Adjim, Alfiyah Rahmani (2019) Keanekaragaman Jamur Entomopatogen pada Rizosfer Pinus Monokultur dan Tumpangsari Pinus - Kopi di Kawasan Hutan Pendidikan UB, Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Jamur entomopatogen sebagai agens hayati, efektif mengendalikan hama tanaman. Jamur entomopatogen sebagai agens hayati, dapat diperoleh dari rizosfer pinus monokultur dan tumpangsari pinus – kopi di hutan UB. Penelitian tentang rizosfer pinus monokultur dan tumpangsari pinus – kopi sebagai habitat jamur entomopatogen, dibutuhkan untuk memberikan informasi tentang potensi rizosfer antara lain spesies jamur yang ada dan tingkat keanekaragamannya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui jenis jamur entomopatogen sebagai agens hayati dan menganalisis indeks keanekaragaman jamur entomopatogen dari rizosfer pinus monokultur dan tumpangsari pinus - kopi. Studi dilakukan dengan mengambil sampel tanah dari rizosfer pinus monokultur dan tumpangsari pinus – kopi untuk dianalisis keanekaragaman jamur. Analisis terdiri dari isolasi, purifikasi dan identifikasi isolat jamur. Isolasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode umpan serangga (insect bait method). Metode umpan serangga menggunakan larva Tenebrio molitor. Larva yang terinfeksi jamur selanjutnya diisolasi sampai 7 hari. Isolat jamur yang tumbuh kemudian dilakukan purifikasi. Purifikasi dilakukan pada setiap isolat jamur yang mempunyai kenampakan morfologi yang berbeda dilihat secara makroskopis meliputi kenampakan warna, bentuk jamur, tepi koloni dan pola persebaran koloni. Identifikasi isolat jamur dilakukan berdasarkan pengamatan morfologi dengan acuan kunci identifikasi jamur menurut Gandjar et al. (1999) dan Watanabe (2002). Analisis keanekaragaman menggunakan rumus Indeks Keanekaragaman Shannon - Wiener. Dari hasil isolasi jamur rizosfer pinus monokultur dan tumpangsari pinus – kopi diperoleh 17 isolat koloni jamur dari 7 genus jamur 2 genus jamur yang belum teridentifikasi. Genus dari rizosfer pinus monokultur berjumlah 5 yaitu Papulaspora, Metarhizium, Mortierella, Fusarium dan 1 isolat koloni jamur lainnya belum teridentifikasi. Genus dari rizosfer pinus – kopi tumpangsari berjumlah 6 yaitu genus Metarhizium, Cochliobolus, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium dan 1 isolat koloni jamur lainnya belum teridentifikasi. Nilai Indeks Keanekaragaman Jamur (IKJ) lahan tumpangsari pinus – kopi (H’ = 2,02) lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan IKJ lahan monokultur pinus (H’ = 1,95). Keanekaragaman jamur entomopatogen pada rizosfer pinus – kopi tumpangsari dan pinus monokultur berindikasi untuk memprediksi apakah rizosfer di hutan UB berpotensi sebagai habitat jamur entomopatogen. Namun, perlu dilakukan pengujian terhadap patogenesisnya.
English Abstract
Entomopathogenic fungi as biological agents, effectively control plant pests. Entomopathogenic fungi as biological agents, can be obtained from the rhizosphere of monoculture pine and intercropping of pine - coffee in UB Forest. Research on the rhizosphere of monoculture pine and intercropping pine - coffee as an entomopathogenic fungi habitat is needed to provide information about the potential of the rhizosphere including existing fungal species and diversity level. The purpose of this study was to determine the type of entomopathogenic fungi as biological agents and analyze the diversity index of entomopathogenic fungi from rhizosphere of monoculture pine and intercropping pine – coffee. The study was conducted by taking soil samples from the rhizosphere of monoculture pine and intercropping pine - coffee to analyze the diversity of fungi. The analysis consisted of isolation, purification and identification of fungal isolates. Isolation was carried out using the insect bait method. Insect bait method using Tenebrio molitor larvae. The larvae infected with the fungus are then isolated for up to 7 days. Fungal isolates which are grown are then purified. Purification was carried out on each fungal isolate which had different morphological appearance seen macroscopically including color appearance, fungal shape, colony edge and colony distribution pattern. Identification of fungal isolates was carried out based on morphological observations with key references to fungi identification according to Gandjar et al. (1999) and Watanabe (2002). Diversity analysis used the Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index formula. From the results of rhizosphere fungus isolation of monoculture pine and intercropping of pine-coffee obtained 17 isolates of fungal colonies from 7 fungal genus and 2 fungal genus that have not been identified. Genus from monoculture pine rhizosphere numbered 5, namely Papulaspora, Metarhizium, Mortierella, Fusarium and 1 other isolate fungal colony have not been identified. The genus from the rhizosphere of intercropping pine - coffee numbered 6, namely the genera Metarhizium, Cochliobolus, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium and 1 isolate of other fungal colonies that have not been identified. Fungi diversity index value (“IKJ = Indeks Keanekaragaman Jamur Entomopatogen”) of intercropping pine – coffee land use (H '= 2,02) is higher than monoculture pine (H' = 1,95). The diversity of entomopathogenic fungi in the rhizosphere of intercropped pine - coffee and monoculture pine is indicated to predict whether the rhizosphere in UB Forest has the potential to be an habitat for entomopathogenic fungi. However, it is necessary to test its pathogenicity.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FP/2019/210/051906953 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | - |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 635 Garden crops (Horticulture) > 635.8 Mushrooms and truffles |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman |
Depositing User: | Endang Susworini |
Date Deposited: | 24 Aug 2020 07:18 |
Last Modified: | 24 Aug 2020 07:18 |
URI: | |
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