Penentuan Rute Distribusi Produk Farmasi menggunakan Nearest Neighbor, Nearest Insert, Farthest Insert, dan Integer Linear Programming

Diandra, Ardita Julia (2019) Penentuan Rute Distribusi Produk Farmasi menggunakan Nearest Neighbor, Nearest Insert, Farthest Insert, dan Integer Linear Programming. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


PT. Dos Ni Roha Jember merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang distribusi farmasi dan consumer product. Perusahaan ini mengatur distribusi berbagai macam produk dari 22 principles yang akan di distribusikan ke area Jember, Banyuwangi, Bondowoso, Situbondo, Probolinggo, dan Lumajang. Jadwal distribusi produk di Kabupaten Jember dilakukan setiap hari, sehingga proses distribusi di kabupaten Jember memiliki pengaruh besar bagi perusahaan. Titik tujuan pengiriman di kabupaten Jember adalah apotek, rumah sakit, dan outlets yang tersebar di 22 kecamatan di Kabupaten Jember. Salesman kesulitan untuk menentukan rute distribusi karena permintaan produk setiap harinya tidak konstan. Hal ini menimbulkan beberapa permasalahan distribusi karena jarak antara titik tujuan pengiriman belum diperhitungkan dan terdapat titik tujuan pengiriman yang dilalui lebih dari satu kali dalam satu proses pengiriman. Permasalahan proses distribusi yang ada di PT. Dos Ni Roha Jember dapat diatasi dengan perencanaan rute distribusi yang dapat menghasilkan jarak terdekat untuk pengiriman produknya. Penentuan rute distribusi bisa di lakukan dengan menggunakan integer linear programming dan metode heuristik (nearest neighbor, nearest insert dan farthest insert). Integer linear programming akan menghasilkan rute distribusi dengan jarak terpendek (optimal). Proses pengerjaan integer linear programming dilakukan dengan menentukan fungsi tujuannya berupa minimasi jarak pengiriman produk dan batasanbatasan algoritmanya. Metode heuristik yang digunakan memiliki cara pengolahan data yang lebih sederhana dibandingkan dengan metode integer linear programming. Metode heuristik bersifat problem dependent, sehingga masing-masing metode akan menghasilkan jarak rute distribusi sesuai dengan kondisi persebaran. Hasil pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa metode integer linear programming selalu menghasilkan rute distribusi dengan jarak terpendek dibandingkan dengan tiga metode heuristik yang digunakan. Metode heuristik yang paling banyak menghasilkan rute distribusi dengan jarak terpendek adalah metode nearest neighbor. Metode nearest neighbor memiliki jarak rute distribusi rata-rata 119% dibandingkan jarak rute distribusi yang dihasilkan metode integer linear programming, sedangkan metode nearest insert sebesar 123% dan farthest insert sebesar 124%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa dari tiga metode heuristik yang digunakan, metode nearest neighbor adalah metode yang paling sesuai untuk penentuan rute distribusi di PT. Dos Ni Roha Jember.

English Abstract

PT. Dos Ni Roha Jember is a company engaged in the distribution of pharmaceuticals and consumer products. The company manages the distribution of various products from 22 principles that will be distributed to the areas of Jember, Banyuwangi, Bondowoso, Situbondo, Probolinggo, and Lumajang. The product distribution schedule in Jember regency is carried out every day, so the distribution process in Jember regency has big impact on the company. The destination points for delivery in Jember are pharmacies, hospitals and outlets spread across 22 sub-districts in Jember regency. Salesmen find it difficult to determine the distribution route because the product demands each day is not constant. This raises several distribution problems because the distance between the destination points of delivery has not been calculated and there are delivery points that visited more than once in one day delivery process. Problems with the distribution process at PT. Dos Ni Roha Jember can be overcome by planning a distribution route that can produce the closest distance for the delivery of its products. Distribution route determination can be done using integer linear programming and the heuristic method (nearest neighbor, nearest insert and farthest insert). Integer linear programming will result a distribution route with the shortest distance (optimal solution). Integer linear programming process is done by determining the objective function to minimize the distribution route distance and the constraints of the algorithm. The data processing with heuristic method is simpler than the integer linear programming method. The heuristic method is problem dependent, so that each method will produce a distribution route distance depends on each distribution conditions. The results show that integer linear programming method always produces the distribution route with the shortest distance compared to the three heuristic methods. The heuristic method that produces the most distribution routes with the shortest distance is the nearest neighbor method. The nearest neighbor method has average distribution route distance of 119% compared to the distribution route distance resulted by the integer linear programming method, while the nearest insert method is 123% and the farthest insert is 124%. This shows that of the three heuristic methods used, the nearest neighbor method is the most suitable method for determining distribution routes at PT. Dos Ni Roha Jember.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2019/636/051905262
Uncontrolled Keywords: Perencanaan Rute Distribusi, Nearest Neighbor, Nearest Insert, Farhest Insert, Integer Linear Programming, Distribution Route Planning, Nearest Neighbor, Nearest Insert, Farhest Insert, Integer Linear Programming
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 658 General management > 658.7 Management of materials > 658.78 Internal control of material and physical distribution
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Industri
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 13 Nov 2020 04:46
Last Modified: 13 Nov 2020 04:46
Full text not available from this repository.

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