Studi Penentuan Status Mutu Air Dan Penuruan Kesadahan Air Sumur Warga Pengaruh Geologi Gamping Di Desa Gamping, Kecamatan Campurdarat, Kabupaten Tulungagung

Pawestri, Titih (2019) Studi Penentuan Status Mutu Air Dan Penuruan Kesadahan Air Sumur Warga Pengaruh Geologi Gamping Di Desa Gamping, Kecamatan Campurdarat, Kabupaten Tulungagung. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Gamping Village is located in Campurdarat District and is one of the areas in Tulungagung Regency which geographically has rock formations composed of limestone. Gamping village is an area that includes hilly and limestone mountains. According to Pambudy (2015), there were 10 Gamping villagers who suffered from urinary disease, some residents who also suffered from digestive diseases such as diarrhea, and residents’s kitchen utensils used to heat the water from residents’s wells also have limestone sediments. To this aimed, data of temperature, turbidity, pH, and hardness are needed. Sampling was carried out on April 26, 2018 around 7 a.m till 11 p.m at 4 points of resident’s wells, and did once of sampling. Data measured in the field are temperature, turbidity, and pH. Furthermore, research was conducted on samples to reduce the level of hardness in laboratory of Water and Soil Water Resources Engineering Department. The various treatment given to the sample, there were heated to 85oC, and given resin of 3 grams, 5 grams, and 7 grams. After taking and researching the sample, the data that has been recapitulated can be compared with the Ministry of Health Regulation Number 492/Menkes/PerIV/2010, calculated how its quality status uses Pollution Index method, calculated how much the percentage decreases of hardness, and analyzed the results of decreases of hardness. In this study also needed geological maps and borlog data to match how the geological and lithological condition at the location of the sampling point. Based on the results of the analysis, the pH parameters of well 1 to well 4 didn’t include the requirement because the results of field measurement (5,79-6,27) below the range 6,5-8,5. For the temperature parameters, they have included the requirement because they are still in the range of 24oC-30oC. For turbidity parameters, only well 2 and well 3 included the requirement, while well 1 and well 4 didn’t include the requirement because the results of field measurement exceed the stipulated regulation namely 5 NTU. And for hardness parameters, all wells have included the requirement because the measurement results are below 500 mg/L. From the results of water quality status’s calculation using Pollution Index method, the samples in all wells were lightly polluted because the PI value were in the interval 1,0 < PIj ≤ 5,0. From the results of the hardness reduction experiment, the highest decrease in hardness was found in well 1 by boiling 85oC and adding 7 grams of resin (57,1%). In well 2, the highest reduction of hardness was obtained by boling 85oC and adding 5 grams of resin (69,9%). The highest decrease in hardness in well 3 was obtained by boiling 85oC and adding 5 grams of resin (56,2%). And in well 4 the highest reduction of hardness was obtained by boiling 85oC and adding 3 grams of resin (27,9%). Based on geological map of East Java, the sampling point is in Tlml code which is the formation of the Early-Middle Gocene Miocene rock, included in Campurdarat formation and southern Java Mountain Zone.

English Abstract

Desa Gamping terletak di Kecamatan Campurdarat dan merupakan salah satu daerah di Kabupaten Tulungagung yang secara geografis memiliki formasi batuan tersusun dari batuan gamping. Desa Gamping sendiri merupakan wilayah yang termasuk berbukit atau bergunung kapur. Menurut Pambudy (2015), terdapat 10 warga desa Gamping yang menderita penyakit saluran kencing, beberapa warga yang juga menderita penyakit pencernaan seperti diare, dan ditemukan peralatan dapur warga yang dipakai memanaskan air dari sumur warga terdapat endapan zat kapur. Pada penelitian ini dibutuhkan data pengukuran suhu, kekeruhan, pH, dan kesadahan pada sampel. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada tanggal 26 April 2018 sekitar jam 07.00- 11.00 WIB di 4 titik sumur rumah warga, dan dilakukan satu kali pengulangan pada sampel. Data yang diukur di lapangan berupa suhu, kekeruhan, dan pH. Selanjutnya dilakukan penelitian pada sampel untuk diturunkan kadar kesadahannya di laboratorium Air dan Tanah Teknik Pengairan. Macam-macam perlakuan yang diberikan pada sampel yaitu dipanaskan hingga suhu 85oC, dan diberikan resin sebanyak 3 gram, 5 gram, dan 7 gram. Setelah dilakukan pengambilan dan penelitian pada sampel, maka data yang telah direkap dapat dibandingkan dengan Peraturan Kementerian Kesehatan Nomor 492/Menkes/PerIV/2010, dihitung bagaimana status mutunya menggunakan metode Indeks Pencemaran, dihitung berapa prosentase penurunan kesadahannya, dan dianalisis hasil dari penurunan kesadahan tersebut. Pada penelitian ini juga dibutuhkan data berupa peta geologi dan data borlog untuk mencocokan bagaimana kondisi geologi dan litologi di lokasi titik pengambilan sampel. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, parameter pH sumur 1 hingga sumur 4 tidak memenuhi syarat karena hasil pengukuran lapangan (5,79-6,27) dibawah rentang 6,5-8,5. Untuk parameter suhu telah memenuhi syarat karena masih berada pada rentang 24oC-30oC. Untuk parameter kekeruhan, hanya sumur 2 dan sumur 3 yang memenuhi syarat, sedangkan sumur 1 dan sumur 4 tidak memenuhi syarat karena hasil pengukuran lapangan melebihi peraturan yang telah ditetapkan yaitu 5 NTU. Dan untuk parameter kesadahan, semua sumur telah memenuhi hsyarat karena hasil pengukuran dibawah 500 mg/L. Dari hasil perhitungan status mutu air metode Indeks Pencemaran, didapatkan hasil bahwa sampel pada semua sumur berstatus cemar ringan karena nilai PI berada pada pada interval 1,0 < PIj ≤ 5,0. Dari hasil percobaan penurunan kesadahan, didapatkan penurunan kesadahan tertinggi pada sumur 1 yaitu dengan cara perebusan 85oC dan ditambahkan resin 7 gram (57,1%). Pada sumur 2 didapatkan penurunan kesadahan tertinggi dengan cara perebusan 85oC dan ditambahkan resin 5 gram (69,9%). Penurunan kesadahan tertinggi pada sumur 3 didapatkan dengan cara perebusan 85oC dan ditambahkan resin 5 gram (56,2%). Dan pada sumur 4 didapatkan penurunan kesadahan tertinggi dengan cara perebusan 85oC dan ditambahkan resin 3 gram (27,9%). Berdasarkan peta geologi Jawa Timur, titik pengambilan sampel berada pada kode Tlml yang merupakan formasi batuan Gamping Miosen Awal-Tengah, termasuk kedalam formasi Campurdarat atau lajur pegunungan Jawa selatan (Southern Java Mountain Zone).

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2019/143/051904616
Uncontrolled Keywords: metode Indeks Pencemaran, penurunan kesadahan, resin, geologi Pollution Index method, decrease of hardness, resin, geological.
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 628 Sanitary engineering > 628.7 Sanitary engineering for rural and sparsely populated areas > 628.72 Water supply
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Pengairan
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 20 Jul 2020 12:25
Last Modified: 31 Jul 2020 05:47
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