Pengaruh Proporsi Pupuk N dan Aplikasi Pupuk K terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Kentang (Solanum tuberosum L.) di Dataran Medium

Kusuma, Teja (2020) Pengaruh Proporsi Pupuk N dan Aplikasi Pupuk K terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Kentang (Solanum tuberosum L.) di Dataran Medium. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tanaman kentang (Solanum tuberosum L.) adalah salah satu tanaman pokok yang mengandung karbohidrat tinggi. Di Indonesia, tanaman kentang umumnya ditanam pada ketinggian lebih dari 1000 mdpl. Salah satu masalah produksi kentang adalah keterbatasan lahan di dataran tinggi sehingga perlu diusahakan perluasan penanaman kentang di dataran medium sehingga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan kentang nasional. Pada penanaman kentang di dataran medium memberikan hasil yang berbeda daripada di dataran tinggi. Salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan meningkatkan produksi kentang di dataran medium dapat dengan pemupukan. Pemupukan bertujuan untuk memperbaiki kesuburan tanah dan memenuhi kebutuhan unsur hara tanaman. Adapun unsur hara yang diperlukan tanaman seperti Nitrogen, Fosfor dan Kalium. Nitrogen dibutuhkan dalam jumlah yang relatif besar pada setiap tahap pertumbuhan tanaman, khususnya pada tahap pertumbuhan vegetatif. Unsur hara nitrogen yang sering digunakan petani berupa pupuk Urea dan ZA. Petani pada umumnya menggunakan kedua pupuk nitrogen tersebut untuk pemupukan tanpa memperdulikan komposisi yang dibutuhkan oleh tanah dan tanaman. Selain unsur N, unsur makro yang sangat dibutuhkan tanaman dalam jumlah besar adalah unsur kalium (K). Kalium diperlukan untuk fisiologis tanaman diantaranya metabolisme karbohidrat, aktivitas enzim, dan sintesis protein. Oleh karena itu, pemberian pupuk nitrogen sesuai proporsi dan aplikasi Kalium diharapkan mampu membantu menyediakan unsur hara bagi tanaman kentang sehingga meningkatkan hasil kentang yang ditanam di dataran medium. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kombinasi terbaik antara proporsi pupuk N dan pupuk K terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kentang di dataran medium. Hipotesis penelitian ini, kombinasi proporsi pupuk N dan pupuk K yang tepat dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kentang di dataran medium. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada oktober 2017 hingga januari 2018 di Jalan Martorejo, RT 04 RW 03 Gang Tulip No. 12, Dadaprejo, Junrejo, Kota Batu pada ketinggian 600 meter di atas permukaan laut. Suhu rata-rata maksimum 30°C dan suhu rata-rata minimum 20,0°C. Lokasi penelitian ini berupa lahan basah dengan tanah berjenis Alfisol. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 10 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan sehingga diperoleh 30 satuan percobaan. Perlakuan terdiri dari kombinasi proporsi pupuk N dan pupuk K yang disusun sebagai berikut A1 (ZA 100%), A2 (Urea 100%), A3 (ZA 25% + Urea 75%), A4 (ZA 50% + Urea 50%), A5 (ZA 75% + Urea 25%), A6 (ZA 100% + KCl), A7 (Urea 100% + KCl), A8 (ZA 25% + Urea 75% + KCl), A9 (ZA 50% + Urea 50% + KCl), A10 (ZA 75% + Urea 25% + KCl). Pengamatan dilakukan dengan dua macam, yaitu pengamatan tanaman (pertumbuhan tanaman, hasil tanaman) dan analisis tanah. Pengamatan pertumbuhan tanaman meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, dan luas daun sedangkan pengamatan komponen hasil meliputi jumlah umbi per tanaman, bobot umbi per tanaman, bobot umbi per petak, bobot umbi per hektar, dan klasifikasi umbi. Pengamatan tanah dilakukan dengan analisis tanah awal dan akhir. Analisis data menggunakan analisis uji keragaman (uji F) dengan taraf 5%. Jika hasil perhitungan analisis ragam signifikan maka diuji lanjut dengan BNJ taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi perlakuan proporsi Nitrogen dan aplikasi Kalium memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil terutama pada perlakuan ZA 75% + Urea 25% + KCl yang menghasilkan panen kentang sebesar 12,92 t ha-1 yang lebih tinggi dari perlakuan lain. Analisis usaha tani tanaman kentang di dataran medium menunjukkan bahwa budidaya kentang di dataran medium dapat menguntungkan dan efisien. Keuntungan tertinggi ialah pemberian ZA 75% + Urea 25% + KCl, dikarenakan memiliki R/C ratio 3,01 dengan biaya yang dikeluarkan sebesar Rp. 51.555.576,00 dengan hasil yang diterima sebesar Rp. 155.040.000,00 sehingga keuntungan yang diterima ialah sebesar Rp. 103.484.424,00.

