
"Perubahan morfologi, anatomi, fisiologi dan biokimia pada umbi porang selama periode pascapanen berdampak pada kualitas umbi. Karakter morfologi, anatomi, fisiologi dan biokimia selama masa dormansi hingga muncul tunas pada umbi sangat penting dipelajari untuk menentukan waktu setelah panen yang tepat untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan makanan, obat-obatan, dan kosmetik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) menganalisis karakter morfologi, anatomi, fisiologi dan biokimia pada umbi porang selama periode dormansi hingga muncul tunas, 2) menganalisis hubungan antara karakter morfologi, anatomi, fisiologi dan biokimia pada umbi porang selama periode dormansi hingga muncul tunas, 3) menentukan kualitas umbi porang terbaik berdasarkan karakter morfologi, anatomi, fisiologi dan biokimia selama periode dormansi hingga munculnya tunas untuk bahan makanan, obat-obatan dan kosmetik, dan 4) merumuskan rekomendasi strategi untuk memperoleh umbi yang berkualitas baik untuk keperluan pangan, obat-obatan dan kosmetik. Sampel umbi porang yang digunakan pada penelitian ini berasal dari tanaman periode tumbuh ketiga yang diperoleh dari sentra porang di Desa Rejosari, Bantur, Malang Jawa Timur. Umbi yang telah dipanen diletakkan di rak bambu pada ruangan dengan suhu 23-30°C dan kelembapan 49-69%. Hari pertama panen ditetapkan sebagai umur umbi 0 minggu setelah panen (MSP). Karakter morfologi (susut bobot, keliling, tebal, tinggi tunas, persentase umbi yang bertunas, dan kekerasan umbi) diamati dan diukur setiap dua minggu sekali selama 20 minggu Karakter anatomi (tinggi meristem, persentase umbi yang membentuk shoot apical meristem (SAM), kerapatan kantung glukomannan (KG), kerapatan kantung glukomannan kosong (KGK), kerapatan kantung glukomannan berisi (KGB), persentase KGB, dan KGK, serta indeks lignifikasi sel diamati dengan mikroskop binokuler mengunakan preparat semipermanen. Karakter fisiologi dan biokimia ABA dan GA, serta komponen karbohidrat dianalisis dengan HPLC, sedangkan fitokimia dianalisis dengan LCMS, dan kandungan air dengan metode gravimetri. Perkembangan tunas apikal, pengosongan KG, lignifikasi sel disajikan dalam bentuk gambar morfologi dan anatomi yang dianalisis secara deskriptif, sedangkan data kuantitatif persentase umbi yang membentuk SAM, tinggi meristem, persentase umbi yang bertunas, tinggi tunas apikal, susut bobot, tebal, keliling, kekerasan, kandungan air, level ABA dan GA endogen, serta komponen karbohidrat dianalisis dengan uji one-way ANOVA yang dilanjutkan dengan uji Tukey pada α= 0,05. Hubungan antara karakter dianalisis dengan WarpPLS 0.7. Beberapa karakter yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap periode dormansi hingga muncul tunas dianalisis menggunakan Pricipal Component Analysis (PCA) Biplot dan Cluster dengan program Palaentological Statistics (PAST) untuk mengelompokkan umur berdasarkan karakter. Analisis Gap digunakan untuk menyusun strategi dalam menentukan waktu pengolah umbi untuk keperluan pangan, obat-obatan dan kosmetik berdasarkan karakter-karakter yang diamati. Karakter morfologi, anatomi, fisiologi dan biokimia pada umbi porang selama periode dormansi hingga muncul tunas mengalami beberapa perubahan. Pada awal periode dormansi (0 MSP) tunas belum muncul di permukaan umbi, namun sel meristem telah terdiferensiasi dan terus tumbuh hingga terbentuk SAM pada 6 MSP. Pada 12 MSP semua umbi (100%) telah membentuk SAM dan tunas mulai muncul ke permukaan umbi. Pada 18 MSP semua umbi (100%) telah muncul tunas yang diikuti dengan peningkatan tinggi tunas mencapai 20,83 ± 7,55 mm pada 20 MSP. Pada saat tunas belum muncul level glukomanan dalam jumlah tinggi yang disertai dengan kerapatan dan persentase KGB tinggi, sedangkan kerapatan dan persentase KGK rendah. Komponen karbohidrat selain glukomanan, yaitu manan, trehalosa, xilosa, rhamnosa, dan arabinosa tinggi, sedangkan glukosa, manosa dan galaktosa rendah. Kandungan air tinggi yang disertai dengan penyusutan umbi (bobot, keliling dan tebal) yang rendah. Indeks lignifikasi yang rendah disertai dengan kekerasan umbi yang rendah. Level ABA endogen terdeteksi tinggi pada periode