Penerapan Model Land Reform By Bland Dalam Program Redistribusi Tanah Obyek Reforma Agraria Di Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Blitar

-, Masduki (2019) Penerapan Model Land Reform By Bland Dalam Program Redistribusi Tanah Obyek Reforma Agraria Di Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Blitar. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Hasil Peneltian : (1) Kelebihan/ kekuatan model Land Reform by Grace adalah struktur pelaksana dari kegiatan redistribusi tanah jelas telah dibentuk Panitia Pertimbangan Land Reform serta Panitia Redis oleh Kementerian terkait dan didukung dengan alokasi dana yang bersumber dari APBN/APBD serta didukung dengan data obyek tanah TORA (Tanah Obyek Reforma Agraria) yang secara rinci menyebutkan status hak atas tanah, luas serta penerima obyek. Namun kelemahannya adalah timbulnya komplain/atau ketidakpuasan masyarakat terkait dengan waktu proses penerimaan obyek reditrubusi tanah yang cenderung lama dan luas tanah yang terbatas. (2) Model yang ideal dan merupakan temuan dari penulis terhadap program Redistribusi Tanah Obyek Reforma Agraria di Kabupaten Blitar adalah penulis mengajukan model baru yakni Land Reform By Blend hal ini merupakan hasil perpaduan antara model land reform by grace dan model land reform by leverage sehingga saling menutupi kekurangan dan kelemahan masing masing model tersebut. Rekomendasi: (1) Menerapkan model land reform by blend dalam program redistribusi TORA sebagai upaya untuk meminimalisir hambatan-hambatan yang dihadapi dan untuk mempercepat program redistribusi tanah di Kabupaten Blitar. (2) Evaluasi dan monitoring program redistribusi tanah secara berkala dengan mengecek keberlanjutan dari redistrisbusi tanah melalui kelompok tani yang ada di setiap lokasi objek land reform.

English Abstract

Research Results: (1) The strength / strength of the Land reform by grace model is that the implementing structure of the land redistribution activity has clearly been formed by the Redis Committee by the Ministry related and supported by the allocation of funds sourced from the APBN / APBD and supported by data land objects TORA (Land Object of Agrarian Reform) which in detail mentions the status of land rights, area and recipient of objects. But the weakness is the emergence of complaints / or community dissatisfaction related to the time of the process of receiving the object of land reditrubution which tends to be long and limited land area. (2) The ideal model and the findings of the author of the Land Redistribution Program Object of Agrarian Reform in Blitar Regency is that the authors propose a new model which is named reform by blend this is the result of a combination of grace by land reform models and leverage land reform models that cover each other drawbacks and weaknesses of each of these models. Recommendations: (1) Implementing a blended land reform model in the TORA redistribution program as an effort to minimize the obstacles faced and to accelerate the land redistribution program in Blitar Regency. (2) Evaluate and monitor the land redistribution program periodically by checking the sustainability of land redistribution through farmer groups in each location of land reform objects.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/346.044/MAS/p/2019/042002724
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 346 Private law > 346.04 Property > 346.044 Government control and regulation of real property
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Ilmu Hukum, Fakultas Hukum
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 03 Mar 2020 05:38
Last Modified: 03 Mar 2020 05:38
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