Pengaruh Nisbah Karbon dan Nitrogen terhadap Produksi Metana dari Kulit Kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) dengan Penambahan Serasah Daun Kakao

Hadi, Muhamad Wahyu Roisul (2020) Pengaruh Nisbah Karbon dan Nitrogen terhadap Produksi Metana dari Kulit Kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) dengan Penambahan Serasah Daun Kakao. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kebutuhan energi di Indonesia sebagian besar diperoleh dari bahan bakar tidak terbarukan yang menyebabkan krisis energi. Salah satu energi terbarukan yang berpotensi dikembangkan di Indonesia adalah energi biogas. Kulit kakao dan serasah daun kakao mengandung berbagai macam bahan organik yang berpotensi sebagai bahan produksi biogas. Banyak penelitian memperkirakan bahwa biogas sangat layak untuk dikonversi menjadi listrik dengan mengkombinasikan panas, daya dan/atau pemurnian biometana.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh nisbah C/N terhadap produksi metana dan potensi listrik. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Biochemical Methane Potential (BMP) test dengan sistem batch dan mikroba mesofilik selama 30 hari. Sampel yang diuji yaitu sampel kontrol blank, sampel kontrol positif (α- selulosa) dan sampel co-digestion pada nisbah C/N berbeda diantaranya 22, 23, 24 dan 25 dengan 3 kali ulangan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa produksi biogas dan metana dari semua sampel menghasilkan volume bervariasi karena disebabkan perbedaan kandungan volatile solid. Volume produksi biogas tertinggi dihasilkan dari sampel nisbah C/N 23 dengan rata-rata 79,54 mL. Ini diikuti oleh sampel nisbah C/N 24, 25 dan 22 dengan rata-rata 77,20 mL, 70,10 mL dan 62,36 mL. Volume produksi metana tertinggi dihasilkan dari sampel nisbah C/N 23 dengan rata-rata 43,29 mL. Ini diikuti oleh sampel nisbah C/N 24, 25 dan 22 dengan rata-rata 41,99 mL, 38,06 mL dan 33,84 mL. Perkiraan potensi listrik berada pada kisaran 780,24-990,08 kWh. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa sampel co-digestion kulit kakao dengan serasah daun kakao berpotensi sebagai alternative energi terbarukan.

English Abstract

Energy needs in Indonesia are mostly obtained from nonrenewable fuels which can cause an energy crisis. One of renewable energy to be developed in Indonesia is biogas. Cocoa shell and cocoa leaf contain organic materials potential for biogas production. Many studies have estimated that biogas is highly and feasible to be converted into electricity using combined heat and power unit, and/or to be purified as biomethane. This research aimed to evaluate the effect of the C / N ratio to methane production and its electrical potential. The method used in this study was Biochemical Methane Potential (BMP) test operated under batch and mesophilic condition for 28 days. The samples tested include blank control, positive control (α-cellulose) and codigestion samples at different C/N ratio of 22, 23, 24 and 25. All samples were prepared in triplicate. The results showed that biogas and methane production from all samples were varied, possibly due to differences in organic contents. The highest biogas volume was produced from samples with C/N ratio of 23, giving the average value of 79.54 mL. This was followed by samples with C/N ratio of 24, 25 and 22, with the average value of 77.20 mL, 70.20 mL and 62.36 mL. The highest biogas methane was produced from samples with C/N ratio of 23, giving the average value of 43.29 mL. This was followed by samples with C/N ratio of 24, 25 and 22, with the average value of 41.99 mL, 39.06 mL and 33.84 mL. The estimation of electricity potential was in the range of 780.24 - 990.08 kWh, indicating that co-digestion of cocoa husk with cocoa leave is potential as alternative sources of renewable energy

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTP/2020/8/052002880
Uncontrolled Keywords: Nisbah C/N, Kulit Kakao, Serasah Daun Kakao, Anaerobic Digestion, Co-digestion. C / N ratio, Cocoa husk, Cocoa leaves, Anaerobic Digestion, Co-digestions
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 662 Explosives of explosives, fuels, related products > 662.8 Other fuels > 662.88 Biomas as fuel
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 13 Aug 2020 02:59
Last Modified: 26 Sep 2024 06:33
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