Upaya Minimasi Defect pada Proses Pengemasan Primer Antihemoroid Menggunakan Metode Six Sigma (Studi kasus: PT Kimia Farma (Persero) Tbk. Plant-Watudakon)

Silmi, Atika (2021) Upaya Minimasi Defect pada Proses Pengemasan Primer Antihemoroid Menggunakan Metode Six Sigma (Studi kasus: PT Kimia Farma (Persero) Tbk. Plant-Watudakon). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Pengemasan obat sangat penting dalam farmasi karena berfungsi melindungi obat sehingga khasiatnya tetap terjaga. Kemasan suppositoria memiliki persentase cacat tertinggi yaitu 32%. Rata-rata persentase cacat tahun 2018 yaitu 3,47% melebihi kebijakan perusahaan yaitu 2%. Untuk mengatasinya digunakan Six Sigma DMAI (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve). Define untuk mengetahui sistem produksi beserta jenis cacat. Measure untuk menghitung dan mengetahui performansi perusahaan. Analyze untuk menganalisis permasalahan yang ada. Serta improve untuk merekomendasikan perbaikan. Jenis cacat yaitu cacat filling, cacat sealing, dan cacat cutting. Nilai DPMO didapatkan 3.218, level sigma 4,233 dan kapabilitas proses 1,411. Analisis FMEA dihasilkan 11 potential failure modes dengan mayoritas berasal dari cacat filling. Usulan yang diberikan yaitu merubah AQL menjadi 2,5 %, merubah level menjadi III diperketat, membuat label reset sensor, melakukan standarisasi suhu, pengecekan ketersediaan air boiler, membuat penanda diantara baut pipa filling dengan lempengan baja, pengecekan dan pembersihan pipa filling oleh operator setiap pergantian shift, serta melakukan pengecekan roll suppositoria.

English Abstract

PT Kimia Farma (Persero) Tbk. Plant-Watudakon is a company engaged in the pharmaceutical sector. The process of drug packaging plays an important role in pharmaceutical activities because it protects the drug from external influences so that the medicinal properties are maintained. Suppository packages had the highest defect percentage compared to other types of packaging, namely 32%. The average percentage of defects in suppository packaging Antihemoroid throughout 2018 was 3.47%, where based on company policy, the percentage of defects should not exceed 2%. In an effort to minimize defects and losses, the Six Sigma DMAI (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve) cycle was chosen as the method of settlement. At the Define stage, a SIPOC diagram is made to find out how the existing system is, identify the types of defects that occur, identify Critical to Quality (CTQ) to determine quality specifications, and make a pareto diagram to find out information on the highest to lowest types of defects. At the Measure stage, a control chart is made, calculates the DPMO value and sigma level, and calculates the process capability index to determine the company's performance. At the Analyze stage, an analysis of the causes of defects is carried out using a fishbone diagram and FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) to determine the impact and potential failure mode which will produce an RPN value to determine which causes of failure are the most risky so that improvements can be prioritized. Meanwhile, at the Improve stage, recommendations for improvement will be discussed to overcome defects that occur in the Antihemoroid suppository packaging. The results showed that at the define stage there were 3 types of defects, namely filling defects, seal defects and cutting defects. CTQ identification produces 3 quality characteristics that must be met. Pareto diagram provides information on the types of defects starting from the highest, namely cutting defects, filling defects, and sealing defects. The measure stage, based on the P control chart, shows that there is still outlier data, thus indicating a process that is still not optimal. Furthermore, the DPMO value is obtained of 3,218,423. 4.233 sigma level and 1.411 process capability. In the analysis stage, the factors causing the defect are methods, machines, humans, and materials. Then in FMEA, the filling defect with the highest RPN value is that the filling machine is often down, the filling pipe is clogged, and the machine temperature setting is not correct. In sealing defects, the highest RPN value is the operator's skill is not maximal, the engine temperature setting is not correct, and the temperature of the heating element is too hot. Meanwhile, for cutting defects, the highest RPN value is improper sensor settings, inappropriate number of package rolls, and the joint of packaging roll is cut. In the Improve stage, there are recommendations for improvement, First, do routine maintenance scheduling. Second, check and clean the pipes. Third, make the filling temperature setting standard. Fourth, the Human Resources Department and the Production Department conduct performance appraisals and schedule socialization or operator training. Fifth, checking the central boiler regularly. Sixth, conducting experiments on sealing machines to determine temperature standards. Seventh, conduct periodic checks at each workstation so that defects can be minimized and create labels to always reset the cutting sensors. Eighth, changing the AQL to 2.5% so that the standard rejection number is getting smaller or changing the general inspection level to level III (tightened) so that more and more samples representing the batch to be checked. Ninth, xvi check, analyze, and resolve the causes of defects in previous workstations so that cutting roll joints can be avoided. Keywords : Quality control, Antihemoroid Suppositories Packaging, Defect, Six Sigma, DMAI

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 670
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kata Kunci: Pengendalian Kualitas, Kemasan Suppositoria Antihemoroid, Defect, Six Sigma, DMAI--: Quality control, Antihemoroid Suppositories Packaging, Defect, Six Sigma, DMAI
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 670 Manufacturing
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email gaby
Date Deposited: 20 Oct 2021 02:38
Last Modified: 25 Feb 2022 02:12
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/184242
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