Formulasi Kebijakan City Branding: “Sleman The Living Culture Part of Jogja

Rosalina, Aneke Dela (2019) Formulasi Kebijakan City Branding: “Sleman The Living Culture Part of Jogja. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


City branding merupakan suatu langkah strategis untuk membangun diferensiasi dan juga memperkuat identitas daerah yang nantinya mampu menarik turis, penanaman modal, sumber daya manusia yang handal, industri dan mampu juga meningkatkan kualitas hubungan dengan warga daerahnya melalui sebuah tagline. Kabupaten Sleman salah satu daerah yang menerapkan city branding. Dalam penerapannya masih terlihat tidak adanya sinkronisasi antar OPD dan belum semua pihak menyadari pentingnya arti city branding “Sleman The Living Cultute Part of Jogja”. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai proses formulasi dimana tahapan ini merupakan awal langkah dalam membentuk kebijakan yang dapat mempengaruhi kebijakan tersebut. Fokus penelitian ini yaitu proses Formulasi Kebijakan dalam city branding Sleman The Living Culture Part of Jogja, yang menggunakan pisau analisis teori Budi Winarno yang terdiri atas empat tahapan proses formulasi kebijakan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yakni metode kualitatif deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan dari indikator bahwa (1) Pada proses perumusan terdapat empat tuntutan dan masalah, akan tetapi dari keempat masalah tersebut belum mampu menjelaskan identitas dan potensi Kabupaten Sleman sesungguhnya.(2) Pada proses agenda setting masih terdapat perdebatan antar aktor semua ingin potensi Kabupaten Sleman di expose. (3) Pada pemilihan alternatif kebijakan terdapat tiga alternatif tagline untuk branding Kabupaten Sleman, empat alternatif brand Kabupaten Sleman bergaya Wonderful Indonesia dan enam alternatif desain brand bergaya Jogja Istimewa. Pemilihan alternatif tersebut dilakukan melalui kuesioner saja. Namun kuesioner tersebut hanya melalui selembaran dan belum dapat menyebar ke seluruh masyarakat Sleman karena dana yang terbatas (4) Penetapan kebijakan disahkan dalam bentuk Surat Keputusan Bupati Nomor 23.2/Kep.KDH/A/2018 tentang logo pengembangan potensi daerah Kabupaten Sleman dan Surat Edaran Nomor 556/0876 tentang Pencantuman Logo “Sleman The Living Culture Part of Jogja”. Namun penggunaan branding masih banyak menekankan penggunaan logo saja. Selain itu ada beberapa OPD yang tidak menggunakan logo branding pada event nya.

English Abstract

City branding is a strategic step to build differentiation and also strengthen regional identity that will be able to attract tourists, investment, reliable human resources, industry and be able to also improve the quality of relationships with local residents through a tagline. Sleman Regency is one area that implements city branding. In its implementation, there is still no synchronization between OPDs and not all parties realize the importance of the meaning of city branding "Sleman The Living Cultute Part of Jogja". This study discusses the formulation process in which this stage is the initial step in shaping policies that can influence those policies. The focus of this research is the Policy Formulation process in the city branding of Sleman The Living Culture Part of Jogja, which uses Budi Winarno's theory analysis knife which consists of four stages of the policy formulation process. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. The results of this study indicate from indicators that (1) In the formulation process there are four demands and problems, but of the four problems have not been able to explain the true identity and potential of Sleman Regency. (2) In the agenda setting process there is still debate among actors all wanting potential Sleman Regency is exposed. (3) In the selection of alternative policies there are three tagline alternatives for the branding of Sleman Regency, four alternative brands of Sleman Regency in the style of Wonderful Indonesia and six alternatives of brand design in Jogja Special style. The selection of alternatives is done through a questionnaire only. However, the questionnaire is only distributed and has not been able to spread to the entire community of Sleman because of limited funds. (4) Determination of the policy was approved in the form of a Decree of the Regent No. 23.2 / Kep.KDH / A / 2018 concerning the logo of Sleman Regency regional potential development and Circular Number 556/0876 concerning the Inclusion of the Logo "Sleman The Living Culture Part of Jogja". But the use of branding still emphasizes the use of logos only. In addition there are some OPDs that do not use the logo branding at the event.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FISIP/2019/758/051908177
Uncontrolled Keywords: Formulasi kebijakan, City branding, Sleman The Living Culture Part of Jogja. Policy formulation, City branding, Sleman The Living Culture Part of Jogja.
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 320 Political science (Politics and government) > 320.6 Policy making
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik > Ilmu Pemerintahan
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 18 Aug 2020 03:06
Last Modified: 18 Aug 2020 03:06
Full text not available from this repository.

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