Studi Perbandingan Beberapa Metode Pemetaan Bahaya Tanah Longsor di DAS Mikro Bangsri, Kabupaten Malang

Baha’illah, Muhammad Dani (2019) Studi Perbandingan Beberapa Metode Pemetaan Bahaya Tanah Longsor di DAS Mikro Bangsri, Kabupaten Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tanah longsor adalah jenis bencana alam yang umumnya terjadi di wilayah pegunungan (mountainous area) yang dapat menyebabkan kerugian harta benda maupun korban jiwa dan juga dapat menimbulkan kerusakan sarana dan prasarana yang berdampak pada kondisi sosial masyarakat. DAS Mikro Bangsri terletak di lereng tengah dan lereng bawah Gunung Semeru yang memiliki relief bergunung, berbukit dan dataran bergelombang serta kemiringan lereng yang landai hingga terjal. Lereng yang terjal pada DAS Mikro Bangsri berpotensi mengalami longsor. Mengingat bahaya longsor yang mengancam, maka diperlukan metode pendugaan bahaya tanah longsor yang tepat dan akurat untuk bisa memprediksi bahaya tanah longsor. Banyak macam metode pendugaan longsor yang telah dibuat dan setiap metode tersebut memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing. Beberapa metode tersebut antara lain: (1) Metode bahaya tanah longsor oleh Kementerian Kehutanan; (2) Metode bahaya tanah longsor oleh PVMBG dan (3) Metode bahaya tanah longsor oleh Balai Penelitian Geomatika. Penelitian dilaksanakan di DAS Mikro Bangsri, Kabupaten Malang mulai dari bulan Juni tahun 2018 hingga bulan Mei tahun 2019. Semua data diperoleh dari data sekunder dan survei lapangan, selanjutnya dilakukan proses analisis data sehingga menjadi tiga peta pendugaan bahaya longsor yang berbeda. Tiga peta tersebut dilakukan uji validasi untuk mengetahui akurasi dari tiga metode berbeda dengan menggunakan confusion matrix. Berdasarkan hasil uji validasi, didapatkan bahwa koefisien Kappa (K) pada metode Kementerian Kehutanan adalah yang terbaik (0,542) dibandingkan dengan PVMBG (0,460) dan Balai Penelitian Geomatika (0,421). Meskipun metode Kementerian Kehutanan lebih baik, tetapi masih belum bisa diterapkan karena nilai koefisien Kappa (K) masih rendah. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan modifikasi. Hasil dari modifikasi diperoleh nilai koefisien Kappa (K) 0,780. Berdasarkan modifikasi tersebut, dihasilkan tiga kelas bahaya longsor yaitu kelas bahaya Rendah (1868 ha), Sedang (898 ha) dan Tinggi (219 ha).

English Abstract

Landslides are type of natural disaster that generally occurs in mountainous areas which can cause loss of properties, infrastructure and facilities that have an impact to social conditions. Bangsri Micro-Watershed is located on the middle slope and the lower slope of Mount Semeru which has various relief characteristics from hilly to mountainous, and undulating terrain with slope varied from moderate to steep. The steep slopes in the Bangsri Micro-Watershed are the most likely part to undergo landslides. The threatening danger of landslides need an accurate method to estimate and predict the landslide hazards. Various types of landslide estimation methods had been made and each of those methods has their own advantages and disadvantages. There are three methods that used in this research e.g.: (1) Methods of landslide hazards by Indonesian Ministry of Forestry; (2) Methods of landslide hazards by PVMBG and (3) Methods of landslide hazards by the Geomatics Research Institute. The research was conducted in Bangsri Micro-Watershed, Malang Regency from June 2018 until May 2019. The data were obtained from secondary data and field surveys, then the data analysis process were performed and the result were three different landslide hazard estimation map. Then those three maps were validated to determine the accuracy of three different methods using confusion matrix. The results based on the validation test showed that the Kappa (K) coefficient in estimating landslide hazard methods by the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry was the best (0.542) compared to PVMBG (0.460) and the Geomatics Research Institute (0.421). Despite the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry's method in estimating landslide hazard was the best among the others, it still cannot be applied because the Kappa (K) coefficient value underrated. Therefore, modifications method were needed. The results obtained from Kappa coefficient (K) of the modification method 0,780. Based on these modifications, three landslide hazard classes were produced, including the Low (1868 ha), Moderate (898 ha) and High (219 ha) hazard classes.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2019/26/051906752
Uncontrolled Keywords: -
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 631 Specific techniques; apparatus, equipment materials > 631.4 Soil science > 631.45 Soil erosion
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Ilmu Tanah
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 10 Aug 2020 06:37
Last Modified: 10 Aug 2020 06:37
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