Identifikasi Peran Modal Sosial Koperasi Dalam Mendorong Kesejahteraan Anggota (Studi Pada Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Syariah Sidogiri)

Adhim, Faizal (2019) Identifikasi Peran Modal Sosial Koperasi Dalam Mendorong Kesejahteraan Anggota (Studi Pada Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Syariah Sidogiri). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Koperasimerupakan “sokoguru” perekonomian Indonesia, jatidirikoperasiyang sesuaidenganfalsafahhidupbangsa Indonesia menjadikankoperasisebagaiujungtombakperekonomonianbangsaini. Namun,menurutLembagaStudiPengembanganPerkoperasian Indonesia padatahun 2013 terdapat 70 persendarijumlahkoperasi yang adalahkoperasifiktif, 23 persenkoperasimatisuri, danhanyakuranglebih 7 persen yang mandiri. Kondisiinimenunjukkanbahwamasyarakatkurangmemercayaikoperasi. PadahalkoperasiadalahLembagakeuangan yang mengandalkan modal sosialsebagaiproponenutamadalampergerakannya. Peran modal sosial dalam kemajuanmasyarakat dapat diketahui dari elemen modal sosial yang merujukpada kepercayaan, norma sertajaringansosial. Penelitianiniakanmengidentifikasiperan modal sosialkoperasi yang mengambilstudikasuspadaKoperasiSimpanPinjamSyariahSidogiri yang notabennyaKoperasiterbesar di JawaTimurdanterbentukatasdasarinisiatifmasyarakatpondokpesantren.Penelitianinimerupakanpene litiankualitatifdenganpendekatanstudikasuskarena modal sosialmembutuhkanfokuspadasuatuobjekmasyarakat. Data dikumpulkanmelaluicarawawancara, observasidandokumentasi. Teknikinterpretasi data terdiridaritigatahapyaitu: reduksi data, penyajian data, danpenarikankesimpulansertauntukmengujikeabsahan data digunakanTekniktriangulasi. HasildaripenelitianinimenyatakanbahwaKoperasiSidogirimemilikinormanormakhaskoperasidankhaspesantren. KepercayaandalamkoperasisidogiritimbulkarenanamabesarPesantrenSidogirisertakonsistensidarim asing-masingelemenkoperasi. Resiprositasberupaperkembangankoperasi yang pesatdankesejahteraanbagianggotamenjadidampakdari.Lalujaringansosial yang terciptaataspartisipasi alumni PondokPesantrenSidogirimembentukjaringansosialPersaudaraanSidogiri. Selanjutnya, AksiproaktifdariseluruhelemenkoeprasimembentukjaringanPersaudaraanKoperasiSidogiridanPersa udaraanEkonomiislam.

English Abstract

The cooperatives are the "pillar" of the Indonesian economy, cooperative identity that is in accordance with the Indonesian philosophy of life makes cooperatives the spearhead of the nation's economy. However, according to the Indonesian Cooperative Development Study Institute in 2013 there were 70 percent of the cooperatives which were fictitious cooperatives, 23 percent of the cooperatives were suspended, and only about 7 percent were independent. This condition shows that the community does not trust cooperatives. Though cooperatives are financial institutions that xiii rely on social capital as the main proponent in their movements. The role of social capital in the progress of society can be seen from the elements of social capital that refer to trust, norms and social networks. This study will identify the role of cooperative social capital taking case studies at the SidogiriSyariah Savings and Loan Cooperative which is the largest Cooperative in East Java and formed on the basis of the initiative of the islamic boarding school community. This research is a qualitative research with a case study approach because social capital requires a focus on an object of society. Data is collected through interviews, observation and documentation. The data interpretation technique consists of three stages, namely: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing and to test the validity of the data used triangulation technique. The results of this study state that KoperasiSidogiri has typical cooperative and typical islamic boarding school center norms. Trust in the sidogiri cooperative arises because of the big name of the Sidogiri boarding school and the consistency of each element of the cooperative. The reciprocity in the form of rapid development of cooperatives and the welfare of members is an impact. Then the social network created by the participation of alumni of the Sidogiri Islamic Boarding School formed the social network of the Brotherhood of Sidogiri. Furthermore, the proactive actions of all co-ordination elements formed the Brotherhood of the Sidogiri Cooperative network and the Brotherhood of Islamic Economics.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FEB/2019/67/051903504
Uncontrolled Keywords: Koperasi, Modal Sosial, Kualitatif / Cooperative, Social Capital, Qualitative
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 658 General management > 658.1 Organization and financial management > 658.15 Financial management > 658.152 Management of financial operations
Divisions: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis > Ilmu Ekonomi
Depositing User: Endang Susworini
Date Deposited: 11 Aug 2020 07:14
Last Modified: 11 Aug 2020 07:14
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