Perbandingan Kinerja Routing Multi-Copy Dengan Manajemen Buffer Last In First Out Pada Delay Tolerant Network

Hasibuan, Benedict Abednego (2021) Perbandingan Kinerja Routing Multi-Copy Dengan Manajemen Buffer Last In First Out Pada Delay Tolerant Network. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


"Beberapa daerah belum memiliki konektivitas yang memadai dikarenakan tingkat loss yang tinggi dan delay yang besar. Permasalahan tersebut dapat diselesaikan dengan menerapkan teknologi DTN. Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) merupakan teknologi yang digunakan pada jaringan yang tidak selalu tersedia. Penggunaan jenis routing Multi-Copy pada DTN memiliki kelebihan yang dapat memaksimalkan rasio pengiriman dan mengurangi delay tetapi routing ini membutuhkan sumber daya yang jaringan yang lebih besar. Kebijakan manajemen buffer dapat digunakan untuk mengoptimalkan penggunaan buffer yang terbatas. Stationary Relay Node dan Packet Priority dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan probabilitas pengiriman pesan. Penelitian ini menganalisis kinerja routing Multi-Copy dengan manajemen buffer Last In First Out, Packet Priority dan Satationary Relay Node disimulasikan menggunakan ONE simulator. Dari hasil pengujian dan analisis didapatkan hasil Overhead Ratio, Delivery Probability dan Latency Average pada routing Spray and Wait, Epidemic dan MaxProp. Hasil menunjukkan routing Spray and Wait memiliki kinerja terbaik dibandingkan routing yang lain dengan nilai Overhead Ratio sebesar 5,1298 dengan penambahan Stationary Relay, Delivery Probability sebesar 94,93% pada buffer 5MB dengan penambahan Stationary Relay dan Latency Average oleh routing MaxProp sebesar 993,8513s tanpa penambahan Stationary Relay Node.

English Abstract

Some areas that do not have adequate connectivity which makes information exchange difficult due to high loss rates and large delays. These problems can be solved by applying DTN technology. Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) is a technology used on networks that are not always available. The use of Multi-Copy routing types on DTNs has the advantage of maximizing the sending ratio and reducing delays, but this routing requires larger network resources. Buffer management policies can be used to optimize constrained buffer usage. Stationary Relay Node and Packet Priority can be used to increase the probability of sending messages. This research analyzes the performance of Multi-Copy routing with buffer management of Last In First Out, Packet Priority and Satationary Relay Node simulated using ONE simulator. From the results of testing and analysis, the results obtained are Overhead Ratio, Delivery Probability and Latency Average on Spray and Wait, Epidemic and MaxProp routing. The results show the Spray and Wait routing has the best performance compared to other routes with an Overhead Ratio value of 5,1298 with Stationary Relay, Delivery Probability of 94,93% on a 5MB buffer with Stationary Relay and Latency Average by MaxProp routing of 993,8513second without adding Stationary Relay Node.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052115
Uncontrolled Keywords: Delay Tolerant Network, Buffer Management, Last In First Out, Packet Priority,Stationary Relay Node, Multi-Copy Routing, : Delay Tolerant Network, Manajemen Buffer, Last In First Out, Packet Priority,Stationary Relay Node, Routing Multi-Copy
Subjects: 000 Computer science, information and general works > 004 Computer science
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer > Teknik Informatika
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username rizky
Date Deposited: 22 Oct 2021 07:06
Last Modified: 23 Sep 2024 03:49
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