Pengaruh Sumber Dan Proporsi Pupuk N Pada Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Bayam (Amaranthus Sp.)

Pratama, Aryantana Hendarko Putra Setya (2019) Pengaruh Sumber Dan Proporsi Pupuk N Pada Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Bayam (Amaranthus Sp.). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tanaman Bayam merupakan salah satu komoditi sayuran yang populer di masyarakat. Tanaman bayam termasuk sayuran yang memiliki arti penting, karena disamping dapat memenuhi kebutuhan gizi bagi masyarakat, bayam sebenarnya dapat menambah pendapatan petani. Mengingat bayam mempunyai banyak manfaat, baik sebagai bahan pangan dengan kandungan nutrisi tinggi maupun khasiatnya dalam mengobati beberapa penyakit sehingga mempunyai peran penting dalam mendukung kesehatan masyarakat, maka pertumbuhan dan produksinya perlu ditingkatkan. Pemanfaatan bagian vegetatif (batang dan daun) tanaman bayam ini sebagai sayuran mengakibatkan kebutuhan nitrogen tanaman lebih tinggi. Namun nitrogen di dalam tanah tidak selalu dapat mencukupi kebutuhan bayam, sehingga untuk mengatasi kekurangan tersebut perlu dibantu dengan penggunaan pupuk. Pemupukan merupakan proses penambahan nutrisi yang bertujuan untuk mencukupi kebutuhan tanaman sehingga pertumbuhan tanaman dapat optimal. Nitrogen akan sangat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan, penampilan, warna dan hasil tanaman. Nitrogen membuat tanaman menjadi hijau karena mengandung klorofil yang berperan pada fotosintesis. Nitrogen juga berperan untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman. Budiyanto (2015) menyatakan nitrogen merupakan hara utama yang selalu menjadi titik utama dalam upaya-upaya peningkatan hasil tanaman. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh beberapa sumber pupuk N pada pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman bayam serta menentukan dosis yang tepat dari beberapa sumber pupuk N pada pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman bayam. Sedangkan hipotesis yang diajukan kombinasi Pupuk Urea 50% N dan Pupuk Phonska 50% N memberikan hasil yang terbaik. Penelitian dilaksanakan di lahan pertanian di Kelurahan Tlogomas, Kecamatan Lowokwaru, Kota Malang. Lokasi terletak pada ketinggian ± 550 m dpl, dengan suhu rata-rata harian 22-24oC, curah hujan rata-rata 133 mm bulan-1, dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret hingga bulan April 2019. Alat yang digunakan berupa cangkul, meteran, penggaris gembor, cetok, kamera, timbangan, LAM (Leaf Area Meter) dan oven. Bahan yang digunakan adalah bibit tanaman bayam, 3 sumber pupuk N (Pupuk Urea, Pupuk Phonska dan Pupuk ZA), pupuk P (berupa SP-36 : 36% P205) dan pupuk K (berupa KCl : 60% K2O). Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 9 (sembilan) perlakuan, yaitu : P1 = pupuk Urea (100% N), P2 = pupuk Phonska (100% N), P3 = pupuk ZA (100% N), P4 = pupuk Urea (50% N),P5 = pupuk Phonska (50% N), P6 = pupuk ZA (50% N), P7 = pupuk Urea (50% N) + pupuk Phonska (50% N), P8 = pupuk Urea (50% N) + pupuk ZA (50% N), P9 = pupuk Phonska (50% N) + pupuk ZA (50% N) dan 3 (tiga) ulangan sehingga terdapat 27 petak percobaan. Penempatan perlakuan pada petak percobaan dilakukan secara acak. Pengamatan menggunakan metode non destruktif dan destruktif (panen) dengan mengambil 2 tanaman contoh pada setiap perlakuan. Pengamatan non destruktif untuk mengamati pertumbuhan, meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun7 dan jumlah cabang, dilakukan pada saat tanaman berumur 7 hst, 12 hst, 17 hst dan 22 hst. Sedangkan pengamatan destruktif dilakukan saat panen (28 hst) dengan mengambil 9 tanaman tiap perlakuan, meliputi jumlah daun, luas daun, bobot segar total tanaman, bobot akar dan hasil panen. Data yang diperoleh dianalisa ragam dengan menggunakan uji F dengan taraf 5% untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh nyata dari perlakuan. Apabila terjadi pengaruh nyata dari perlakuan, maka dilanjutkan dengan menggunakan uji beda nyata jujur (BNJ) dengan taraf 5% untuk mengetahui perbedaan diantara perlakuan. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, kombinasi sumber dan proporsi pupuk N berpengaruh pada pertumbuhan tanaman bayam yang meliputi tinggi tanaman dan jumlah daun, namun tidak berpengaruh nyata pada jumlah cabang tanaman bayam. Penggunaan berbagai kombinasi sumber dan proporsi pupuk N menghasilkan bobot bayam yang tidak berbeda nyata. Namun demikian berdasarkan hasil analisis usahatani, perlakuan yang layak diterapkan adalah Perlakuan P7 dengan nilai R/C tertinggi , yaitu 1,41 dengan hasil sebesar 26,25 ton ha-1.

