Lianasari, Meka (2019) Analisis Evaporasi dengan Metode Lysimeter Mikro dan Gravimetri pada Tingkat Kerapatan Naungan yang Berbeda di Lahan Kopi UB Forest, Kabupaten Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Perubahan iklim merupakan suatu kondisi dimana beberapa unsur iklim secara intensitas cenderung mengalami perubahan/ menyimpang dari dinamika dan keadaan rata-rata, menuju ke arah (trend) tertentu. Peningkatan suhu dan perubahan pola curah hujan merupakan permasalahan penting dalam sektor pertanian, karena peran utamanya sebagai komponen ketersediaan air bagi tanaman. Ketersediaan air bagi tanaman dipengaruhi oleh input (melalui infiltrasi dan perkolasi) dan output (melalui evaporasi dan drainase) air pada tanah. Tanaman naungan pada lahan kopi dapat mengurangi radiasi matahari dan dengan demikian suhu permukaan tanah menurun seiring hilangnya air oleh evaporasi tanah. Evaporasi tanah menunjukkan nilai yang bervariasi dengan tingkat kerapatan tutupan kanopi yang berbeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis bagaimana pengaruh tingkat kerapatan tanaman naungan terhadap iklim mikro dan laju evaporasi pada suatu lahan, serta menganalisis nilai laju evaporasi yang diukur dengan 2 metode yang berbeda (lysimeter mikro dan gravimetri). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Lahan Kopi UB Forest yang terletak di Dusun Sumberwangi, Desa Tawangargo, Kecamatan Karangploso, Kabupaten Malang pada bulan Desember 2018 sampai Maret 2019. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Rancangan Tersarang dengan 3 perlakuan tingkat kerapatan tanaman naungan yaitu rendah, sedang, dan tinggi. Selain itu untuk memperdalam informasi yang diperoleh, dilakukan pengamatan pada 2 faktor yaitu iklim yang meliputi panas dan mendung (untuk pengamatan iklim mikro dan evaporasi) dan kondisi permukaan tanah yang meliputi tanah tanpa tutupan dan tanah dengan tutupan (untuk pengamatan evaporasi). Aspek yang diamati terdiri dari 4 aspek, pertama aspek tanaman berupa persentase tingkat kerapatan tanaman naungan. Aspek tanah meliputi BI, BJ, porositas, kadar air, C-Organik, dan ketebalan seresah. Aspek Iklim mikro meliputi suhu tanah kedalaman 0-20 cm, suhu udara mikro, kelembaban udara mikro, dan intensitas radiasi matahari mikro. Aspek evaporasi tanah meliputi evaporasi tanah dengan metode lysimeter mikro dan evaporasi tanah dengan metode gravimetri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kerapatan tanaman naungan 66.89% (K3) mampu menurunkan suhu tanah kedalaman 0-20 cm sebesar 2.08°C (10%) dan menurunkan suhu udara mikro sebesar 3.25°C (14%), serta menurunkan intensitas radiasi matahari mikro sebesar 1301 Lux (61%). Namun tingkat kerapatan tanaman naungan 66.89% meningkatkan kelembaban udara mikro sebesar 14%. Pada iklim panas tingkat kerapatan tanaman naungan 66.89% (K3) mampu menurunkan laju evaporasi tanah sebesar 18% pada tanah tanpa tutupan dan menurunkan laju evaporasi tanah sebesar 17% pada tanah dengan tutupan seresah dan tumbuhan bawah. Pada iklim mendung tingkat kerapatan tanaman naungan 66.89% (K3) mampu menurunkan laju evaporasi tanah sebesar 17% pada tanah tanpa tutupan dan menurunkan laju evaporasi tanah sebesar 21% pada tanah dengan tutupan seresah dan tumbuhan bawah. Secara keseluruhan hasil pengukuran laju evaporasi yang dilakukan dengan metode lysimeter mikro menunjukkan nilai 4% lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan laju evaporasi yang diukur dengan metode gravimetri. Uji korelasi antara metode lysimeter mikro dengan metode gravimetri menunjukkan nilai koefisien korelasi yang sedang sampai tinggi yaitu 0.42 sampai 0.63.
English Abstract
Climate change is a condition where several elements of climate tend to change/ deviate from the dynamics and average conditions, towards certain trends. Increased temperature and changes in rainfall patterns are important issues in the agricultural sector, because of its main role as a component of water availability for plants. The availability of water for plants is influenced by input (through infiltration and percolation) and output (through evaporation and drainage) of water on the soil. Shade plants on coffee grounds can reduce solar radiation and thus the surface temperature of the soil decreases with the loss of water by evaporation of the soil. Soil evaporation shows varying values with different levels of canopy cover density. This study aims to analyze how the influence of shade density level on micro climate and evaporation rate on a land, and analyze the evaporation rate values measured by 2 different methods (micro lysimeter and gravimetric). This research was held in UB Forest Coffee Field located in Sumberwangi Hamlet, Tawangargo Village, Karangploso Subdistrict, Malang Regency in December 2018 to March 2019. The research design used was a nested design with 3 treatments of shade density, namely low, medium, and high. In addition to deepening the information obtained, observations were made on 2 factors, namely climate which includes heat and cloudiness (for observing microclimate and evaporation) and the condition of the land surface which includes soil without cover and soil with cover (for evaporation observation). The observed aspects consisted of 4 aspects, the first aspect of the plant was the percentage of the shade density of the plant. Land aspects include BI, BJ, porosity, water content, C-Organic, and litter thickness. The aspects of the micro climate include soil temperature from 0-20 cm depth, micro air temperature, micro air humidity, and the intensity of micro solar radiation. The aspects of soil evaporation include soil evaporation using the micro lysimeter method and soil evaporation using the gravimetric method. The results showed that the density of shade plants of 66.89% (K3) was able to reduce the soil temperature to a depth of 0-20 cm by 2.08 ° C (10%) and reduce the micro air temperature by 3.25 ° C (14%), and reduce the intensity of micro solar radiation amounting to 1301 Lux (61%). However, the shade plant density of 66.89% increased micro air humidity by 14%. In hot climates the density of shade plants 66.89 (K3) is able to reduce the rate of soil evaporation by 18% in soil without cover and reduce the rate of soil evaporation by 17% in soil with litter cover and understorey. In cloudy climates the density of shade plants of 66.89% (K3) was able to reduce the rate of soil evaporation by 17% in soils without cover and reduce the rate of soil evaporation by 21% in soil with litter cover and understorey. Overall results of measurements of evaporation rates carried out by the micro lysimeter method showed a value of 4% lower than the rate of evaporation as measured by the gravimetric method. Correlation test between micro lysimeter method and gravimetric method shows the correlation coefficient value that is moderate to high, which is 0.42 to 0.63.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/FP/2019/464/051907238 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | - |
Subjects: | 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 633 Field and plantation crops > 633.7 Alkaloidal crops > 633.73 Coffee |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi |
Depositing User: | soegeng sugeng |
Date Deposited: | 18 Aug 2020 03:02 |
Last Modified: | 18 Aug 2020 03:02 |
URI: | |
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