English Abstract

Potato plants (Solanum tuberosum. L) is one of the staple plants containing high carbohydrate. In Indonesia, potato plants are generally planted at a height of more than 1000 MDPL. One of the problems of potato production is the limitation of land in the plateau so it is necessary to expand the planting of potatoes in the medium plains so as to meet the needs of the national potato. On planting potatoes in the medium plains give different results than in the Highlands. One effort to increase increasing the production of potatoes in the medium plains can be fertilizing. Fertilization aims to improve soil fertility and fulfill the needs of plant nutrients. The necessary nutrients are plants such as Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Nitrogen is needed in relatively large quantities at every stage of plant growth, especially at the vegetative stage of growth. Nitrogen nutrients are often used by farmers in the form of fertilizer Urea and ZA. Farmers generally use both nitrogen fertilizers for fertilization without the care of the composition needed by soil and plants. In addition to element N, the macro element that is much needed plant in large quantities is the element of potassium (K). Potassium is required for physiological plants including carbohydrate metabolism, enzyme activity, and protein synthesis. Therefore, the provision of nitrogen fertilizer according to the proportion and application of potassium is expected to help provide nutrients for the potato plants so as to increase the yield of potatoes planted in the medium plains. This research aims to know the best combination between the proportion of N fertilizer and the efficacy of fertilizer K on growth and the results of potato plants in the medium plains. Hypothesis of this research, the combination of N fertilizer and fertilizer proportion appropriate K can increase the growth and yield of potato plants in the medium plains. The research was conducted in October 2017 until January 2018 at Jalan Martorejo, RT 04 RW 03, Tulip No. 12, Dadaprejo, Junrejo, Batu City at a height of 600 meters above sea level. The maximum average temperature of 30 °c and the minimum average temperature 20,0 °C. The location of this research is wetland with Alfisol soil. This study used the research method of Group Random Design (GRD) with 10 treatments and 3 repeats so that gained 30 units of trial. The treatment consists of a combination of N fertilizer proportion and K fertilizer that is formulated as follows A1 (ZA 100%), A2 (Urea 100%), A3 (ZA 25% + Urea 75%), A4 (ZA 50% + Urea 50%), A5 (ZA 75% + Urea 25%), A6 (ZA 100% + KCl), A7 (Urea 100% + KCl), A8 (ZA 25% + Urea 75% + KCl), A9 (ZA 50% + Urea 50 % + KCl), A10 (ZA Urea 75% + 25% + KCl). Observations were made with two kinds of observations of plants (plant growth, yield) and ground observations. For the observation of plant growth that includes the height of the plant, the number of leaves, and the area of leaf while the observation of the results components include the number of bulbs per plant, the weight of bulbs per plant, the weight of bulbs per plot, the weight of bulbs per hectare Ground observations were carried out with early and late ground analysis. Data analysis uses the Diversity test analysis (F test) with a 5% level. If the results of the calculation of the significant variance analysis followed by HSD level of 5%. The results showed that combined treatment of the proportion of Nitrogen and Potassium application gives a different effect on growth and yield, especially in the treatment of Urea ZA 75% + 25% + KCl which produces potato harvest amounted to 12.92 t ha-1 higher than other treatments. Analysis of potato farming in the plains of the medium shows that potato cultivation in the plains of the medium can be profitable and efficient. The highest profit is the provision ZA Urea 75% + 25% + KCl, due to have a R/C ratio of 3.01 with the cost of Rp. 51,555,576.00 with the results received Rp. 155,040,000.00 so that the benefits received is Rp. 103,484,424.00,

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2020/27/052003681
Uncontrolled Keywords: -
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 635 Garden crops (Horticulture) > 635.2 Edible tubers and bulbs > 635.21 Potatoes
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Budidaya Pertanian
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 10 Aug 2020 06:48
Last Modified: 11 Apr 2023 03:33
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