Studi Perencanaan Seawall Pada Lahan Reklamasi Bandar Udara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai Bali

Nugraha, Antonius Wayan Bayu (2019) Studi Perencanaan Seawall Pada Lahan Reklamasi Bandar Udara Internasional I Gusti Ngurah Rai Bali. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Ditetapkannya Bali sebagai tuan rumah International Monetary Fund (IMF)-World Bank Annual Meeting 2018 berdampak pada pertumbuhan lalu lintas bandara. Mengantisipasi hal tersebut, dilakukan penambahan jumlah parkir pesawat dengan memperluas apron sisi barat, dan juga penambahan luas lahan bandara dengan reklamasi. Perlu direncanakan bangunan pengaman berupa seawall bertujuan untuk melindungi daerah reklamasi saat dan setelah pekerjaan. Seawall direncanakan berupa rubble mound structure dengan armor tetrapod. Adapun dari aspek geoteknik, perlu ditinjau potensi likuifaksi di lahan reklamasi dan penanganannya guna mencegah kerusakan struktur pengaman pantai maupun fasilitas bandara. Tahapan studi dilakukan dengan menganalisis gelombang rencana kala ulang 50 tahun berdasar data angin historis dan fetch. Kemudian dapat ditentukan dimensi bangunan berdasar gelombang maksimum. Stabilitas bangunan di kontrol terhadap keamanan terhadap kelongsoran (sliding), kemudian dilanjutkan dengan analisis RAB mengacu pada harga satuan pekerjaan dan bahan daerah Bali 2018 dan SNI Tahun 2016. Perhitungan likuifaksi dilakukan berdasar data CPT (Cone Penetration Test). Seawall direncanakan 3 tipe pada kedalaman -1,25 m (Tipe I); -1,50 m (Tipe II);-1,75 m (Tipe III) dengan panjang total 1450 m, elevasi crest +6,0 m. Untuk mengantisipasi potensi likuifaksi dan daya dukung tanah yang tidak memenuhi syarat, maka dibangun fondasi pada seawall berupa fondasi tiang pancang dari kayu galam (Ø 8 cm) serta matras bambu 3 lapis. Kedalaman pemancangan bervariasi tergantung nilai N-SPT lokasi, untuk bangunan tipe I, pemancangan sedalam 11 m; bangunan tipe II pemancangan sedalam 5 m; dan bangunan tipe III pemancangan sedalam 7 m. Untuk mencegah naiknya pasir kedalam struktur bangunan, maka seawall pada bagian dasar dilapisi oleh geotekstil. Berdasar hasil analisis likuifaksi pada lahan reklamasi sebanyak 2 titik, dinyatakan tidak aman, dimana FS < 1, maka perlu penanganan soil improvement dengan metode vibroflotation. Metode ini menggunakan getaran untuk memadatkan tanah, cara ini dianggap paling sederhana dan efisien khususnya untuk pemadatan lahan reklamasi pasir. Biaya yang dibutuhkan dalam pembangunan seawall sebesar Rp 224.262.472.766,00 mengacu terhadap harga satuan bahan dan pekerjaan daerah Bali Tahun 2018 dan SNI Pekerjaan Umum Tahun 2016.

English Abstract

The establishment of Bali as the host of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) - World Bank Annual Meeting 2018 is having an impact on the growth of airport traffic. Anticipating this, an increase in the amount of aircraft parking was carried out by expansion of the west side apron, as well as the addition of airport land area by reclamation. A security building in the form of a seawall is intended to protect the reclamation area during and after work. The Seawall is designed as rubble mound structure with tetrapod armor. As for the geotechnical aspect, it is necessary to review the potential of liquefaction and the bearing capacity of the land at the location of work and its handling to prevent damage to the coastal safety structures and airport facilities. The stages of the study were carried out by analyzing a wave of 50-year return plans based on historical wind and fetch data. Then the building dimensions can be determined based on maximum waves. The stability of the building is analyzed based on sliding, then followed by budget plan analysis refering to the price of Bali (year 2018) work units and regional materials and SNI 2016. Calculation of liquefaction is carried out based on CPT data (Cone Penetration Test). Seawall is planned for 3 types at a depth of 1.25 m (Type I); -1.50 m (Type II); - 1.75 m (Type III) with a total length of 1450 m, crest elevation +6.0 m. To anticipate the potential of liquefaction and the bearing capacity of the land that does not meet the requirements, the foundation of the seawall needs to be built in the form of pile foundation from galam wood (Ø 8 cm) and a 3 layer bamboo mat. The depth of pile penetration varies depending on the value of N-SPT of each location, for type I buildings, pile penetrates as deep as 11 m; type II, pile penetrates as deep as 5 m; and type III building, pile penetrates a depth of 7 m. To prevent the sand from entering the structure of the building, the seawall base is covered by geotextiles. Based on the results of liquefaction analysis on a reclamation area of 2 points, it is declared unsafe, where FS <1, it is necessary to perform soil improvement using the vibroflotation method. This method uses vibration to compact the soil, this method is considered the most simple and efficient, especially for compaction of sand reclamation land. The costs needed in the construction of the seawall is estimated up to Rp 224,262,472,766.00, the calculation referring to the unit prices of regional materials and unit works of Bali (year 2018) and SNI for Public Works (year 2016).

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2019/28/051904508
Uncontrolled Keywords: reklamasi bandara, seawall, likuifaksi, rencana anggaran biaya, Airport reclamation, seawall, liquefaction, budget plan
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 627 Hydraulic engineering > 627.5 Reclamations, Irrigation, related topics
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Pengairan
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 13 Oct 2020 15:01
Last Modified: 13 Oct 2020 15:01
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