Pemodelan Pendidikan Tinggi Inklusif (Analisis Sociological Institutionalism Theory dalam Regulasi dan Diseminasi Nilai Inklusivitas di Universitas Brawijaya)

Fauzan, Muhammad Nur (2019) Pemodelan Pendidikan Tinggi Inklusif (Analisis Sociological Institutionalism Theory dalam Regulasi dan Diseminasi Nilai Inklusivitas di Universitas Brawijaya). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: 1) Mengetahui, menganalisa, dan mengidentifikasi peran regulasi dalam membentuk pengalaman dan pemaknaan Sivitas Akademika Universitas Brawijaya terhadap fenomena pendidikan tinggi inklusif berdasarkan perspektif Sociological Institutionalism Theory. 2) Mengetahui, menganalisa, dan mengidentifikasi diseminasi standar baru bagi pendidikan tinggi inklusif di Universitas Brawijaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi, lalu menggunakan asumsi filosofis, serta menggunakan kerangka penafsiran konstruktivisme sosial. Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui metode triangulasi data. Teknik pengambilan sumber data yaitu dengan purposive sampling. Peneliti melakukan wawancara kepada partisipan seperti jajaran rektorat, dekan, dan mahasiswa difabel. Hasil wawancara dengan partisipan diolah menjadi transkrip, lalu diolah lebih lanjut dengan Nvivo 12 Plus. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah horizonalisasi dan pengelompokan makna. Berdasarkan analisis data ditemukan tema, subtema, dan kategori berdasarkan transkrip. Selanjutnya peneliti mencari klasifikasi sentiments pada aktor yang menangani kebijakan pendidikan tinggi inklusif di Universitas Brawijaya berdasarkan tema, subtema, dan kategori yang diperoleh. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan kecenderungan bahwa fenomena pendidikan tinggi inklusif ada pada positive sentiments berdasarkan analisis Sociological Institutionalism Theory. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, sebaiknya pimpinan Universitas Brawijaya membuat kebijakan Peraturan Rektor mengenai inklusivitas terhadap difabel pada beberapa aspek dan direncanakan bersama dengan mahasiswa. Universitas Brawijaya juga dapat membuat model penilaian indikator inklusivitas pendidikan tinggi yang menilai beberapa aspek dengan model bernama Brawijaya Inclusive Matrix.

English Abstract

This study aims to: 1) Know, analyze, and identify the role of regulation in shaping the experience and meaning of the UB's Academic Community towards the phenomenon of inclusive higher education based on the perspective of the Sociological Institutionalism Theory. 2) Knowing, analyzing, and identifying the dissemination of new standards for inclusive higher education in Brawijaya University. This study uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach, then uses philosophical assumptions, and uses the framework of the interpretation of social constructivism. Data collection is obtained through data triangulation method. The technique of taking data sources is purposive sampling. Researchers conducted interviews with participants such as rectorates, deans, and difable students. The results of interviews with participants are processed into transcripts, then further processed with Nvivo 12 Plus. Analysis of the data used is the horizonalitation and clusters of meanings. Based on data analysis, themes, sub-themes and categories are based on transcripts. Next, the researcher looked for the classification of sentiments among actors who deal with the policy of inclusive higher education in UB based on the themes, sub-themes and categories obtained. The results of this study indicate a tendency that the phenomenon of inclusive higher education exists in positive sentiments based on the analysis of Sociological Institutionalism Theory. Based on the results of this study, it is better for the leadership of Universitas Brawijaya to make a policy of the Rector's Regulation regarding the inclusiveness of the difable in several aspects and plan it together with students. Universitas Brawijaya can also make an assessment model of higher education inclusiveness indicators that assess several aspects with a model named Brawijaya Inclusive Matrix.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FIA/2019/691/051911183
Uncontrolled Keywords: Sociological Institutionalism Theory, Kebijakan, Pendidikan Tinggi Inklusif, Difabel-Sociological Institutionalism Theory, Policy, Inclusive Higher Education, Difable
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 353 Specific fields of public administration > 353.3 Public administration of services related to domestic order
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi > Ilmu Administrasi Publik / Negara
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 16 Nov 2020 08:02
Last Modified: 21 Oct 2021 03:04
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