to workers in the company. Then the prediction of future state mapping is described based on the proposed improvements that have been given to find out the results after the improvements and the results is the production lead time reduced from 6099.13 seconds to 5926.97 seconds.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 670
Uncontrolled Keywords: Proses Produksi Kaos, Reduksi Waste, Lean Manufacturing, Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Process Activity Mapping (PAM), 5 Whys, Fishbone Diagram, T-shirt Production Process, Waste Reduction, Lean Manufacturing, Value Stream Mapping (VSM), Process Activity Mapping (PAM), 5 Whys, Fishbone Diagram.
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 670 Manufacturing
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Industri
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email gaby
Date Deposited: 22 Oct 2021 08:38
Last Modified: 24 Feb 2022 04:30
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2023.

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