Implementasi Saving Matrix Dan Modified Nearest Neighborhood Dalam Penyelesaian Vehicle Routing Problem Delivery And Pickup

Putera, Renanda Satria (2017) Implementasi Saving Matrix Dan Modified Nearest Neighborhood Dalam Penyelesaian Vehicle Routing Problem Delivery And Pickup. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


PT. Segar Murni Utama merupakan perusahaan air minum yang berlokasi di kota Mojokerto, Jawa Timur. Produk air minum kemasan galon manjadi produk dengan permintaan paling tinggi di pasaran. Selain memproduksi produk air minum, perusahaan juga perlu mengirimkannya ke agen-agen yang tersebar di berbagai kota. Setiap agen yang dikunjungi memiliki jarak tempuh yang berbeda-beda. Jauhnya jarak tempuh yang dilalui selama pendistribusian membebankan waktu tempuh yang lama. Pemanfaatan kapasitas kendaraan yang belum digunakan semaksimal mungkin menyebabkan pengiriman tidak efisien karena masih tersedia sisa ruang kosong yang cukup besar. Di dalam proses pendistribusian yang dilakukan terdiri dari forward distribution berupa pengiriman produk air minum dan reverse logistic berupa pengembalian galon kosong dari agen. Selama ini perusahaan belum memiliki rute tetap dalam pendistribusian produknya. Permasalahan ini tergolong dalam vehicle routing problem with delivery and pickup. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui rute pendisttribusian dengan jarak yang lebih pendek untuk menghemat jarak dan waktu selama pengiriman barang. Penyusunan rute dimulai dengan menggunakan saving matrix sebagai solusi awal. Tahap yang dilalui meliputi penentuan matrik jarak dari setiap lokasi agen, menghitung penghematan dari setiap titik agen berdasarkan matrik jarak yang sudah didapatkan, kemudian mengalokasikan seluruh agen ke dalam rute. Setelah didapatkan rute-rute hasil pengolahan saving matrix, tahap selanjutnya melakukan peyusunan kembali rute-rute yang telah didapatkan menggunakan modified nearest neighborhood. Metode ini merupakan metode nearest neighborhood yang dimodifikasi sesuai permasalahan yang ada serta dikombinasikan dengan interchange, crossover, relokasi, dan 2-opt. Semua metode yang digunakan bertujuan untuk menemukan rute pendistribusian yang lebih pendek dibandingkan dengan kondisi yang ada di perusahaan. Penyusunan rute dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu penyusunan rute ketika musim kemarau dan penyusunan rute ketika musim penghujan. Alasan dilakukannya pembagian penyusunan rute berdasarkan musim yang ada karena ketika musim kemarau berlangsung permintaan agen terhadap produk air minum cenderung lebih banyak dibandingkan ketika musim hujan, sehingga terdapat perbedaan penyusunan rute di kedua musim. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan didapatkan penghematan sebesar 4,5% menggunakan saving matrix dan 16,3% menggunakan modified nearest neighborhood dari 34 rute yang tersusun ketika musim kemarau. Sedangkan ketika musim hujan berlangsung, didapatkan penghematan sebesar 2,1% menggunakan saving matrix dan 19,4%menggunakan modified nearest neighborhood dari 29 rute yang tersusun. Hasil pengolahan menggunakan modified nearest neighborhood memberikan hasil jarak tempuh yang lebih pendek dibandingkan dengan kondisi sebelum dilakukannya penelitian. Agar hasil penelitian ini dapat dimanfaatkan oleh perusahaan, maka diberikan rekomendasi perbaikan berupa pembagian jadwal pengiriman di setiap harinya baik di musim kemarau maupun musim hujan. Pembagian jadwal pengiriman didasarkan pada hasil rute yang telah didapatkan dan keseimbangan total jam kerja bagi kendaraan dan tim yang bertugas.

English Abstract

PT. Segar Murni Utama is a drink water company located at Mojokerto, East Java. Drink water packed in gallons are the most demanded products on the market. Besides producing drink water products, companies also need to distribute the products to agents that scattered in various cities. Each agent that visited has different mileage. The long mileage during distribution cause a long traveling time. The exertion of vehicle capacity that has not fully utizilized causes unefficiency as there is still considerable remaining free space. In the distribution process consists of forward distribution process in the form of drink water products distribution and reverse logistics in the form of empty gallon return from the agent. So far, the company does not have a fixed route to distribute the products. This problem include to the vehicle routing problem with delivery and pickup. This research was conducted to know the distribution route with shorter distance to save distance and time during the delivery process. Route arrangement begins by using saving matrix as the initial solution. The stages include determining the distance matrix from each agent location, calculating the savings of each agent location based on the distance matrix that already obtained, then allocating all agents into the route. After obtaining routes with saving matrix process, the next step is to rearrangement the route that have been obtained using the modified nearest neighborhood. This method is a nearest neighborhood method that modified according to existing problems and combined with interchange, crossover, relocation, and 2-opt. All the method used are aimed to find a shorter distribution route then compared to the existing condition in the company. The arrangement of routes is divided into 2, the arrangement of routes during dry season and the arrangement of routes during the rainy season. The reason for doing classification of arrangement routes based on the existing season because the demand for agents of drink water products in dry season tends to be higher than in the rainy season, so there are differences in the arrangement of routes in both seasons. Based the result of the research, the savings distance of 4,5% is obtained using saving matrix and 16,3% is obtained using the modified nearest neighborhood from 34 routes that arranged during the dry season. During the rainy season, the savings distance of 2,1% is obtained using saving matrix and 19,4% is obtained using modified nearest neighborhood from 29 arranged routes. The results of the modified nearest neighborhood process, obtained a shorter mileage compared to the conditions before the research. In order to the result of this research can be utilized by the company, recommendation improvement will be given in the form of delivery schedules in every day both in the dry season and rainy season. The classification of delivery schedule is based on the results of the route that has been obtained and the balance of total work hours for the vehicles and the team on duty.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2017/641/051707234
Uncontrolled Keywords: Reverse Logistic, Vehicle Routing Problem With Delivery And Pickup, Saving Matrix, Modified Nearest Neighborhood
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 388 Transportation > 388.3 Vehicular transportation > 388.32 Vehicular activities and services > 388.324 Trucking services > 388.324 2 Routes
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Industri
Depositing User: Yusuf Dwi N.
Date Deposited: 25 Aug 2017 07:52
Last Modified: 11 Dec 2020 06:57
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