Optimasi Formulasi Minuman Fungsional Sedatif-Hipnotik Berbasis Simplisia Bunga Chamomile, Teh Hijau, dan Kayu Manis

Pristya, Annisa Ulfah (2019) Optimasi Formulasi Minuman Fungsional Sedatif-Hipnotik Berbasis Simplisia Bunga Chamomile, Teh Hijau, dan Kayu Manis. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Insomnia primer merupakan penyakit pada individu sehat yang dapat dipicu oleh konsumsi kafein akut. Insomnia merupakan kondisi stres bagi tubuh yang dapat berdampak negatif bagi fisik, fisiologis, maupun psikologis dalam jangka panjang. Berbagai efek negatif konsumsi obat sedatif-hipnotik jangka panjang mendorong beralihnya penggunaan obat sintetik ke minuman fungsional. Salah satu minuman fungsional dengan efek sedatif-hipnotik yang berpotensi dikembangkan yaitu formulasi minuman fungsional berbasis chamomile, teh hijau, dan kayu manis. Apigenin dari chamomile dan EGCG teh hijau merupakan modulator alosterik positif pada reseptor GABAA. Sedangkan kayu manis ditambahkan untuk memberikan flavour manis dan aroma yang khas. Minuman fungsional ini juga dilengkapi 5% gula stevia sebagai pemanis alami. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui pengaruh optimasi formulasi minuman fungsional berbasis chamomile, teh hijau, dan kayu manis terhadap total fenol, total flavonoid, kadar kafein, kadar apigenin dan EGCG, aktivitas motorik, dan sitokin proinflamasi. Rancangan penelitian pada percobaan ini yaitu Response Surface Model (RSM) menggunakan software Design Expert 7.0 metode Central Composite Design (CCD) menggunakan 3 faktor (proporsi bunga chamomile, teh hijau, dan kayu manis) dan 3 respon (total fenol, total flavonoid, kadar kafein). Formula optimum minuman fungsional hasil optimasi diuji khasiatnya secara in vivo sebagai agen penginduksi tidur (hipnotik) pada mencit jantan yang diinduksi kafein 10 mg/kg bb. Formulasi minuman fungsional perlakuan terbaik yaitu rasio chamomile : teh hijau : kayu manis (70,32 : 30,35 : 4,99). Formulasi optimum minuman fungsional ini menghasilkan prediksi respon optimal yaitu nilai total fenol 23,04 mgGAE/g, total flavonoid 124,91 mgQE/g, dan kadar kafein 20,99 mg kafein/g. Hasil verifikasi menunjukkan bahwa respon aktual formulasi optimum ini memiliki nilai total fenol 23,76 mgGAE/g, total flavonoid 126,43 mgQE/g, kadar kafein 29,87 mg kafein/g, kadar apigenin 0,07±0,07 μg/g, dan kadar EGCG 6,43±0,22 μg/g. Minuman fungsional menunjukkan aktivitas hipnotik pada kelompok mencit jantan dosis 26 ml/kg BB, yaitu menurunkan aktivitas motorik secara signifikan (α = 0,05) hingga 4,83±0,72 detik. Serta menurunkan sitokin proinflamasi TNF-α dan IL-6 secara signifikan (α = 0,05) hingga berturut-turut 3,17±0,53% dan 5,08±0,35%.

English Abstract

Primary insomnia is a disease in healthy individuals that caused by consumption of acute caffeine. Insomnia is a stress condition for the body that can have a negative impact on the physical, physiological, and psychological in the long run. The negative effects of long-term consumption of sedative-hypnotic drugs have led to a shift in the use of synthetic drugs on functional beverages. One of the functional beverages with a sedative-hypnotic effect that has the potential to be developed is the formulation of functional beverages based on chamomile, green tea, and cinnamon. Apigenin from chamomile and EGCG green tea is a positive allosteric modulator in GABAA receptors. While cinnamon is added to give a sweet flavor and distinctive aroma. This functional beverages also added 5% stevia sugar as a natural sweetener. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of optimization of functional beverages based on chamomile, green tea, and cinnamon on total phenol, total flavonoids, levels of caffeine, levels of apigenin and EGCG, locomotor activity, and proinflammatory cytokines. The research design in this experiment was Response Surface Model (RSM) using Design Expert 7.0 software Central Composite Design (CCD) method by 3 factors (the proportion of chamomile flowers, green tea, and cinnamon) and 3 responses (total phenol, total flavonoids, levels of caffeine). The optimum formula of functional beverages were tested in vivo as a sleep-inducing agent (hypnotic) in caffeine-induced male mice 10 mg/kg bw. The best formulation for functional beverages is chamomile : green tea : cinnamon ratio (70.3 : 30.35 : 4.99). The optimum formulation of functional beverages produced optimal response predictions, with total phenol 23.04 mgGAE/g, total flavonoids 124.91 mgQE/g, and caffeine content 20.99 mg caffeine / g. The verification results showed that the actual response of the optimum formulation had a total phenol value of 23.76 mgGAE/g, total flavonoids 126.43 mgQE/g, caffeine content 29.87 mg caffeine / g, apigenin levels 0.07 ± 0.07 μg/g, and EGCG levels 6.43 ± 0.22 μg / g. Functional drinks showed hypnotic activity in male mice group dosage 26 ml/kg BB, which significantly reduced motor activity (α = 0.05) to 4.83 ± 0.72 seconds. As well as significantly reducing the proinflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-6 (α = 0.05) to 3.17 ± 0.53% and 5.08 ± 0.35%, respectively.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/615.323 624/PRI/o/2019/041902948
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 615 Pharmacology and therapeutics > 615.3 Organics drugs > 615.32 Drugs derived from plants and mikroorganisms > 615.323 624 Drugs derived from specific plants (Mangosteens, Tea)
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 15 Jan 2020 03:49
Last Modified: 15 Jan 2020 03:49
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/177941
Full text not available from this repository.

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