Analisis Pemodelan Perilaku Tegangan dan Regangan pada Portal dengan Bracing Tipe Diagonal Eksentris Dua Arah

Wisnu Wicaksono, Armanda (2021) Analisis Pemodelan Perilaku Tegangan dan Regangan pada Portal dengan Bracing Tipe Diagonal Eksentris Dua Arah. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Timbulnya korban jiwa akibat gempa bumi banyak disebabkan oleh ambruknya bangunan terutama oleh bangunan sederhana yang tidak dapat secara baik menahan beban gempa. Dalam permasalahan ini diperlukan penyediaan bangunan sederhana tahan gempa untuk memitigasi risiko korban jiwa akibat gempa, dimana hal ini sebenarnya dapat diatasi dengan menggunakan tipe struktur rangka dengan bracing eksentris atau eccentrically braced frame. Namun, tipe struktur eccentrically braced frame yang perilakunya sangat dipengaruhi oleh panjang link beam atau nilai eksentrisitas membuat analisis perilaku eccentrically braced frame akibat perlakuan pada nilai eksentrisitas perlu dilakukan. Studi ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui perilaku eccentrically braced frame akibat pengaruh eksentrisitas, perilaku yang dipelajari adalah perilaku tegangan dan regangan yang dapat menggambarkan perilaku keruntuhan struktur. Analisis dilakukan dengan pemodelan struktur menggunakan bantuan software Abaqus Student Edition. Pemodelan struktur menggunakan portal 2 dimensi dengan dibebani beban lateral untuk mewakili beban gempa, komponen portal dimodelkan melalui wire/line element dengan analisis bertipe analisis statis. Terdapat tiga model untuk kemudian dibandingkan dan diselidiki perilakunya yaitu model portal tanpa eksentrisitas (portal konsentris/concentrically braced frame), portal dengan eksentrisitas kecil, dan portal dengan eksentrisitas besar. Output yang dihasilkan dalam analisis ini berupa besarnya nilai tegangan dan regangan struktur. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa akibat beban, struktur portal tanpa eksentrisitas (konsentris) memiliki kapasitas tahanan beban terbaik, diikuti dengan struktur dengan eksentrisitas kecil dan terakhir disusul oleh struktur dengan eksentrisitas besar. Sebaran tegangan kritis (telah leleh atau mendekati runtuh) paling banyak didapati pada struktur portal dengan eksentrisitas besar, daerah kritis pada seluruh model rata-rata terdapat pada ujung link beam, bracing, dan kolom bagian bawah. Adanya eksentrisitas pada struktur menyebabkan perbedaan komponen penentu keruntuhan dan mekanisme keruntuhan. Pada portal tanpa eksentrisitas, penentu keruntuhan ada pada komponen bracing dengan tidak terjadi regangan yang besar sebelum portal benar-benar runtuh, sedangkan pada portal dengan eksentrisitas (baik eksentrisitas besar maupun kecil), penentu keruntuhan ada pada komponen link beam dan terjadi regangan yang besar sebelum portal benar-benar runtuh. Lebih jauh lagi, membandingkan portal dengan eksentrisitas kecil dan eksentrisitas besar, tegangan dan regangan yang lebih besar terjadi pada portal dengan eksentisitas yang lebih besar.

English Abstract

Collapsed building for being unable to resist earthquake load is one of the main causes of death by earthquake. Especially for simple structure like low-storey house where this type of building usually use load bearing wall structural system to which it has higher risk in resisting lateral force, while earthquake load is one of typical lateral load. Meanwhile, earthquake resistant structure can be made by providing ductility of the structure, which could provided by some structure, one of them is eccentrically braced frame. Eccentrically braced frame is a frame structural system with bracing and link beam, this type of structure could provide concentrically braced frame-like stiffness as well as ductility of moment resisting frame in the same time. The failure behaviour of eccentrically braced frame depends on its link beam, this component could undergo large deformation before failure occurred so it could provide more ductility to the structure. Another advantage of eccentrically braced frame structure when compared to concentrically braced structure is its ability on providing architectural opening. Structural performance and failure behaviour of eccentrically braced frame that is very dependent on its link beam, this mean the knowledge of link beam length (braced frame eccentricity) that could gives maximum performance to the structure when resisting lateral load is very important. Because of that, the aim of this research is to investigate the influence of eccentricity in eccentrically braced frame towards stress-strain behaviour of structure, which is a failure indicator of the structure. This research is using two way diagonal eccentrically braced frame and the structure is analysed using Abaqus software since this software has many advantages on inelastic structural analysis. The structure is modelled as 2d frame using line/wire element in Abaqus. 70 ton lateral load is applied at upper left joint of the structure with fixed restrain as boundary condition at two bottom joint of the frame. There are three frame model that is used in this research, concentrically braced frame, eccentrically braced frame with short link (small eccentricity), and eccentrically braced frame with long link (large eccentricity). xvi The result of the analysis showed that that braced frame eccentricity could provide higher stress compared to braced frame with no eccentricity (concentrically braced frame). Bigger eccentricity would give higher stress value. Furthermore, the presence of braced frame eccentricity could distinguish the failure mechanism of braced frame, eccentrically braced frame failure depends on its link beam while concentrically braced frame failure depends on its bracing. Hereafter, there are less critical element in eccentrically braced frame compared to concentrically braced frame, with smaller eccentricity gives less critical element than bigger eccentricity. The presence of eccentricity gives larger amount of strain, caused by the link beam component that defines failure of structure could undergo larger strain before failure compared to bracing component of concentrically braced frame structure which defines its failure. Bigger eccentricity resulted in larger amount of strain compared to smaller eccentricity braced frame Keywords: stress, strain, braced frame eccentricity, eccentrically braced frame, ABAQU

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 624
Uncontrolled Keywords: tegangan, regangan, eksentrisitas portal dengan bracing, portal dengan bracing eksentris, ABAQUS--: stress, strain, braced frame eccentricity, eccentrically braced frame, ABAQUS
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 624 Civil engineering
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email gaby
Date Deposited: 20 Oct 2021 02:03
Last Modified: 24 Feb 2022 02:19
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2023.

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