Peran School Well-Being Terhadap Self Efficacy Pada Penyandang Tunadaksa Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Persitia, Laras Sita (2019) Peran School Well-Being Terhadap Self Efficacy Pada Penyandang Tunadaksa Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran school well-being terhadap self efficacy penyandang tunadaksa Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif jenis korelasional. Subjek penelitian adalah 50 siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama penyandang tunadaksa yang berusia12-16 tahun. Menggunakan metode accidental sampling. Self efficacy diukur menggunakan skala self efficacy sedangkan untuk school well-being menggunakan skala school well-being profile. Kedua skala tersebut melalui proses transadaptasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan uji hipotesis dengan regresi linear untuk melihat peran antara kedua variabel yang ingin diuji. Hasil penelitian menghasilkan p=0.000 (p< 0.05) dengan koefisien determinasi R2=0.597 sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat peran dari school well-being terhadap self efficacy anak penyandang tunadaksa Sekolah Menengah Pertama.

English Abstract

This study aims to determine the role of School Well-Being on Self-Efficacy of Physically disabled JHS students. This study was conducted through correlational study using accidental sampling method. The sample involved 50 physically disabled students within age range 12 - 16 years old. The level of self-efficacy will be measured using Self-Efficacy Scale and School Well-Being will be measured using School Well-Being Profile. Both instruments were translated. The data was analysed using statistical technique of Linear Regression. The study found School Well-being had a role towards Self Efficacy level among Physically Disabled Junior High School student (p=0,000 ; p<0,05) with determination coefficient level R2=0,597.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FISIP/2019/525/051905356
Uncontrolled Keywords: self efficacy, school well-being, tunadaksa,. self efficacy, school well-being, physically disab
Subjects: 100 Philosophy, parapsychology and occultism, psychology > 155 Differential and development psychology > 155.2 Individual psychology > 155.23 Traits and determinants of character and personality > 155.232 Traits
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik > Psikologi
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 14 Oct 2020 10:06
Last Modified: 10 Dec 2021 02:51
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