Peran Big Five Personality Traveller Terhadap Psychological Well Being

Novitasari, Candrika Yolanda (2019) Peran Big Five Personality Traveller Terhadap Psychological Well Being. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Traveling merupakan aktivitas yang bukan hanya sekedar mencari kesenangan, walaupun Salah satu tujuan traveling memang untuk mendapatkan sebuah kesenangan, Traveler juga memiliki motivasi lain seperti, menjelajah tempat-tempat baru, mendapatkan kebahagiaan dengan orang lain melalui traveling, ataupun menemukan keindahan suatu tempat dan menikmatinya. Sebagai seorang individu, traveller memiliki serangkaian pola kepribadian yang berbeda satu sama lain. Penelitian ini berupaya mencari adanya peran big five personality terhadap psychological well being (PWB) pada traveler. Metode penelituan ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif korelasional dengan alat ukur skala big five personality dan skala psychological well being. Jumlah subyek sebanyak 1558 dengan batas usia 18 tahun keatas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan adanya peran positif trait openness (r=2.156), conscientiousness (r=3.126), extraversion (r=3.044) dan agreeableness (r=3.495) terhadap PWB serta peran yang negatif neuroticism (r=4.439). hal ini menunjukan semakin tinggi peran big five personality maka akan semakin tinggi psychological well being.

English Abstract

Traveling is an activity that is not just looking for fun, although one of the purposes of traveling is to get a pleasure, Travelers also have other motivations such as exploring new places, getting happiness with others through traveling, or finding the beauty of a place and enjoying it. As an individual, travelers have a different set of personality patterns from each other. This study seeks to find a big five personality role towards psychological well being (PWB) on the traveler. This research method uses a quantitative correlational method with a big five personality scale measurement and the scale of psychological well being. The number of subjects is 1558 with an age limit of 18 years and above. The results of this study indicate a positive role of openness trait (r = 2.156), conscientiousness (r = 3.126), extraversion (r = 3.044) and agreeableness (r = 3.495) towards PWB and the role of negative neuroticism (r = 4.439). this shows the higher the role of big five personality, the higher the psychological well being.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FISIP/2019/184/051902556
Uncontrolled Keywords: Big Five Personality, Psychological Well Being, Travelling Big Five Personality, Psychological Well Being, Travelling
Subjects: 100 Philosophy, parapsychology and occultism, psychology > 152 Sensory perception, movement, emotions, physiological drives > 152.4 Emotions
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik > Psikologi
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 10 Jul 2020 06:40
Last Modified: 10 Jul 2020 06:40
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