Andona, Vania (2018) Potensi Metabolit Bakteri Rizosfer Tanaman Kumis Kucing (Orthosiphon Stamineus) Sebagai Antibakteri Escherichia Coli 2056-U Penyebab Infeksi Saluran Kemih. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Tanaman kumis kucing (Orthosiphon stamineus) digunakan untuk mengobati infeksi saluran kemih yang disebabkan oleh Escherichia coli. Bakteri rizosfer O. stamineus mampu menghasilkan metabolit yang bersifat antibakteri karena memroduksi senyawa fitoterapi yang memiliki sifat sama dengan yang dihasilkan oleh tanaman tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potensi daya hambat metabolit dan mengidentifikasi spesies bakteri rizosfer O. stamineus yang memiliki potensi paling tinggi terhadap E. coli 2056-U. Bakteri rizosfer O. stamineus diisolasi dari tanah dengan metode dilusi bertingkat. Skrining awal potensi kultur isolat bakteri dalam menghambat E. coli 2056-U diuji dengan metode disc diffusion. Cellfree supernatant isolat bakteri juga diuji potensi hambatnya terhadap E. coli 2056-U. Bakteri yang memiliki kemampuan hambat paling tinggi diidentifikasi berdasarkan sekuen 16S rDNA. Isolat KK5 dan KK17 memiliki aktivitas antimikroba tertinggi terhadap E. coli 2056- U di antara 20 bakteri rizosfer O. stamineus, yaitu secara berurutan sebesar 7,33±0,81 mm dan 7,10±0,42 mm. Cell-free supernatant isolat KK5 memiliki kemampuan daya hambat tertinggi 7,28±0,08 mm. Isolat KK5 memiliki similaritas tertinggi (100 %) dengan tiga strain bakteri, yaitu Bacillus cereus ATCC 14579T, B. cereus HN002, dan B. cereus IAM 12605T.
English Abstract
Cat’s whiskers plant (Orthosiphon stamineus) is used for treating urinary tract infection which is caused by Escherichia coli. Rhizosphere bacteria of O. stamineus are able to produce metabolites as an antibacterial because it can produce the similar phytotherapeutic compound properties as produced by its plant. The objectives of this research were to analyze the potency of rhizosphere bacteria of O. stamineus metabolites against E. coli 2056-U which demonstrate the highest potency. Rhizosphere bacteria of O. stamineus was isolated from soil using serial dilution method. Pre-screening of rhizosphere bacteria isolates culture against E. coli 2056-U was tested using disc diffusion method. Inhibitory potency of isolate bacteria’s cell-free supernatant were tested against E. coli 2056-U. Bacteria with the highest potency was identified based on 16S rDNA sequence. Isolate KK5 and KK17 had the highest antimicrobial activity against E. coli 2056-U among 20 rhizosphere bacteria of O. stamineus that were 7,33±0,81 mm and 7,10±0,42 mm, respectively. Cell-free supernatant of KK5 had the highest inhibiting potency that was 7,28±0,08 mm. Isolate KK5 had 100 % similarity with three strain of bacteria, that was Bacillus cereus ATCC 14579T, B. cereus HN002, and B. cereus IAM 12605T
Other obstract
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | SKR/MIPA/2018/428/051811081 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | bakteri rizosfer, daya hambat, Escherichia coli, infeksi saluran kemih, Orthosiphon stamineus, Escherichia coli, inhibitory potency, Orthosiphon stamineus, rhizosphere bacteria, urinary tract infection |
Subjects: | 500 Natural sciences and mathematics > 579 Natural history of microorganisms, fungi, algae > 579.3 Prokaryotes |
Divisions: | Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam > Biologi |
Depositing User: | Nur Cholis |
Date Deposited: | 06 Jun 2020 09:54 |
Last Modified: | 23 Oct 2021 07:23 |
URI: | |
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