awal dormansi, sedangkan GA endogen rendah. Pada saat tunas mulai muncul level glukomanan menurun yang disertai dengan kerapatan dan persentase KGB menurun, sedangkan kerapatan dan persentase KGK tinggi. Komponen karbohidrat selain glukomanan, yaitu manosa, trehalosa, xilosa, rhamnosa, dan arabinosa rendah, sedangkan glukosa, manosa, dan galaktosa tinggi. Kandungan air yang rendah disertai dengan penyusutan umbi (bobot, keliling dan tebal) yang tinggi. Indeks lignifikasi yang meningkat disertai dengan kekerasan umbi yang tinggi. Level ABA endogen terdeteksi rendah pada periode muncul tunas, sedangkan GA endogen tinggi. Umur umbi setelah panen yang semakin meningkat berpengaruh terhadap perubahan karakter morfologi, anatomi, fisiologi dan biokimia pada umbi porang selama periode dormansi hingga muncul tunas. Morfologi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap karakter anatomi dan kedua karakter tersebut berpengaruh signifikan terhadap fisiologi dan biokimia. Berdasarkan nilai koefisien jalur, semua karakter berkorelasi positif. Peningkatan karakter morfologi (susut bobot, keliling, ketebalan, persentase umbi yang bertunas, tinggi tunas, dan kekerasan umbi), diikuti dengan peningkatan karakter anatomi (tinggi meristem, persentase umbi yang membentuk SAM, kerapatan KGT, kerapatan dan persentase KGK, dan indeks lignifikasi sel) dan penurunan kerapatan dan persentase KGB. Perubahan karakter fisiologis dan biokimia ditandai dengan penurunan level ABA dan kandungan air, sedangkan level GA endogen (GA20, GA5, dan GA3) meningkat. Peningkatan umur umbi selama dormansi hingga muncul tunas diikuti oleh peningkatan komponen karbohidrat yang meliputi glukosa, galaktosa, dan manosa, tetapi xilosa, rhamnosa, manan, dan glukomanan menurun. Perubahan yang terjadi karena adanya perubahan tahapan perkembangan dan aktivitas metabolisme Analisis cluster dengan indeks Euclidean pada umbi porang selama periode dormansi hingga muncul tunas menunjukkan 3 cluster, yaitu cluster 1 (umbi umur 4-10 MSP), cluster (umbi umur 0, 2, 12, dan 14 MSP), dan cluster 3 (umbi umur 16-20 MSP). Umbi umur 4-10 MSP berkualitas tinggi, umbi umur 0, 2, 12, dan 14 MSP berkualitas sedang dan umbi umur 16-20 MSP berkualitas rendah. Umbi yang direkomendasikan untuk memenuhi keperluan industri pangan, obat-obatan dan kosmetik adalah umbi pada cluster 1 dan 2 (0-14 MSP), karena kedua cluster tersebut masing-masing memiliki level glukomanan dengan kriteria tinggi dan sedang, sedangkan pada cluster 3 memiliki level glukomanan dengan kriteria rendah. Analisis Gap menunjukkan adanya kesenjangan antara kualitas umbi porang pada umur panen dengan ketetapan SNI 7938; 2013 berdasarkan karakter morfologi, anatomi, fisiologi dan biokimia. Pada 12 MSP umbi mulai muncul tunas dengan tinggi 1,67 mm yang menandakan tidak terpenuhinya persyaratan khusus, tetapi pada umur tersebut kandungan glukomanan masih tinggi hingga 14 MSP dengan tinggi tunas 3,33 mm. Pada 16-20 MSP umbi porang termasuk kategori kualitas rendah karena selain mengalami peningkatan susut bobot, kekerasan, tinggi tunas, dan indeks lignifikasi sel, juga mengalami penurunan kandungan air dan glukomanan ≥7% yang menandakan tidak terpenuhinya persyaratan khusus pada kelas mutu I, II, dan III. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, rekomendasi penanganan pascapanen yang tepat yaitu pengolahan umbi untuk keperluan industri pangan, obat-obatan dan kosmetik dilakukan tidak lebih dari 14 MSP atau saat tinggi tunas tidak lebih dari 3,33 mm, ketika umbi memiliki kandungan glukomanan tinggi. "

English Abstract

