Karakteristik Kinerja Thermal Conical Cavity Receiver untuk Aplikasi Pemanas Air dan Kompor Surya Menggunakan Konsentrator Lensa Fresnel

Asrori, - (2020) Karakteristik Kinerja Thermal Conical Cavity Receiver untuk Aplikasi Pemanas Air dan Kompor Surya Menggunakan Konsentrator Lensa Fresnel. Doctor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penggunaan energi matahari sebagai sumber energi untuk rumah tangga untuk saat ini sangat diminati. Energi panas matahari merupakan pilihan yang menjanjikan dan dapat menjadi salah satu sumber energi alternatif untuk keperluan memasak. Penggunaan kompor tenaga surya adalah cara sederhana, aman dan nyaman untuk memasak makanan tanpa mengkonsumsi bahan bakar, dan ramah lingkungan. Indonesia termasuk negara tropis, dengan energi matahari yang berlimpah dan dapat diandalkan keberlanjutnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan, merancang dan menganalisis kinerja termal dari receiver dengan konsentrasi lensa fresnel untuk aplikasi kompor masak dan pemanas air tenaga surya. Fresnel solar cooker (FSC) yang dirancang terdiri dari lensa fresnel PMMA (Polymethyl-Methacrylate), penjejak matahari (solar tracker) secara manual dan receiver. Lensa fresnel yang digunakan mempunyai luas penangkapan 0,785 m2 dengan rasio fokus 0,88. Sedangkan receiver yang diteliti merupakan tipe berongga kerucut (conical cavity) dengan tiga variasi yaitu pertama, receiver besar tanpa isolator yang mempunyai rasio konsentrasi geometris, CRg = 8 dan volume 2 liter air. Kedua, receiver besar (CRg = 8 ; vw = 2 liter) dengan perlakuan isolator glaswool tebal 10 mm. Ketiga, receiver kecil (CRg= 30; vw= 0,25 liter) berisolator glaswool tebal 5 mm. Pengujian dilakukan pada lokasi koordinat 7,9553 oLS dan 112,6125 oBT selama periode bulan Agustus hingga Oktober 2015. Pengukuran radiasi matahari menggunakan solar power meter setiap 10 menit bersamaan dengan pergerakan tracker secara manual. Sedangkan parameter temperatur (temperatur air, temperatur dinding receiver, temperatur titik fokus, temperatur ambient) menggunakan temperature data logger. Tekanan dan kecepatan angin diukur secara manual tiap 10 menit masing-masing menggunakan dial manometer dan cup anemometer. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa conical cavity receiver besar (CR = 8; mw= 2 kg) berisolator mampu membangkitkan energi panas laten uap sebesar 1,37 MJ persiklus dengan efisiensi uap berguna (steam utilization efficiency) adalah 31,81 %. Sedangkan receiver kecil (CRg= 30; mw= 0,25 kg) berisolator menghasilkan energi uap sebesar 579,17 kJ persiklus dengan efisiensi berguna 33,31 %. Dari kedua receiver tersebut dapat direkomendasikan bahwa conical cavity receiver kecil mempunyai efektifitas lebih tinggi. Hal tersebut dikarenakan, receiver kecil mempunyai efisiensi lebih tinggi dan pembangkitan uap laten yang lebih cepat. Sedangkan receiver besar, lebih beresiko tidak mampu membangkitkan uap karena dibutuhkan waktu hampir 2 jam untuk mencapai tekanan saturasi 2 barG (134 oC). Selain itu beban receiver kecil lebih ringan, sehingga apabila menggunakan solar tracker otomatis maka daya motor penggeraknya akan lebih kecil.

English Abstract

The use of solar power as a domestic energy source is currently in great demand. Solar cooking is an alternative source of energy for cooking. It is a simple, safe and convenient way to cook food without consuming fuel, and polluting the environment. In a tropical country like Indonesia, solar power is so abundant that it is a reliable and sustainable source of energy. The main objective of this research is to develop, design and analyze the thermal performance of receivers with fresnel lens concentrators for solar stove and solar water heating applications. Fresnel solar cooker (FSC) performed Fresnel PMMA (Polymethyl-Methacrylate) lens, manual solar tracker and receiver. A Fresnel lens has a focal area of 0.785 m2 and a focal ratio of 0.88. A conical cavity receiver has been created to generate steam. It consists of three variations: first, a large insulated receiver with a geometric concentration ratio, CRg = 8 and 2 litres of water. Second, a large receiver (CRg = 8; vw = 2 litres) with a glass wool thickness of 10 mm. Third, a small receiver (CRg = 30; vw = 0.25 litre) with an insolation thickness of 5 mm. Tests were conducted at Lat: - 7.9553o and Long: 112.6125o during the period August to October 2015. The intensity of solar radiation was measured using a solar power meter every 10 minutes accompanied by a manual movement of the tracker. Measurement of temperature parameters (water temperature, receiver temperature, focus temperature, ambient temperature) by the temperature data logger. Steam pressure and wind speed are measured with a manometer dial and cup anemometer, respectively. This is measured every 10 minutes, manually. The experimental results show that the receivers of large and small conical cavities with insolation can produce steam for indirect solar stove applications. The steam yield and utilization efficiency for large cone cavity receivers (CRg = 8; mw = 2 kg) were 1.37 MJ per cycle and 31.81%, respectively. Likewise, small receivers (CRg = 30; mw = 0.25 kg) can produce steam energy and utilization efficiency of 579.17 kJ per cycle and 33.31%, respectively. Therefore, a small conical cavity receiver can be recommended to generate steam for indirect solar cookers, because it has higher effectiveness. Also, it has higher efficiency and faster steam generation due to its short cycle times. Meanwhile, large receivers are more at risk of not being able to generate steam because it takes two hours to reach saturation pressure at 2 barG (134 oC). The smaller the receiver the lighter the load, so that the power consumption of the automatic solar tracker motor will be smaller. Keywords: indirect solar cooker, PMMA Fresnel lens, geometric concentration ratio, conical cavity receiver, the efficiency of steam utilization

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Doctor)
Identification Number: 0620070001
Uncontrolled Keywords: indirect solar cooker, lensa fresnel PMMA, konsentrasi geometris, conical cavity receiver, steam utilization efficiency.
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 621 Applied physics > 621.4 Prime movers and heat engineering > 621.47 Solar-energy engineering
Divisions: S2/S3 > Doktor Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik
Depositing User: Bambang Septiawan
Date Deposited: 28 Feb 2021 04:22
Last Modified: 11 Jan 2023 06:31
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/183609
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2023.

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