English Abstract

Spinach is one of the most popular vegetable commodities in the community. Spinach, including vegetables, has an important meaning, because besides being able to meet the nutritional needs of the community, spinach can actually increase farmers' income. Considering that spinach has many benefits, both as a food with high nutritional content and its properties in treating several diseases so that it has an important role in supporting public health, its growth and production need to be increased. Utilization of vegetative parts (stems and leaves) of spinach plants as vegetables results in higher plant nitrogen requirements. However, nitrogen in the soil cannot always meet the needs of spinach, so to overcome these deficiencies needs to be assisted by the use of fertilizers. Fertilization is a process of adding nutrients which aims to meet the needs of plants so that plant growth can be optimal. Nitrogen will greatly affect plant growth, appearance, color and yield. Nitrogen makes plants green because they contain chlorophyll which plays a role in photosynthesis. Nitrogen also plays a role in accelerating plant height growth. Budiyanto (2015) states that nitrogen is the main nutrient that has always been the main point in efforts to increase crop yields. The research objective is to study the effect of several sources of N fertilizer on the growth and yield of spinach plants and determine the appropriate dosage of several sources of N fertilizer on the growth and yield of spinach plants. While the hypothesis proposed a combination of 50% N Urea Fertilizer and 50% N Phonska Fertilizer gives the best results. The study was conducted on agricultural land in Tlogomas Sub-District, Lowokwaru District, Malang City. The location is located at an altitude of ± 550 m above sea level, with a daily average temperature of 22- 24oC, an average rainfall of 133 mm month-1, carried out in March to April 2019. Tools used in the form of hoe, meter, ruler rumped, pecks, cameras, scales, LAM (Leaf Area Meters) and ovens. The materials used are spinach plant seeds, 3 sources of N fertilizer (Urea Fertilizer, Phonska Fertilizer and ZA Fertilizer), P fertilizer (in the form of SP-36: 36% P205) and K fertilizer (in the form of KCl: 60% K2O). The study used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 9 (nine) treatments, namely: P1 = Urea fertilizer (100% N), P2 = Phonska fertilizer (100% N), P3 = ZA fertilizer (100% N), P4 = fertilizer Urea (50% N), P5 = Phonska fertilizer (50% N), P6 = ZA fertilizer (50% N), P7 = Urea fertilizer (50% N) + Phonska fertilizer (50% N), P8 = Urea fertilizer ( 50% N) + ZA fertilizer (50% N), P9 = Phonska fertilizer (50% N) + ZA fertilizer (50% N) and 3 (three) replications so that there are 27 experimental plots. The placement of the treatment in the experimental plot was carried out randomly. Observations using non-destructive and destructive (harvest) methods by taking 2 sample plants at each treatment. Non destructive observation to observe growth, including plant height, number of leaves and number of branches, is done when the plants are 7 days after birth, 12 days after planting, 17 days after planting and 22 days after planting. While destructive observations were made at harvest (28 HST) by taking 9 plants per treatment, including the number of leaves, leaf area, total fresh weight of plants, root weight9 and yield. The data obtained were analyzed variously using the F test with a level of 5% to determine whether there was a real effect of the treatment. If there is a real effect of the treatment, then it is continued by using honest significant difference test (HSD) with a level of 5% to find out the difference between treatments. Based on research that has been done, the combination of sources and proportion of N fertilizer affects the growth of spinach plants including plant height and number of leaves, but does not significantly affect the number of branches of spinach plants. Using various combinations of sources and proportions of N fertilizer produces spinach weights that are not significantly different. However, based on the results of farming analysis, the proper treatment is P7 treatment with the highest R / C ratio, which is 1,41 with a yield of 26.25 tons ha-1

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2019/724/051907604
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 635 Garden crops (Horticulture) > 635.4 Cooking greens and rhubarb > 635.41 Spinach > 635.418 Special cultivation methods; Fertilizers, soil conditioners, growth regulators
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Budidaya Pertanian
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 18 Oct 2019 02:51
Last Modified: 04 Sep 2023 02:16

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