Identifikasi Ukuran Serabut Otot Skeletal Dan Sekuen Gen Myostatin (Mstn)Pada Kelinci (Oryctolaguscunniculus) Rex, New Zealand White Dan American Fuzzy Lop

Kurniawan, Andi (2019) Identifikasi Ukuran Serabut Otot Skeletal Dan Sekuen Gen Myostatin (Mstn)Pada Kelinci (Oryctolaguscunniculus) Rex, New Zealand White Dan American Fuzzy Lop. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kelinci (Oryctolaguscunniculus)RexdanNew Zealand Whitemerupakankelincipedaging yang banyakditernakkan di Indonesia karenaukurantubuh yang besarsertapertumbuhan yang cukupcepat. SedangkanjeniskelinciAmerican Fuzzy Loptergolongkelincihias yang cukupbanyakdipeliharakarenamemilikicirikhasbadankecildantelinga yang menggantungkebawah. Myostatin (MSTN) termasukkedalam DNA inti yang merupakan gen pengontrolpembentukandan juga perkembangandaging. Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmengetahuiadanyaperbedaanukuranserabutototdansek uen gen MSTN kelinciRex, New Zealand WhitedanAmerican Fuzzy Lopdenganmetode PCR. Sampel yang digunakanadalah DNA yang diperolehdariisolasisampeldarahkelinciRex, New Zealand WhitedanAmerican Fuzzy LopmenggunakanQIAamp® DNA Mini Kit. Primer yang digunakanpadametode PCR adalahsepasang primer forwarddanreverse. Primer forward 5’- GGC AAG TTG TCT CTC AAG CT -3’ danprimer reverse 5’- CAT CCC TCT GAA CGT CGT AC -3’. Hasildari proses PCR dilakukansekuensingmenggunakanmetode Sanger. Sekuen gen danasam amino tersebutakandianalisamenggunakansoftwareBioedit, NCBI BLAST danImage Raster 3. HasilpenelitianmenunjukkanterdapatperbedaanukuranserabutototkelinciRexsebesa r 3,91μm, New Zealand White 3,45 μm, danAmerican Fuzzy Lop 2,59 μm.Terdapatperubahansekuen gen Myostatin (MSTN) padakelinciRex, danNew Zealand Whiteyaitu c.351 C>G, c.314 G>Adan D>E, R>Q dengandatabase ID: KX084386.1. Kesimpulanpenelitianiniterdapatmissense mutationkarenaperubahansalahsatubasa yang menyebabkanperubahanasam amino.

English Abstract

Rabbits (Oryctolaguscunniculus) Rex and New Zealand White are rabbits that are widely breed in Indonesia for their meats, because of their large body size and rapid growth. While American Fuzzy Lop rabbits are usually kept as pets because they have small body and ear hanging down. Myostatin (MSTN) is one ofnuclear DNA which is controling the formation and development of muscle.This study aims to determine the differences in the size of muscle fibers and sequences of MSTN Rex Rex rabbits, New Zealand White and American Fuzzy Lop using the PCR method. The sample used was the wholeblood of Rex rabbit, New Zealand White and American Fuzzy Lop rabbits which DNA is isolated using the QIAamp® DNA Mini Kit. The primers used in this research are a pair of forward5'-GGC AAG TTG TCT CTC AAG CT-3’ and reverse5'-GGC AAG TTG TCT CTC AAG CT-3’. The results of the PCR product will be sequenced using the Sanger method. The results of these sequences will be analyzed using Bioedit software, NCBI BLAST, and Image Raster 3. The research result showed that after histological analysis, there are differences in the skeletal muscle fibers of Rex rabbit (3,91μm), New Zealand White (3,45 μm) and American Fuzzy Lop (3,45 μm). There are also differences in myostatin (MSTN) gene sequence of Rex Rabbit and New Zealand White (c.351 C>G, c.314 G>A and D>E, R>Q) with database genebank of Oryctolaguscuniculus ID: KX084386.1. The conclusion of this research is that there is a missense mutation in myostatin gene of Rex and New Zealand White rabbit, because the change of one nucleotide base causing changes in amino acids.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FKH/2019/30/051908969
Uncontrolled Keywords: Kelinci, MSTN, PC, Rabbit, MSTN, PCR
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 636 Animal husbandry > 636.9 Other mammals > 636.932 2 Other mammals (Oryctolagus (Old World rabbit))
Divisions: Profesi Kedokteran > Spesialis Dokter Hewan, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 02 Oct 2020 02:10
Last Modified: 21 Oct 2021 02:55
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