Analisis Zona Kerentanan Seismik Berdasarkan Metode Horizontal To Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) Dan Response Spectrum Di Daerah Kecamatan Ciampel, Kabupaten Karawang

Aini, Luthfiana Nur (2019) Analisis Zona Kerentanan Seismik Berdasarkan Metode Horizontal To Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) Dan Response Spectrum Di Daerah Kecamatan Ciampel, Kabupaten Karawang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kabupaten Karawang merupakan kota industri terbesar di Indonesia. Daerah penelitian merupakan daerah yang sedang dalam perencanan pembangunan. Namun, menurut (PVMBG, 2018) 6 kecamatan di daerah Kabupaten Karawang berpotensi mengalami pergerakan tanah. Oleh sebab itu, untuk meminimalisir terjadinya kerugian yang besar, perlu adanya penelitian mengenai karakteristik lapisan pada wilayah Kabupaten Karawang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode HVSR dan response spectrum sebagai validasi akhir mengetahui karakteristik tanah. Hasil dari metode HVSR berupa peta persebaran frekuensi dengan rentang nilai 22,98 – 4,89 Hz. Periode dominan didominasi dengan rentang 0.04 – 0.99 detik. Faktor amplifikasi didapatkan rentang nilai 11.84 – 2.02 kali, sedangkan pada hasil indeks kerentanan seismik (Kg) didapatkan rentang nilai 0.38 – 20.13 indeks. Dari hasil response spectrum dengan menggunakan data event gempa yang berpusat di Sukabumi, selanjutnya dibuat suatu kurva response spectrum percepatan yang dapat dijadikan sebagai validasi akhir hasil berdasarkan metode HVSR untuk menentukan karakteristik tanah. Berdasarkan desain spektrum daerah Karawang didapatkan hasil pada gempa Sukabumi dengan periode getar 0.06 - 0.54 detik. Referensi response spectrum dapat dijadikan sebagai tahapan perencanaan bangunan tahan gempa dalam bidang Teknik sipil

English Abstract

Karawang Regency is the largest industrial city in Indonesia. This research area is an area which is on going of its planning development and construction. However, according to (PVMBG, 2018) 6 subdistricts in the Karawang Regency has a potential to occur the ground movement. Therefore, to minimize the large of losses, there must be research about the characteristic of the layers in the Karawang regency area. HVSR method and response spectrum were used in this study to determine the type of soil characteristics. The results of the HVSR method were frequency distribution maps with values range 22.98 to 4.89 Hz. The dominant period was dominated by range of time 0.04 - 0.99 seconds. The amplification factor was obtained the result, with values range 11.84 - 2.02 times. Meantime, the results of the seismic vulnerability index (Kg) was obtained with the range of values from 0.38 to 20.13 index. From the results of the response spectrum using earthquake event data centered on Sukabumi, an acceleration response spectrum curve was made that could be use as the final validation of the results based on the HVSR method for determining soil characteristics. Based on the spectrum design of the Karawang area, the results of the Sukabumi earthquake's vibration period were obtained in time 0.07 - 0.37 seconds. Reference response spectrum also can be used as an earthquake-resistant building planning phase in the sector of civil engineering.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/MIPA/2019/374/052001529
Uncontrolled Keywords: Karawang, HVSR, response spectrum, karakteristik tanah, Karawang, HVSR, response spectrum, soil characteristics
Subjects: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 530 Physics > 530.4 States of matter > 530.41 Solid-state physics > 530.416 Responsive behavior and energy phenomena
Divisions: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam > Fisika
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 10 Aug 2020 07:38
Last Modified: 10 Aug 2020 07:38
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