The Effect of Tuberculosis Incidence Rate, Health Expenditure, and Life Expectancy on Economic Development (GRDP per Capita) of Jakarta from 2002 to 2016

Zhafarina, Nadiah Cahya (2019) The Effect of Tuberculosis Incidence Rate, Health Expenditure, and Life Expectancy on Economic Development (GRDP per Capita) of Jakarta from 2002 to 2016. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.



English Abstract

Indonesian government issued Law No. 40 year 2004 regarding the implementation of the National Social Security System based on the humanity principle, the benefit principle, and the social justice principle for all citizens. Furthermore, the government has established the Social Insurance Administration (BPJS) to ensure the basic needs of living with the participant and/or their families. In that sense, the National Health Insurance program might have a significant effect on the alleviation of the disease by giving accessible health facilities and later would affect national development. It also might help to decrease the economic burden of disease of the households through the government’s subsidy. This study would be a great help to evaluate the impact of good health capital, healthcare expenditure, and life expectancy on economic development measured by GRDP per capita. This study employed quantitative research approach with the Vector Auto Regressive (VAR) method. The VAR method was chosen to find the relationship between economic development and the level of morbidity (measured by the incidence of TB), health expenditure, and population life expectancy. Secondly, the VAR method is chosen to observe the current and future responses of each variable to see if there are shocks from certain variables.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FEB/2019/346/051907932
Uncontrolled Keywords: Vector Auto Regressive, health capital, Tuberculosis, life expectancy, healthcare expenditure, economic development, economics.
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 338 Production > 338.9 Economic development and growth
Divisions: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis > Ilmu Ekonomi
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 17 Nov 2020 07:29
Last Modified: 17 Nov 2020 07:29
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