Penentuan Skala Prioritas Pengembangan Potensi Mata Air di Kota Batu Menggunakan Metode Analytic Network Process

Alfi, Theodora Lie Diaz (2019) Penentuan Skala Prioritas Pengembangan Potensi Mata Air di Kota Batu Menggunakan Metode Analytic Network Process. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kota Batu tak hanya dikenal dengan sebutan kota wisata, melainkan disebut juga kota mata air karena letaknya di bagian hulu Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Brantas. Kondisi sejumlah mata air di Kota Batu saat ini sudah mulai mengkhawatirkan, banyak mata air yang sudah mati atau hilang. Hilangnya mata air di Kota Batu, mengakibatkan berkurangnya ketersediaan air yang dimanfaatkan masyarakat Kota Batu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pokok rumah tangga hingga irigasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan solusi alternatif dalam memenuhi kebutuhan air bersih masyarakat Kota Batu guna menentukan sumber mata air yang masih berpotensi untuk dikembangkan menggunakan metode Analytic Network Process (ANP). Penyelidikan potensi mata air dilakukan berdasarkan 4 kriteria yang terdiri atas aspek kuantitas air (8 subkriteria), kualitas air (5 subkriteria), kontinuitas aliran (3 subkriteria), dan status kepemilikan lahan (3 subkriteria) terhadap 15 alternatif mata air yang diteliti. Analisis metode Analytic Network Process (ANP) dilakukan dengan bantuan paket program komputer Super Decisions 2.10.0. Penentuan bobot subkriteria dilakukan berdasarkan nilai rasio perbandingan berpasangan angka 1-9, subkriteria yang mutlak berpengaruh terhadap penelitian akan diberi skor tertinggi yaitu angka 9. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, dapat ditunjukkan bahwa kondisi mata air di lokasi penelitian berdasarkan aspek kuantitas air secara umum termasuk kelas V (debit 1-10 liter/detik), aspek kualitas air pada 15 mata air di lokasi penelitian memiliki kualitas air sangat baik, aspek kontinuitas aliran pada 15 lokasi penelitian memiliki sifat pengaliran tahunan, dan aspek kepemilikan lahan mata air di lokasi penelitian dominan milik rakyat, terdapat 5 mata air milik negara dan hanya satu mata air milik Perhutani. Urutan ranking alternatif prioritas mata air yang terpilih yaitu Mata Air Torong Sisir, Mata Air Urip, Mata Air Jeding, Mata Air Jambe, Mata Air Kembang, Mata Air Belik Bei, Mata Air Belik Tanjung, Mata Air Kali Kasin, Mata Air Kali Njombok, Mata Air Dolo, Mata Air Krajan, Mata Air Dadapan, Mata Air Rewuk, Mata Air Rembyung, dan terakhir Mata Air Torong Miri.

English Abstract

Batu City is not only known as a tourist city, but it is also called the city of springs because of its location in the upper reaches of the Brantas Watershed. The condition of a number of springs in Batu City is now should be concern because it had loss its function. The loss of springs in Batu City, resulted in reduced availability of water used by the people of Batu City to meet household basic needs to irrigation. This research was conducted to obtain alternative solutions in meeting the clean water needs of the people of Batu City to determine the source of springs that still have the potential to be developed using the Analytic Network Process (ANP) method. Investigation of the potential of springs was done based on 4 criteria consisting of aspects of water quantity (8 subcriteria), water quality (5 subcriteria), continuity of flow (3 subcriteria), and land ownership status (3 subc Criteria) of 15 alternative springs researched. Analysis of the Analytic Network Process (ANP) method was done based on the help of the Super Decisions 2.10.0 computer program package. Determination of the weight of sub-criteria was done by the value of the ratio a comparison of paired numbers 1- 9, the sub-criteria which absolutely influences the research will be given the highest score namely number 9. Based on the results of this study, it can be shown that the condition of springs at the location of research is based on aspects of the quantity of water in general, including class V (discharge 1-10 liters/s), based on aspects of water quality at 15 springs at the location of research has very good water quality, based on the aspect of continuity of flow at 15 location of research having the nature of annual drainage, and based on the ownership of springs in the dominant research location owned by the people, there are 5 springs belonging to the state and only one springs belonging to Perhutani. The ranking of alternative priorities of selected springs which are Torong Sisir Springs, Urip Springs, Jeding Springs, Jambe Springs, Kembang Springs, Beik Belik Springs, Tanjung Belik Springs, Kasin Springs, Njombok Kali Springs, Dolo Springs, Krajan Springs, Dadapan Springs, Rewuk Springs, Rembyung Springs, and finally Torong Miri Springs.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2019/760/051907508
Uncontrolled Keywords: Analytic Network Process, Mata Air, Skala Prioritas, Super Decisions.
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 628 Sanitary engineering > 628.1 Water supply > 628.11 Sources > 628.112 Lakes, rivers, springs
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Pengairan
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 15 Sep 2020 06:42
Last Modified: 15 Sep 2020 06:42
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