Putri, Diana Rahmayani (2019) Pengaruh Antagonis Gnrh Terhadap Ekspresi Reseptor Estrogen (Ers) Dan Gambaran Histopatologi Tuba Fallopi Pada Tikus Putih (Rattus Norvegicus). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Salah satu penyebab meningkatnya kegiatan impor daging sapi ke Indonesia adalah gangguan reproduksi ternak, salah satunya hipofungsi ovarium. Hipofungsi ovarium merupakan kondisi patologik dimana ovarium tidak dapat menjalankan fungsinya dengan normal. Pengembangan hewan model hipofungsi ovarium dengan pemberian Cetrorelix acetate, yang merupakan antagonis dari GnRH, dapat menjadi langkah awal sebelum menentukan terapi dan penanganan yang tepat bagi ternak. Parameter yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ekspresi reseptor estrogen (ERs) dan perubahan gambaran histopatologi tuba fallopi. Penelitian ini menggunakan tiga kelompok hewan yang terdiri dari 6 ekor tikus putih betina galur Wistar yang berusia 8-9 minggu dan berat badan 120-160 gram per kelompok. Perlakuan yang diberikan yaitu kontrol negatif (tanpa pemberian Cetrorelix acetate), perlakuan 1 (pemberian Cetrorelix acetate 0,009 mg/ekor), dan perlakuan 2 (pemberian Cetrorelix acetate 0,0135 mg/ekor). Pengamatan ekspresi reseptor estrogen (ERs) dilakukan dengan metode imunohistokimia (IHK), sedangkan pengamatan perubahan gambaran histopatologi dilakukan dengan pewarnaan Hematoksilin-Eosin (HE). Ekspresi reseptor estrogen (ERs) kemudian dianalisa menggunakan uji ANOVA dan uji lanjutan BNJ dengan taraf kepercayaan 95%, sedangkan perubahan gambaran histopatologi diamati secara kualitatif. Hasil yang didapatkan menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan akibat pemberian antagonis GnRH pada ketiga kelompok perlakuan, antara lain penurunan terbesar ekspresi reseptor estrogen tuba fallopi pada RE-α sebesar 61,5% dan RE-β sebesar 59,2%, serta penipisan lapisan dinding penyusun tuba fallopi dan berkurangnya silia. Penurunan terbesar terjadi pada kelompok perlakuan P2 dengan pemberian Cetrorelix acetate 0,0135 mg/ekor. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah Cetrorelix acetate sebagai antagonis GnRH mampu menurunkan ekspresi reseptor estrogen dan mengurangi jumlah silia serta ketabalan lapisan dinding penyusun tuba fallopi.
English Abstract
One of the reasons behind the increasing import activities of beef in Indonesia is the slow reproduction caused by reproductive disorders in the cattles. One of so many reproductive disorders that is easily found is ovarian hypofunction. Ovarian hypofunction is a pathological condition in the ovary resulting it not functioning normally. The development of ovarian hypofunction animal models with the administration of Cetrorelix acetate, known as GnRH antagonist, can be the first step to determine the right therapy and treatment. Parameters used in this study were the expression of estrogen receptors (ERs) and changes in the fallopian tube histopathology. This study used three groups of animals consisting 6 female Wistar white rats, aged around 8-9 weeks and body weight of 120-160 grams. The experimental groups used and the treatments given were negative controls (without the administration of Cetrorelix acetate), group P1 (administration of Cetrorelix acetate at a dose of 0.009 mg) and group P2 (administration of Cetrorelix acetate at a dose of 0.0135 mg). Estrogen receptors (ERs) observation was carried out by immunohistochemistry method, while the observation of changes in the fallopian tube histopathology were carried out using Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE) staining. The expression of estrogen receptors (ERs) was analyzed using ANOVA followed by HSD test with a confidence level of 95% and changes in the fallopian tube histopathology were observed qualitatively. The results obtained in this study showed a significant difference due to the administration of GnRH antagonist in all three experimental groups, including the largest decrease in expression of estrogen receptors (RE-α by 61.5% and RE-β by 59.2%), epithelial thinning and inhibiton of ciliary development in the fallopian tube. The largest decrease occurred in the P2 group with the administration of Cetrorelix acetate at a dose of 0.0135 mg. The conclusion of this study is Cetrorelix acetate as a GnRH antagonist can reduce the expression of estrogen receptors and inhibit ciliary development in the fallopian tubes.
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FKH/2019/51/051908989 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Hipofungsi ovarium, Tikus putih, Cetrorelix acetate, Tuba Fallopi, Reseptor Estrogen, Silia, Ovarian Hypofunction, Rat, Cetrorelix acetate, Fallopian Tube, Estrogen Receptors, Cilia |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 636 Animal husbandry > 636.08 Specific topics in animal husbandry > 636.085 Feeds and applied nutrition > 636.085 2 Applied nutrition |
Divisions: | Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan > Kedokteran Hewan |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 19 Jul 2020 05:49 |
Last Modified: | 21 Oct 2021 03:13 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/176731 |
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