EVALUATION OF THE QUALITY OF PORANG CORMS (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) DURING THE DORMANCY PERIOD TO SPROUTING BASED ON MORPHOLOGICAL, ANATOMICAL, PHYSIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS Dwi Gusmalawati, Estri Laras Arumingtyas, Rodiyati Azrianingsih, Retno Mastuti Brawijaya University Postgraduate Program 2021 Changes in morphology, anatomy, physiology and biochemistry of porang corms during post-harvest period have an impact on corm quality. Morphological, anatomical, physiological and biochemical characters during the dormancy period until shoots emerging on corms were very important to study in order to determine the appropiate harvesting time for corms to use as food, medicine, and cosmetics. This study aimed to: 1) analyze the morphological, anatomical, physiological and biochemical characters of porang corms during the dormancy period until shoots appear, 2) analyze the relationship between morphological, anatomical, physiological and biochemical characters in porang corms during the dormancy period until shoots appear, 3) determine the best quality of porang corms based on morphological, anatomical, physiological and biochemical characters during the dormancy period until shoots emergence for food, medicine and cosmetics, and 4) formulate srategic recomendations to obtain good quality corms as food, medicine and cosmetics purposes. The porang corm samples used in this study came from the third growing period of porang plant from the porang center in Rejosari Village, Bantur, Malang, East Java. The harvested corms were placed on bamboo a rack in a room with a temperature of 23-30°C and a humidity of 49-69%. The first day of harvest was determined as corm age 0 weeks after harvest (WAH). Morphological characters (weight loss, circumference, thickness, shoot height, percentage of sprouted corms, and corm hardness) were observed and measured every two weeks for 20 weeks. Anatomical characters (meristem height, percentage of corms that formed shoot apical meristem (SAM), density glucomannan sac (KG), density of empty glucomannan sac (KGK), density of filled glucomannan sac (KGB), percentage of KGB, and KGK, as well as cell lignification index were observed under binocular microscope using semipermanent preparations. Physiological and biochemical characters ABA and GA, and carbohydrate components were analyzed by HPLC, while the phytochemicals contents were analyzed by LCMS, and the water content was analyzed by gravimetric method. Apical bud development, KG clearance, cell lignification were presented in the form of morphological and anatomical images which were analyzed descriptively, while quantitative data on percentage of corms that formed SAM, meristem height, percentage of corms that sprouted, apical shoot height, weight loss, thickness, circumference, hardness, water content, levels of endogenous ABA and GA, and carbohydrate components were analyzed by one-way ANOVA test followed by Tukey's test at = 0.05. The relationship between characters was analyzed by WarpPLS 0.7. Several characters that had a significant effect on the dormancy period until the shoots emergence were analyzed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) Biplot and Cluster with Palaentological Statistics (PAST) program to classify age based on characters. Gap analysis was used to develop strategies in determining the right time for processing the corms for needs of food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries based on the characters observed. The morphological, anatomical, physiological and biochemical characters in porang corms during the dormancy period until the shoots emergence underwent several changes. At the beginning of the dormancy period (0 WAH) shoots had not yet appeared on the corm surface, but the meristem cells had differentiated and continued to grow until SAM was formed at 6 WAH. At 12 WAH all corms (100%) had formed SAM and shoots began to emergence on the corm surface. ix At 18 WAH all corms (100%) had sprouted, followed by an increase in shoot height reaching 20.83 ± 7.55 mm at 20 WAH. At the time of sprouting, the level of glucomannan were accompanied by a high density and percentage of KGB, while the density and percentage of KGK were low. The amount of carbohydrate components other than glucomannan, namely manan, trehalose, xylose, rhamnose, and arabinose were high, while glucose, mannose and galactose were still low. High water content accompanied by low corm shrinkage (weight, circumference and thickness). A high lignification index was accompanied by high corm hardness. High endogenous ABA levels were detected in the early period of dormancy, while endogenous GA levels were low. When the shoots started to