Perancangan User Experience Aplikasi Mobile Melijo Menggunakan Metode Human-Centred Design

Hidayattullah, Luthfi Rahmad (2019) Perancangan User Experience Aplikasi Mobile Melijo Menggunakan Metode Human-Centred Design. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Mayoritas penduduk Indonesia bekerja di bidang pertanian. Masalah yang dialami oleh petani adalah kecilnya pendapatan yang mereka dapatkan. Salah satu penyebabnya adalah hubungan patron-klien antara petani dan tengkulak, sehingga petani hanya mengandalkan tengkulak untuk menjual hasil panen. Aplikasi Melijo dirancang untuk memperluas sektor pasar hasil panen petani secara langsung ke konsumen akhir seperti rumah makan atau katering. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat rancangan user experience aplikasi Melijo sehingga dapat menghasilkan rancangan aplikasi yang memiliki nilai usability dan user experience yang baik bagi petani dan konsumen akhir. pendekatan yang digunakan untuk melakukan perancangan adalah Human-Centered Design dan teori elements of user experience. Dimulai dengan melakukan analisis konteks penggunaan, analisis kebutuhan pengguna, dan pembuatan desain solusi. Evaluasi desain solusi dilakukan dengan melakukan usability testing kepada 5 pengguna yang memeroleh nilai 93,33% pada aspek effectiveness, 91,26% pada aspek efficiency, dan 86 aspek satisfaction bagi petani. Sedangkan bagi konsumen akhir memeroleh nilai 94,28% pada aspek effectiveness, 91,15% pada aspek efficiency, dan 76,4 aspek satisfaction. User Experience Questionnaire dilakukan pada 20 pengguna menunjukkan desain solusi bagi petani memeroleh kategori “Good” pada aspek Efficiency, Stimulation, dan Novelty. Serta kategori “Above Average” pada aspek Attractiveness, Perspicuity, dan Dependability. Sedangkan solusi desain bagi konsumen akhir memeroleh kategori “Good” pada aspek Attractiveness, Efficiency, Stimulation, dan Novelty. Serta kategori “Above Average” pada aspek Perpicuity dan Dependability. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa desain solusi bernilai positif karena nilai yang didapatkan berada di atas nilai rata-rata.

English Abstract

The majority of the Indonesian population works in agriculture. The problem experienced by farmers is the small income they get. One reason is the patronclient relationship between farmers and middlemen, so farmers only rely on middlemen to sell their crops. The Melijo application is designed to expand the farmers' market sector directly to end consumers such as restaurants or catering. This study aims to design the user experience of the Melijo application so that it can produce application designs that have good usability and user experience values for farmers and end consumers. the approach used to design is HumanCentered Design and the theory of elements of user experience. It starts with analyzing the use context, analyzing user needs, and making a design solution. Solution design evaluation was carried out by conducting usability testing to 5 users who obtained a value of 93.33% on aspects of effectiveness, 91.26% on aspects of efficiency, and 86 aspects of satisfaction for farmers. Whereas for the final consumer obtained a value of 94.28% in the aspect of effectiveness, 91.15% in the aspect of efficiency, and 76.4 aspects of satisfaction. The User Experience Questionnaire conducted at 20 users showed that the solution design for farmers obtained the "Good" category on Efficiency, Stimulation, and Novelty aspects. As well as the category "Above Average" in the aspects of Attractiveness, Perspicuity, and Dependability. While the design solutions for end consumers get the category "Good" in the aspects of Attractiveness, Efficiency, Stimulation, and Novelty. As well as the "Above Average" category on the Perpicuity and Dependability aspects. The test results show that the design of the solution is positive because the value obtained is above the average value.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FILKOM/2019/454/051905837
Uncontrolled Keywords: hasil panen, user experience, human-centered design, usability testing, UEQ, : yields, user experience, human-centered design, usability testing, UEQ
Subjects: 000 Computer science, information and general works > 006 Special computer methods > 006.7 Multimedia systems > 006.707 2 Web sites--research
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer > Sistem Informasi
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 24 Aug 2020 06:55
Last Modified: 25 Oct 2021 02:32
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