Lanskap Budaya Desa Toyomarto dengan Pendekatan Identitas Teritori

Safitri, Aisyah (2021) Lanskap Budaya Desa Toyomarto dengan Pendekatan Identitas Teritori. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Di era globalisasi ini, kegiatan pariwisata di Desa Toyomarto berada di antara arus tradisional dan modern. Permasalahan yang muncul adalah semakin hilangnya nilai-nilai lokal dan degradasi lingkungan. Maka dari itu, perlu diketahui bagaimana karakter lanskap budaya Desa Toyomarto dengan mengidentifikasi karakter lanskap tersebut melalui pendekatan identitas teritori, dengan harapan agar dalam pengembangan lokasi wisatanya, karakter lanskap desa akan tetap muncul tanpa harus ketinggalan modernitas. Penelitian dengan pendekatan identitas teritori ini dilakukan dengan metode analisis deskriptif kualitatif, menggunakan dua teori utama sebagai penentu variabel beserta sub-variabelnya. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori lanskap budaya dan teori identitas teritori (terraphilia). Didapatkan dua variabel dari penyatuan kedua teori tersebut, yaitu variabel aspek natural dan aspek kegiatan. Kedua variabel tersebut disesuaikan sub-variabelnya yang sesuai dengan karakteristik yang ada pada Desa Toyomarto. Dalam pengumpulan datanya, penelitian ini menggunakan teknik observasi secara langsung. Setelah mendapatkan data yang diperlukan, dilakukan klasifikasi data ke dalam variabel dan sub-variabel yang sudah ditentukan. Selanjutnya, dilakukan analisis dan interpretasi data dengan melihat hubungan antar sub-variabel maupun antar variabel, hingga akhirnya dapat diidentifikasikan karakter lanskap budaya Desa Toyomarto menurut hasil analisis sintesis dari kedua variabel identitas teritori. Dalam kacamata identitas teritori, diidentifikasikan lanskap budaya Desa Toyomarto desa di kaki gunung yang memiliki potensi agraris karena masih memiliki lahan hijau dan sumber mata air yang melimpah. Desa Toyomarto mengalami perubahan dalam lanskapnya dari tahun ke tahun, dilihat dari kecenderungan perubahan aspek naturalnya yaitu penggunaan lahan yang seiring waktu menggantikan lahan hijau menjadi bangunan, juga karakteristik bangunan permukiman yang ikut berubah dari tipe omah gedheg menjadi rumah bata. Perubahan karakter lanskap budaya Desa Toyomarto ini muncul seiring dengan perubahan aspek sosial-kegiatan masyarakatnya, dapat dilihat dari budaya masyarakat yang cenderung berubah ke arah urban dan industri modern, ditunjukkan dari prosentase mata pencaharian masyarakatnya yang sekarang didominasi oleh pekerjaan industri. Selain itu, situs-situs arkeologis berupa pemujaan batu sekarang tidak hanya ditujukan sebagai kegiatan ibadah ataupun budaya, namun dikembangkan untuk tujuan komersial juga yaitu sebagai magnet wisata, seperti modifikasi upacara Tirta Amerta maupun festival-festival budaya desa lainnya.

English Abstract

In this era of globalization, tourism activities in Toyomarto Village are between traditional and modern flows. The problems that arise are the loss of local values and environmental degradation. Therefore, it is necessary to know how the character of the cultural landscape of Toyomarto Village is by identifying the character of the landscape through a territorial identity approach, with the hope that in the development of tourist sites, the character of the village landscape will still appear without being left behind by modernity. Territorial identity approach was used in this research using a qualitative descriptive analysis method, using two main theories as its variables and sub-variables determinants. The theory used in this research is the theory of cultural landscape and the theory of territorial identity (terraphilia). Two variables were obtained from the unification of the two theories, namely the natural aspect and the activity aspect. The two variables were adjusted for their sub-variables that should be in accordance with the characteristics existed in Toyomarto Village. This research used direct observation techniques as for the data obtained. After obtaining the required data, the data is then classified into predetermined variables and sub-variables. Furthermore, data analysis and interpretation were carried out by looking at the relation between sub-variables and also between variables, until finally the character of the cultural landscape of Toyomarto Village was identified according to the results of the synthesis analysis of the two territorial identity variables. In terms of territorial identity, the cultural landscape of Toyomarto Village is identified as a village located at the mountain slope which has agricultural potential because it still has green land and abundant springs. Toyomarto Village experiences changes in its landscape from year to year, can be seen from the tendency of changes in its natural aspects, namely land use, which as times goes by, replaces green lands into buildings. The characteristics of residential buildings also changes, from the type of omah gedheg into brick houses. These changes in the character of the cultural landscape of Toyomarto Village appears in line with the changes in the social aspects of its community activities, it can be seen from the culture of the community which tends to change towards urban and modern industry, as indicated by the percentage of people's livelihoods which are now dominated by industrial work. In addition, archaeological sites in the form of stone worship are now not only intended as religious or cultural activities, but are also developed for commercial purposes, namely as tourist magnets, such as modifications to the Tirta Amerta ceremony and other village cultural festivals.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 720
Uncontrolled Keywords: globalisasi, kegiatan pariwisata, identitas teritori, lanskap budaya--globalization, tourism activities, territorial identity, cultural landscape.
Subjects: 700 The Arts > 720 Architecture
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Arsitektur
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email gaby
Date Deposited: 19 Oct 2021 07:27
Last Modified: 23 Feb 2022 07:22
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2023.

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