Hadi, Danang Kumara (2019) Desain Prototipe Halalan Thayyiban Traceability Berbasis RFID dalam Distribusi Daging Ayam. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Pangan halal tidak hanya kebutuhan umat Islam tetapi juga masyarakat karena terjamin kualitas dan keamanan proses, pengemasan, penyimpanan, dan distribusi. Kurangnya pemanfaatan teknologi dan informasi produk makanan dalam distribusi menyebabkan keraguan memilih produk pangan halal. Sejauh ini informasi hanya berupa label produk dan barcode. Daging ayam perlu diperhatikan kehalalannya. Dengan menggunakan teknologi Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) pada industri daging ayam memudahkan identifikasi informasi produk halalan thayyiban secara aplikatif. Penerapan teknologi RFID memermudah pelaku agroindustri, pengambil keputusan dan konsumen dalam memperoleh akses informasi. Metode aplikasi RFID pada penelitian ini untuk integrasi dan identifikasi status halalan thayyiban produk saat distribusi, pelacakan produk, dan pendataan melalui sistem komputerisasi. Data halal yang tercatat pada dashboard web adalah ID tag, sedang data thayyib adalah data suhu, kelembaban dan posisi direkam dalam komputer menggunakan software Arduino dengan Bahasa komunikasi ESP8266. Output pencatatan secara sistematis dari monitor PC dan melalui website dapat diakses PC atau smartphone. Implementasi variabel suhu menggunakan 3 sensor PT100, kelembaban dengan 3 sensor DHT11, posisi dengan modul GPS, RFID tag dan variabel getaran pada produk daging ayam selama distribusi. Pengujian akurasi sistem dengan 3 ulangan dan validasi akurasi kelembaban sensor didapatkan nilai error < 10% sudah akurat dan validasi pengukuran sensor suhu diperoleh nilai standar error < 1% sudah akurat. Pengujian lapang, simulasi RFID tag dapat membedakan secara akurat produk yang sertifikasi halal dan tidak. Pengujian sensor suhu diperoleh data perlakuan menggunakan pengaman styrofoam paling mendekati standar thermostat mobil dibanding pengaman akrilik dan tanpa perlakuan. Sifat styrofoam dapat meredam getaran yang mempengaruhi nilai akurasi sensor. Begitu juga pengujian sensor kelembaban, hasil dari sensor menggunakan pengaman styrofoam memiliki nilai kelembaban mendekati standar pada rentang suhu beku yaitu 85 – 95%. Nilai RMSE pada pengukuran jarak titik koordinat GPS dari titik awal pada perusahaan hingga pada rantai pasok ≤ 1, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ketelitian titik koordinat pengukuran geometric baik.
English Abstract
Halal food is not only the needs of Muslims but also the community because of the guaranteed quality and safety of the process, packaging, storage and distribution. The lack of use of technology and information on food products in distribution causes doubts in choosing halal food products. So far the information has only been in the form of product labels and barcodes. Chicken meat should be considered halal. By using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology in the chicken meat industry makes it easy to identify of product information halalan thayyiban applicatively. The application of RFID technology has made it easier for agro-industry actors, decision makers and consumers to gain access to information. Methods of application of RFID in this study for the integration and identification of halalan thayyiban status current product distribution, product tracking, and data collection through a computerized system. Halal data recorded on the web dashboard is ID tag , while thayyib data is temperature, humidity and position data. The records in the computer using the Arduino software with communication language ESP8266. The systematic recording output from the PC monitor and through the website can be accessed by PC or smartphone. Implementation of temperature variables using 3 PT100 sensors , humidity with 3 DHT11 sensors, position with GPS module, RFID tags and variable vibration on chicken meat products during distribution. Testing the accuracy of the system with 3 replications and validation of the humidity sensor accuracy obtained an error value <10% is accurate and validation of the temperature sensor measurement obtained a standard error value <1% is accurate. In field testing, simulation RFID tags can accurately distinguish products that are halal certification and not. Temperature sensor testing obtained treatment data using styrofoam safety closest to the standard car thermostat compared to acrylic safety and without treatment. The styrofoam can reduce vibrations that affect the accuracy of the sensor. Likewise, testing the humidity sensor, the results of the sensor using a styrofoam safety has a humidity value close to the standard in the freezing temperature range of 85 - 95%. RMSE value on the measurement of the distance of the GPS coordinate points from the starting point on the company up to the supply chain ≤ 1, this shows that the accuracy of a coordinate geometric measurement point is accurate.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | TES/005.3/HAD/d/2019/041906682 |
Subjects: | 000 Computer science, information and general works > 005 Computer programming, programs, data > 005.3 Programs |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Teknik Industri Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Budi Wahyono Wahyono |
Date Deposited: | 23 Dec 2019 07:06 |
Last Modified: | 23 Dec 2021 04:03 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/177317 |
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