Analisa Angka Kebutuhan Nyata Operasi dan Pemeliharaan Irigasi Berdasarkan Kondisi Jaringan Irigasi (Studi Kasus: DI Pakis Kabupaten Malang)

Lete, Maria Kurniaty (2019) Analisa Angka Kebutuhan Nyata Operasi dan Pemeliharaan Irigasi Berdasarkan Kondisi Jaringan Irigasi (Studi Kasus: DI Pakis Kabupaten Malang). Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan lima tahapan. Tahap pertama, penilaian kondisi fisik jaringan irigasi dilakukan dengan cara inventarisasi dan penelusuran terhadap seluruh komponen jaringan irigasi. Tahap kedua, Angka kebutuhan nyata operasi dan pemeliharaan irigasi merupakan biaya operasi dan pemeliharaan yang dihitung berdasarkan angka kebutuhan nyata dari hasil penelusuran jaringan irigasi. Tahap ketiga, dilakukan analisis harga satuan biaya per hektar per tahun. Tahap keempat, dilakukan analisis faktor sosial angka kebutuhan nyata operasi dan pemeliharaan menurut pendapat petani HIPPA Pakis menggunakan software SPSS. Tahap kelima, dilakukan analisis prioritas pembobotan biaya angka kebutuhan nyata operasi dan pemeliharaan menggunakan metode Analitical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa bobot kinerja sistim irigasi 77,94 (kondisi baik), hasil perhitungan AKNOP irigasi per hektar Rp 7.163.413, Hasil penilaian analisis menurut responden petani HIPPA Pakis diperoleh 10 jawaban kurang baik, 8 jawaban cukup baik, 3 jawaban sangat baik, 4 jawaban netral. Hasil analisis prioritas pembobotan biaya AKNOP irigasi menunjukan biaya operasi dan pemeliharaan menjadi biaya yang harus diprioritaskan dengan prosentase bobot 0.313, 0.221, 0.102 (berdasarkan kriteria 1, 2, 3).

English Abstract

This study was conducted in five step. The first step, the evaluation of the physical condition of the irrigation network is carried out by means of inventory and tracing of all components of the irrigation network. The second step, the number of the real need for operation and maintenance of irrigation is the operation and maintenance costs which are calculated based on the real needs of the results of the search for irrigation networks. The third stage is to analyze the unit cost price per hectare per year. In the fourth step, an analysis of social factors for the real operation and maintenance needs was analyzed in the opinion of HIPPA Pakis farmers using SPSS software. The fifth step is to carry out a priority analysis of the weighting of the costs of the real operation and maintenance needs using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The results showed that the weight of the irrigation system performance was 77.94 (good condition), the results of irrigation AKNOP calculations per hectare were Rp 7.163.413, The results of the assessment of analysis according to HIPPA farmers Pakis respondents obtained 10 answers that are not good, 8 answers are enough good, 3 answers are very good, 4 answers are not giving an answer. The results of the AKNOP irrigation costing priority analysis show that the operating and maintenance costs must be prioritized with a weighting percentage of 0.313, 0.221, 0.102 (based on criteria 1, 2, 3).

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: TES/333.913 17/LET/a/2019/041909665
Uncontrolled Keywords: IRRIGATION - MANAGEMENT
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 333 Economics of land and energy > 333.9 Other natural resources > 333.91 Water and lands adjoining bodies of water > 333.913 Water fot irrigation > 333.913 17 Control of usage
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Teknik Pengairan, Fakultas Teknik
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 15 Nov 2019 03:16
Last Modified: 06 Jan 2022 07:30
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