Analisis Performansi Video on demand (VOD) Pada Jaringan Fiber to the Home (FTTH) Tetbed Di Laboratorium Telekomunikasi Universitas Brawijaya

Su'ud, Auzan El-Ghiffari (2019) Analisis Performansi Video on demand (VOD) Pada Jaringan Fiber to the Home (FTTH) Tetbed Di Laboratorium Telekomunikasi Universitas Brawijaya. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Fiber to the Home testbed di Laboratorium Telekomunikasi Universitas Brawijaya merupakan sebuah jaringan lokal askses fiber dengan kecepatan tinggi dan kapasitas yang besar. Video on demand merupakan salah satu jenis video streaming di mana file yang akan ditampilkan disimpan terlebih dahulu ke dalam server. Untuk mengetahui kualitas dari jaringan FTTH maka dilakukan perhitungan pengukuran kualitas dari jaringan FTTH Testbed dengan mengukur redaman agar mendapatkan nilai link power budget dari jaringan. Link power budget menunjukan perbedaan daya optik antara pemancar dan penerima. Selain link power budget, terdapat tiga parameter untuk mengukur kualitas pelayanan melui proses video on demand pada jaringan FTTH dengan menggunakan software VLC media player untuk proses pemutaran vidio yang akan menggunakan protokol RTSP. Kinerja sistem untuk performa video on demand akan diukur melalui parameter QoS yang didapatkan dari hasil analisis perangkat lunak wireshark yang telah di-install di PC dan akan dijadikan user dalam proses penelitian. Dalam mengonfigurasikan jaringan FTTH testbed, terlebih dahulu dilakukan perancangan dan pemasangan kabel UTP, Kabel Patchord, Kabel Pigtail, kabel dropcore, kabel feeder, dan kabel distribusi pada perangkat jarinngan FTTH, seperti OTB, ODC, ODP, Roset, dan ONT. Setelah melalui tahapan perancangan dan konfigurasi jaringan, dilakukan pengecekan redaman dari beberapa perangkat pada jaringan FTTH untuk mencari nilai dari link power budget dari jaringan FTTH. Nilai dari quality of service video on demand didapatkan dengan melakukan instalasi software wireshark dan VLC Media player pada PC yang akan digunakan. Dari hasil Penelitian didapatkan nilai Link power budget sebesar -13,6356 dBm dengan margin system 8,3644 dB kemudian didapatkan nilai quality of service dalam pengujian kualitas video on demand pada jaringan FTTH dengan nilai rata-rata 0.459 Mbit/s throughput, 10,579 ms delay dan 0,022% packet loss untuk video berkualitas 360p.

English Abstract

Fiber to the Home testbed at the Telecommunication Laboratory University of Brawijaya is a local network access fiber with high speed and large capacity. Video on demand is one type of video streaming where the video file will be displayed are saved on the server. Quality of FTTH networks can be known by measurement of the quality of the FTTH Testbed network. Quality of FTTH network is obtained by measuring attenuation to get the value of link power budget from the network. The link power budget shows the difference in optical power between the transmitter and receiver. In addition to link power budget, there are three parameters for measuring quality of service (QoS) through the video on demand process on FTTH networks using VLC media player for the video playback process that will used the RTSP protocol. Performance of video on demand will be measured through QoS parameters obtained from the analysis of software Wireshark that has been installed on a PC that will use as a user on this research. To configure the FTTH testbed network, first of all Cabling the UTP cables, Patchord Cable, Pigtail Cable, dropcore cable, feeder cable and distribution cable on FTTH network devices, such as OTB, ODC, ODP, Rosette and ONT. After designed and network has been configurated, then check the attenuation of FTTH network devices to know the value of link power budget. otherwise FTTH network has been configured, then analyse the QoS of video on demand, before analysing the data, All of PC users have been installed the Wireshark software and VLC Media player. From this research, the value of link power budget is -13,6356 dBm with Margin system 8,3644 dB. Then the values of QoS with are 0.488Mbit / s throughput, 24.99 ms delay and 0.23% packet loss for 360p quality videos.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2019/426/051905022
Uncontrolled Keywords: Video on demand (VoD), Fiber to the home (FTTH), Quality of service (QoS), Link power budget Video on demand (VoD), Fiber to Home (FTTH), Quality of service (QoS), Link power budget.
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 621 Applied physics > 621.3 Electrical, magnetic, optical, communications, computer engineering; electronics, lighting > 621.36 Optical engineering > 621.369 Other branches of applied optics > 621.369 2 Fiber optics
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Elektro
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 26 Aug 2020 04:20
Last Modified: 26 Aug 2020 04:20
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