Najwa Alkhaqqi, Defryzanursy (2021) TINGKAT KEHILANGAN AIR AKIBAT KEHILANGAN FISIK DAN NON-FISIK DI KOTA MALANG. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tingkat kehilangan air menurut neraca air PDAM Kota Malang Tahun 2018 sebesar 20,31% dengan kehilangan air non-fisik sebesar 7,08% dan kehilangan air fisik sebesar 13,23%. Persentase kehilangan air kota Malang sudah dibawah standar kehilangan air berdasarkan Permen PU Nomor 20/PRT/M/2006 sebesar 20% tetapi angka tersebut belum memenuhi target Kehilangan Air Kota Malang sebesar 15% untuk kehilangan air fisik dan untuk kehilangan nonfisik diminimalkan sampai mendekati nol menurut Peraturan Walikota Malang Nomor 7 Tahun 2014. PDAM Kota Malang telah melakukan upaya untuk menurunkan tingkat kehilangan air, salah satunya dengan cara menerapkan sistem distribusi air berdasarkan District Metering Area (DMA). DMA merupakan area tertentu dalam sistem distribusi yang umumnya dibangun dari penutup katup sehingga terisolasi sempurna sehingga air yang memasuki dan keluar dari area diukur melalui meter induk (BPPSPAM, 2008). Dari seluruh DMA yang ada di Kota Malang, belum seluruhnya ada sarana untuk penurunan kehilangan air. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat kehilangan air dengan cara mengukur tingkat akurasi meter pelanggan yang bertujuan untuk menganalisis penyimpangan pengukuran volume air yang terjadi sehingga diketahui besar kerugian PDAM akibat kehilangan air tersebut. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah survei primer dan survei sekunder. Survei primer dilakukan dengan cara mengukur ketidakakuratan meter pelanggan, sedangkan survei sekunder dilakukan dengan cara meminta data kepada PDAM Kota Malang. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah Kehilangan air komersial, Analisis Kehilangan Air Menggunakan Tabel Neraca Air, Infrastructure Leakage Index (ILI) dan Analisis Kerugian Finansial Akibat Kehilangan Air. Hasil dari analisis yang telah dilakukan, dari 11 DMA yang dijadikan wilayah studi penelitian seluruhnya masih ada meter air pelanggan yang tidak akurat dan umur meter air yang diatas 5 tahun. Volume kehilangan air paling tinggi berada di DMA BL 1 sedangkan volume kehilangan air paling rendah berada di DMA Bangkon 3D2. Sedangkan untuk hasil analisis Infrastructure Leakage Index (ILI),DMA yang memilikinilai ILI terbesar berda di DMA BL 1 dan DMA yang memiliki nilai ILI paling rendah berada di DMA Buring 2E-2. DMA yang memiliki kerugian paling banyak berada di DMA BL 1 dan DMA yang memiliki kerugian paling sedikit berada di DMA Bangkon 3D2.

English Abstract

The level of water loss according to the water balance of PDAM Malang City in 2018 is 20.31% with a non-physical water loss of 7.08% and physical water loss of 13.23%. The percentage of water loss in Malang is already below the water loss standard based on the Minister of Public Works No. 20/PRT/M/2006 of 20% but this figure has not met the target of 15% for water loss in Malang for physical water loss and for non-physical losses to be minimized to near zero Malang Mayor Regulation Number 7 of 2014. PDAM Malang City has made efforts to reduce the level of water loss, one of which is by implementing a water distribution system based on the District Metering Area (DMA). DMA is a certain area in the distribution system which is generally built from the valve cover so that it is perfectly isolated so that water entering and leaving the area is measured through the main meter (BPPSPAM, 2008). Of all DMAs in Malang City, not all of them have facilities to reduce water loss. This study was conducted to determine the level of water loss by measuring the level of accuracy of the customer meter which aims to analyze the deviation of the water volume measurement that occurs so that it is known that the PDAM's losses due to water loss are known. The data collection methods used in the study were primary surveys and secondary surveys. The primary survey was conducted by measuring the inaccuracy of the customer meter, while the second survey was conducted by requesting data from PDAM Malang City. The analytical methods used in this research are commercial water loss, Water Loss Analysis Using Water Balance Tables, Infrastructure Leakage Index (ILI), and Financial Loss Analysis Due to Water Loss. The results of the analysis that have been carried out, of the 11 DMAs used as research study areas, there are still customer water meters that are inaccurate and the age of the water meter is more than 5 years. The highest volume of water loss is in DMA BL 1 while the lowest volume of water loss is in DMA Bangkon 3D2. As for the results of the Infrastructure Leakage Index (ILI) analysis, the DMA which has the largest ILI value is in DMA BL 1 and the DMA which has the lowest ILI value is in DMA Buring 2E-2. The DMA with the most losses was in DMA BL 1 and the DMA with the least losses was in DMA Bangkon 3D2. Keywords: Water Loss, Non-Physical Water Loss, Physical Water Loss, District Meter Area (DMA), Water Meters, Losses

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 771
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata kunci : Kehilangan Air, Kehilangan Air Non-Fisik, Kehilangan Air Fisik, District Meter Area (DMA), Meter Air, Kerugia--The level of water loss according to the water balance of PDAM Malang City in 2018 is 20.31% with a non-physical water loss of 7.08% and physical water loss of 13.23%. The percentage of water loss in Malang is already below the water loss standard based on the Minister of Public Works No. 20/PRT/M/2006 of 20% but this figure has not met the target of 15% for water loss in Malang for physical water loss and for non-physical losses to be minimized to near zero Malang Mayor Regulation Number 7 of 2014. PDAM Malang City has made efforts to reduce the level of water loss, one of which is by implementing a water distribution system based on the District Metering Area (DMA). DMA is a certain area in the distribution system which is generally built from the valve cover so that it is perfectly isolated so that water entering and leaving the area is measured through the main meter (BPPSPAM, 2008). Of all DMAs in Malang City, not all of them have facilities to reduce water loss. This study was conducted to determine the level of water loss by measuring the level of accuracy of the customer meter which aims to analyze the deviation of the water volume measurement that occurs so that it is known that the PDAM's losses due to water loss are known. The data collection methods used in the study were primary surveys and secondary surveys. The primary survey was conducted by measuring the inaccuracy of the customer meter, while the second survey was conducted by requesting data from PDAM Malang City. The analytical methods used in this research are commercial water loss, Water Loss Analysis Using Water Balance Tables, Infrastructure Leakage Index (ILI), and Financial Loss Analysis Due to Water Loss. The results of the analysis that have been carried out, of the 11 DMAs used as research study areas, there are still customer water meters that are inaccurate and the age of the water meter is more than 5 years. The highest volume of water loss is in DMA BL 1 while the lowest volume of water loss is in DMA Bangkon 3D2. As for the results of the Infrastructure Leakage Index (ILI) analysis, the DMA which has the largest ILI value is in DMA BL 1 and the DMA which has the lowest ILI value is in DMA Buring 2E-2. The DMA with the most losses was in DMA BL 1 and the DMA with the least losses was in DMA Bangkon 3D2. Keywords: Water Loss, Non-Physical Water Loss, Physical Water Loss, District Meter Area (DMA), Water Meters, Losses
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 307 Communities > 307.1 Planning and development > 307.121 6 City planning
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email gaby
Date Deposited: 20 Oct 2021 04:30
Last Modified: 23 Feb 2022 07:57
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/184279
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