Pengaruh Aplikasi Benang Poly Glycolic Acid (PGA) yang Dilapisi Madu Terhadap Kesembuhan Luka Insisi Pada Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus) Berdasarkan Ekspresi Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha (TNF-α) dan Histopatologi Kulit

Purwanti, Nurika Yuli (2020) Pengaruh Aplikasi Benang Poly Glycolic Acid (PGA) yang Dilapisi Madu Terhadap Kesembuhan Luka Insisi Pada Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus) Berdasarkan Ekspresi Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha (TNF-α) dan Histopatologi Kulit. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Luka insisi merupakan jenis luka terbuka yang disebabkan irisan dari benda tajam dengan kedalaman tertentu. PGA adalah benang yang sering digunakan saat operasi karena mampu diserap oleh tubuh (absorbable)yangdapat dikombinasikan dengan madu. Kandungan flavonoid,saponin, dan glukosa madu dapat mempercepat penyembuhan luka. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh aplikasi benang PGA yang dilapisi madu terhadap luka insisi. Hewan coba yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah 30 ekor tikus putih jantan, Wistar, berat 150-200 gram. Benang yang dilapisi madu dilakukan dengan proses freez driying. Penelitian ini menggunakan 6 kelompok (n=30). Kelompok kontrol negative tanpa perlakuan. Kelompok kontrol diinsisi dan dijahit menggunakan benang PGA + anti bacterial. Kelompok P1 diinsisi dan dijahit menggunakan benang PGA non madu. Kelompok P2, P3, dan P4 diinsisi dan dijahit menggunakan benang PGA coated madu dengan konsentrasi 2%, 4%, dan 8%. Parameter yang digunakan adalah ekspresi TNF-α dengan pewarnaan Imunohistokimia (IHK) dan gambaran histopatologi kulit dengan pewarnaan Hematoxylin Eosin (HE). Hasil data histopatologi kulit dianalisis secara deskriptif. Analisis data ekspresi TNF-α kulit dengan uji one wayANOVA dengan uji lanjutan Tukey (α = 0,05). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan benang bedah PGA coatedmadu mampu mempercepat kesembuhan luka dilihat dari gambaran histopatologi kulit yang sudah memasuki tahap proliferasi danremodelling dan mampu menurunkan kadar TNF-α di area luka. Hal tersebut karena kandungan madu seperti, flavonoid sebagai antiinflamasi, saponin mempercepat angiogenesis dan glukosa sebagai antibakteri sertta sebagai nutrisi. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah aplikasi benang bedah PGA coated madu dengan konsentrasi madu 2% dapat mempercepat proses kesembuhan luka

English Abstract

An incision wound is the type of open wound caused by slices of sharp objects at a certain depth. PGA is a thread that is often used during surgery because it is able to be absorbed by the body (absorbable). PGA threads can be combined with natural ingredients with a simple manufacturing process. Honey is one of the herbs that can be combined with PGA. The content of flavonoids, anti bacterial, and various other content on honey can accelerate wound healing. This research was conducted to determine the influence of PGAapplication which coated honey against incision wound. The trial animals used in this study were 30 white rat tails (Rattus norvegicus) males, Wistar,150-200 grams. The manufacture of suture by lining the suture with honey consetration, then in Freez driying. The study used the complete was divided into 6 groups (n=30). The negative control group is that was not incised. The positive control group is a group given the incision and stitched using the PGA + anti bacterial. The P1 group is a group that is given an incision and stitched using PGA non-honey. Group P2, P2, and P3 is a group that given the incision and stitched using PGA coated Honey 2%, 4%, and 8%. The parameters used are the expression TNF-α with immunohypotenchemical (IHK) staining and an overview of skin histopathology with the staining of Hematoxylin Eosin (HE). Analysis of the expression data TNF-α skin with the test one way ANOVA with advanced test Tukey (α = 0. 05). Analysis of histopathology data is analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the coated PGA surgical suture was able to accelerate wound healing seen from the histopathological picture of the skin which had entered the proliferation and remodeling stages and was able to reduce TNF-α levels in the wound area. That is because the content of honey such as, flavonoids as anti-inflammatory, saponins accelerate angiogenesis and glucose as antibacterial and as nutrients. The conclusion of this study is the application of honey coated PGA surgical sutures with a honey concentration of 2% can accelerate the wound healing process

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FKH/2020/68/052003848
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kulit, Luka Insisi, Benang Poly Glycolic Acid (PGA), Madu, TNF-α, dan histopatologi kuli, skin, incision wounds, Poly Glycolic Acid (PGA), honey, TNF-α, and histopathology of skin
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 617 Surgery, regional medicine, dentistry, ophthalmology, otology, audiology > 617.2 Results of injuries and wounds
Divisions: Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan > Kedokteran Hewan
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 19 Jul 2020 07:35
Last Modified: 08 Oct 2024 06:43
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