Perbedaan Tingkat Kepatuhan antara Pasien BPJS dan Non BPJS dalam Perawatan Karies di Klinik Nusantara Kepanjen Kabupaten Malang

Damayanti, Salsabila (2018) Perbedaan Tingkat Kepatuhan antara Pasien BPJS dan Non BPJS dalam Perawatan Karies di Klinik Nusantara Kepanjen Kabupaten Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Karies merupakan salah satu penyakit gigi dan mulut yang paling dikeluhkan oleh masyarakat. Saat menjalani perawatan karies, kepatuhan merupakan hal yang penting agar hasil perawatan mencapai optimal, tetapi, terkadang pasien tidak patuh saat menjalani perawatan. Melalui program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) yang diselenggarakan oleh BPJS, diharapkan pasien lebih patuh saat menjalani perawatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan tingkat kepatuhan pada perawatan karies antara pasien BPJS dan Non BPJS di Klinik Nusantara Kepanjen Kabupaten Malang. Rancangan pada penelitian ini adalah penelitian analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah purposive total sampling. Karakteristik responden yang didapatkan pada penelitian ini paling banyak berjenis kelamin perempuan yaitu sebanyak 48 responden (80%) dengan usia responden paling banyak antara 15 – 44 tahun yaitu 44 responden (73,3%). Tingkat kepatuhan pasien BPJS dalam perawatan karies paling banyak yaitu tingkat kepatuhan sedang dan pasien Non BPJS paling banyak memiliki tingkat kepatuhan rendah yaitu 15 responden (50%). Analisis data menggunakan Uji Mann-Whitney U Test menunjukkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan tingkat kepatuhan yang signifikan antara pasien BPJS dan Non BPJS di Klinik Nusantara Kepanjen Kabupaten Malang. Keyword: BPJS, Karies, Kepatuhan vi ABSTRACT Salsabila Damayanti, 155070407111006, Dentistry Faculty of Brawijaya Univeristy Malang, 26 November 2018, “The Differences of Compliance Level between BPJS and Non BPJS Patient on Caries Treatment at Klinik Nusantara Kepanjen Kabupaten Malang”, Supervisor: drg. Trining Widodorini, M.Kes. Caries is one of the most complained dental and oral disease. On caries treatment, compliance is the most important thing so the result of the caries treatment reach optimal. However, sometimes patients are not obedient when in caries treatment. Through the National Health Insurance (JKN) program organized by BPJS, patients are expected to be more obedient when in caries treatment. The purpose of this research is to determine the differences of the compliance level to caries treatment between BPJS and Non BPJS patients at Klinik Nusantara Kepanjen Kabupaten malang. The design in this study was observational analytic research with a cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique was purposive total sampling. The characteristics of respondents in this study were mostly female, namely 48 respondents (80%) with the highest age of respondents between 15-44 years, 44 respondents (73.3%). The highest level of compliance of BPJS patients in caries treatment is the level of moderate compliance and the most non-BPJS patients have a low level of compliance that is 15 respondents (50%). Data analysis using the Mann-Whitney U Test showed that there was no significant difference in compliance level between BPJS and Non BPJS patients at Klinik Nusantara Kepanjen Kabupaten Malang.

English Abstract

Caries is one of the most complained dental and oral disease. On caries treatment, compliance is the most important thing so the result of the caries treatment reach optimal. However, sometimes patients are not obedient when in caries treatment. Through the National Health Insurance (JKN) program organized by BPJS, patients are expected to be more obedient when in caries treatment. The purpose of this research is to determine the differences of the compliance level to caries treatment between BPJS and Non BPJS patients at Klinik Nusantara Kepanjen Kabupaten malang. The design in this study was observational analytic research with a cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique was purposive total sampling. The characteristics of respondents in this study were mostly female, namely 48 respondents (80%) with the highest age of respondents between 15-44 years, 44 respondents (73.3%). The highest level of compliance of BPJS patients in caries treatment is the level of moderate compliance and the most non-BPJS patients have a low level of compliance that is 15 respondents (50%). Data analysis using the Mann-Whitney U Test showed that there was no significant difference in compliance level between BPJS and Non BPJS patients at Klinik Nusantara Kepanjen Kabupaten Malang.

Other obstract


Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FKG/2018/101/051900450
Uncontrolled Keywords: BPJS, Karies, Kepatuhan BPJS, Caries, Compliance
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 617 Surgery, regional medicine, dentistry, ophthalmology, otology, audiology > 617.6 Dentistry > 617.67 Caries (Cavities) / Dental caries
Divisions: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi > Kedokteran Gigi
Depositing User: Budi Wahyono Wahyono
Date Deposited: 14 May 2020 12:31
Last Modified: 22 Oct 2021 12:53
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