Rancang Bangun Sistem Pintu Masuk Sampah Otomatis pada Smart Trash Compactor di Rumah Tangga Dengan Kontrol PID

Adhi Baskara, Faridzky (2021) Rancang Bangun Sistem Pintu Masuk Sampah Otomatis pada Smart Trash Compactor di Rumah Tangga Dengan Kontrol PID. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Sistem pengelolaan limbah padat yang efektif dan efisien sangat diperlukan untuk menjaga lingkungan kita tetap bersih. Dalam rangka mengurangi timbunan sampah dapat dilakukan dengan cara memadatkan volume sampah sehingga dapat dengan mudah dikelola oleh penyedia layanan pengumpulan sampah. Oleh sebab itu smart trash compactor dibuat dengan tujuan memadatkan volume sampah. Motor DC Servo yang terletak pada sistem smart trash compactor digunakan sebagai actuator pintu masuk sampah. Pengendalian posisi motor DC Servo menggunakan kontroler PID dengan metode hand tuning untuk membandingkan hasil dari sistem tanpa kontroler dan sistem dengan kontroler. Didapatkan nilai Kp = 8.78, Ki = 6.3, dan Kd = 0.984 dengan metode hand tuning tanpa beban didapatkan nilai settling time = 0.6 detik, rise time 0.6 detik dan tidak ada overshoot. Untuk metode hand tuning dengan beban menghasilkan overshoot dan respon yang lebih lambat dibandingkan tanpa beban. Sistem ini juga diuji dengan dua cara, yaitu sistem tanpa diberi gangguan dan sistem diberi gangguan untuk melihat respon sistem terhadap gangguan. Hasil dari respon sistem yang diberi gangguan tidak dapat mereduksi gangguan yang diberikan sehingga sistem mengalami penurunan performansi. Kata kunci – Motor DC Servo, Kontroler PID, Pengendalian Posisi Motor, Hand Tuning.

English Abstract

Faridzky Adhi Baskara, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Brawijaya University, June 2021, Design of Automatic Trash Entrance System on Smart Trash Compactors in Households with PID Controller, Supervisor 1: Muhammad Aziz Muslim, ST., MT., Ph.D, Supervisor 2: Rahmadwati, ST., MT., Ph.D. An effective and efficient solid waste management system is necessary to keep our environment clean. In order to reduce waste piles, it can be done by compacting the volume of waste so that it can be easily managed by waste collection service providers. Therefore the smart trash compactor is made with the aim of compacting the volume of waste. The DC Servo motor located in the smart trash compactor system is used as the garbage entrance actuator. Control the position of the DC Servo motor using a PID controller with a hand tuning method to compare the results of the system without control and the system with a controller. The values obtained for Kp = 8.78, Ki = 6.3, and Kd = 0.984 with the hand tuning method. Meanwhile, after testing with the no-load hand tuning method, the value of settling time = 0.6 seconds, rise time is 0.6 seconds and there is no overshoot. For the hand tuning method with a load, it produces an overshoot and a slower response than without a load. This system was also tested in two ways, the first one is the system was not disturbed and the second one is the system was disturbed to see the system's response to the disturbance. The results of the system response which is given a disturbance cannot reduce the disturbance given so that the system experiences a decrease in performance. Keywords - DC Servo Motor, PID Controller, Motor Position Control, Hand Tuning

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 621.381
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata kunci – Motor DC Servo, Kontroler PID, Pengendalian Posisi Motor, Hand Tuning--DC Servo Motor, PID Controller, Motor Position Control, Hand Tuning
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 621 Applied physics > 621.3 Electrical, magnetic, optical, communications, computer engineering; electronics, lighting > 621.38 Electronics, communications engineering > 621.381 Electronics
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email gaby
Date Deposited: 20 Oct 2021 06:01
Last Modified: 23 Feb 2022 01:18
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/184322
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2023.

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