Pengaruh Persentase Oksigen Terhadap Karakteristik Pembakaran Spray Biodiesel Waste Cooking Oil

Anshory, Muhammad Ikhsan (2019) Pengaruh Persentase Oksigen Terhadap Karakteristik Pembakaran Spray Biodiesel Waste Cooking Oil. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Mesin diesel merupakan salah satu perangkat pembakaran spray yang sering digunakan pada bidang industri dan transportasi. Seiring meningkatnya pemakaian mesin diesel maka biodiesel banyak dikembangkan untuk menggantikan bahan bakar solar yang ketersediaannya semakin menipis. Minyak jelantah atau waste cooking oil merupakan salah satu bahan baku yang dapat diolah menjadi biodiesel. Untuk mengetahui karakterisitk pembakaran pada biodiesel tersebut maka pada penelitian ini membahas pengaruh persentase oksigen terhadap karakteristik pembakaran spray biodiesel waste cooking oil. Persentase oksigen divariasikan dimana total debit N2- O2 dijaga konstan. Karakteristik pembakaran yang dicari meliputi tinggi dan lebar api, tinggi lift-off, dan persentase warna api biru. Karakterstik pembakaran tersebut kemudian dibandingkan dengan karakteristik pembakaran solar yang bermanfaat untuk mengetahui kualitas pembakaran dari biodiesel sebagai bahan bakar alternatif. Dalam penelitian ini kestabilan api didefinisikan dengan persentase oksigen minimum saat keadaan extinction. Penelitian ini dilakukan mengunakan air atomizing nozzle dengan diameter 0.5 mm. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tinggi, lebar dan tinggi lift-off api spray biodiesel dan solar yang dihasilkan semakin menurun seiring meningkatnya persentase oksigen. Hal tersebut dikarenakan jarak pencampuran antara droplet bahan bakar dengan oksigen yang semakin pendek. Namun tinggi, lebar dan tinggi lift-off api spray biodiesel lebih kecil daripada solar. Hal tersebut dikarenakan biodiesel mengadung oksigen. Pada biodiesel, persentase warna api biru meningkat seiring meningkatnya persentase oksigen. Namun pada api spray solar, warna api cenderung berwarna kuning karena pembakaran dominan difusi. Untuk kestabilan api biodiesel, semakin besar debit total campuran gas N2 dan O2 maka persentase oksigen saat extinction semakin kecil. Hal ini dikarenakan droplet semakin kecil sehingga mudah berdifusi ke O2 sekitar agar api tetap stabil.

English Abstract

Diesel engine is one of the spray combustion devices that is often used in industry and transportation. With increasing use of diesel engine, biodiesel has been developed to replace diesel fuel whose availability are running low. Waste cooking oil is one of the raw materials that can be processed into biodiesel. To find out the combustion characteristics of biodiesel, this study aims to determine the effect of oxygen percentage on the spray combustion characteristics of biodiesel waste cooking oil. The percentage of oxygen is varied where total flowrate of N2-O2 was constant. Combustion characteristics include the height and width of flame, lift-off height, and the percentage of the blue flame. The characteristics of combustion will be compared with diesel fuel which is useful to find out the combustion quality of biodiesel as alternative fuel. The stability of spray flame is defined by minimum percentage of oxygen before the flame extinct. 0.5 mm air atomizing nozzle was used for this research purposes. The results show that the dimension and lift-off height of the flame decreases with increasing oxygen percentage. This is because the mixing distance between the fuel droplet and oxygen is getting shorter. However, dimensions and lift-off height of the biodiesel are shorter that diesel fuel because biodiesel contains oxygen. In biodiesel, percentage of blue flame increases with increasing oxygen percentage. while for diesel fuel, the color of flame tends to be yellow due to the dominant diffusion combustion. For the stability of the biodiesel spray flame, when the air flowrate (N2-O2 mixture) increases the minimum oxygen required to maintaince the stability of flame decrease. The increase of air flowrate cause the droplet size smaller. This causes the fuel droplet easier to diffuse with air from surronding. Therefore the flame remains stable

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2019/822/051909561
Uncontrolled Keywords: Biodiesel, Droplet, Oksigen, Waste Cooking Oil, Biodiesel, Droplet, Oxygen, Waste Cooking Oil
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 629 Other branches of engineering > 629.2 Motor land vehicles, cycles > 629.25 Engines > 629.254 Ignition, electrical, electronic systems of internal-combustion engines
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Mesin
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 19 Jul 2020 08:14
Last Modified: 31 Jul 2020 06:04
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