emergence, the glucomannan level decreased, accompanied by a decrease in the density and percentage of KGB, while the density and percentage of KGK were high. The amount of carbohydrate components other than glucomannan, namely mannose, trehalose, xylose, rhamnose, and arabinose were low, while glucose, mannose, and galactose were high. The low water content was accompanied by high corm shrinkage (weight, circumference and thickness). The increased lignification index was accompanied by high corm hardness. The level of endogenous ABA was detected to be low in the period of sprouting, while the endogenous GA was high. The increasing age of corms after harvest has an effect on changes in the morphological, anatomical, physiological and biochemical characters of porang corms during the dormancy period until shoots emergence. Morphological have a significant effect on anatomical characters and in turned both character have a significant effect to the physiology and biochemistry. Based on the path coefficient values, all characters were positively correlated. The increase of morphological characters (weight loss, circumference, thickness, percentage of corms that sprouted, sprout height, and corm hardness), were followed by the increse of anatomical characters (meristem height, percentage of corms that make up SAM, KGT density, density and percentage of KGK, and index cell lignification) and the decrease of density and percentage of KGB. Changes in physiological and biochemical characters were characterized by decreased of ABA levels and water content, while endogenous GA levels (GA20, GA5, and GA3) increased. The increase of corms age during dormancy was followed by the incraese of the carbohydrate components including glucose, galactose, and mannose, but xylose, rhamnose, mannan, and glucomannan decreased. The changes that occur were due to the changes in the stages of development and metabolic activity. The cluster analysis with Euclidean index on porang corms during the dormancy period until shoots emergence, shows 3 clusters, namely cluster 1 (corms aged 4-10 WAH), cluster (corms aged 0, 2, 12, and 14 WAH), and cluster 3 (corms 16-20 WAH). Corms aged 4-10 WAH were of high quality, corms aged 0, 2, 12, and 14 WAH were of medium quality and corms aged 16-20 WAH were of low quality. The corms aged 0-14 WAH were recommended for the food, medicine and cosmetic industries. Corms that were recommended for the food, medicine and cosmetic industry were corms in clusters 1 and 2 (0-14 WAH), because both clusters have glucomannan levels with high and medium criteria, respectively while in cluster 3 they have glucomannan levels with low criteria. Gap analysis results to determine the quality of corms at the right harvest age with the provisions of SNI 7938: 2013 based on the morphological, anatomical, physiological and biochemical characters. At 12 WAH, shoots began to emergence with a height of 1.67 mm which indicated that special requirements were not filfilled, but at that age the glucomannan content was still high up to 14 WAH with a shoot height of 3.33 mm. At 16-20 WAH, porang corms were categorized as low quality because apart from increasing weight loss, hardness, sprout height, and cell lignification index, they also experienced a decrease in water and glucomannan content of 7% which indicated that special requirements were not fulfilled the quality classes I, II and III. Based on this, it was recommended that corm processing should be carried out at the harvest age not more than 14 WAH or when the height of shoot was not more than 3.33 mm, when the corms have a high glucomannan content.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Doctor)
Identification Number: 570
Uncontrolled Keywords: --
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 570 Biology
Divisions: S2/S3 > Doktor Biologi, Fakultas MIPA
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username verry
Date Deposited: 22 Oct 2021 03:37
Last Modified: 24 Feb 2022 01:57
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/184923
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2023.

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