Aplikasi Fungi Potensial Pelarut P Dan K Dari Lahan Kering Bali Pada Fase Vegetatif Awal Tanaman Jagung (Zea Mays L.)

Ayu, Intan Putri Puspitaning (2018) Aplikasi Fungi Potensial Pelarut P Dan K Dari Lahan Kering Bali Pada Fase Vegetatif Awal Tanaman Jagung (Zea Mays L.). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Produktivitas jagung di Bali menurut Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Bali (2015) pada tahun 2000 yaitu sebanyak 94.761 ton/ha dan terus mengalami penurunan hingga pada tahun 2015 yang hanya mencapai 40.603 ton/ha. Hal tersebut berhubungan dengan areal pertanaman jagung. Berdasarkan data dari Balai Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai Unda Anyar (2008), luas lahan kritis di Bali yang berada di luar maupun di dalam kawasan hutan mencapai 563.666 ha. Pengembangan produksi jagung melalui perluasan areal diarahkan pada lahan-lahan potensial salah satunya seperti lahan kering yang belum dimanfaatkan untuk usaha pertanian. Lahan kering tergolong sub optimal karena tanahnya kurang subur, bereaksi masam, mengandung Al, Fe, dan atau Mn dalam jumlah tinggi sehingga dapat meracuni tanaman. Lahan kering masam pada umumnya miskin bahan organik dan hara makro N, P, K, Ca, dan Mg (Subandi, 2007). Salah satu manajemen lahan kering yaitu pemberian pupuk hayati yang mengandung mikroba terseleksi bekerja merombak bahan organik yang tersedia menjadi unsur hara tanaman, selain itu bisa sebagai pelarut fosfat dan kalium. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini penting dilakukan untuk mengetahui isolat fungi potensial sebagai agen pupuk hayati fungsional sebagai pelarut unsur P, dan K dalam mempengaruhi pertumbuhan tanaman jagung. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Desember 2017 hingga Agustus 2018 di laboratorium biologi dan rumah kaca di Balai Penelitian Tanah, Bogor. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 21 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan, yaitu: (1) tanpa penambahan isolat dan pupuk anorganik, (2) 100% NPK, (3) isolat SWB 2.3.5 + 100% NPK, (4) isolat SWB 6.4.1+ 100% NPK, (5) isolat SWB 2.4.4 + 100% NPK, (6) isolat SWB 3.1.5 + 100% NPK, (7) isolat SWB 3.1.3 + 100% NPK, (8) isolat SWB 7.4.1 + 100% NPK, (9) isolat SWB 7.1.2 + 100% NPK, (10) isolat SM + 100% NPK, (11) isolat SWB 2.3.5 + 75% NPK, (12) isolat SWB 6.4.1 + 75% NPK, (13) isolat SWB 2.4.4 + 75% NPK, (14) isolat SWB 3.1.5 + 75% NPK, (15) isolat SWB 3.1.3 + 75% NPK, (16) isolat SWB 7.4.1 + 75% NPK, (17) isolat SWB 7.1.2 + 75% NPK, (18) isolat SM + 75% NPK, (19) Konsorsium + 100% NPK, (20) Konsorsium + 75% NPK, (21) Konsorsium + 50 % NPK. Variabel yang diamati pada penelitian ini meliputi fungi dan fase pertumbuhan vegetatif awal tanaman jagung. Parameter yang diamati terdiri dari kelimpahan dan keragaman fungi, kadar pelarutan fosfat dan kalium fungi, patogenitas fungi, dan identifikasi fungi potensial. Parameter pengamatan pada pengujian in planta terdiri dari tinggi, jumlah daun, panjang akar, berat basah tajuk dan akar, berat kering tajuk dan akar. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis ragam (uji F) pada taraf 5%. Apabila terdapat berpengaruh nyata, maka dilanjutkan dengan uji jarak berganda Duncan dengan taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kelimpahan populasi fungi yang dapat ditumbuhkan dari horizon yang diambil dari profil tanah lahan kering Bali dengan perbedaan bahan induk, vegetasi, dan penggunaan lahan umumnya berkisar antara 1,0 x 102 sampai dengan 4,55 x 106 cfu/ml. Total fungi yang berhasil diisolasi sebanyak 199 isolat dengan keragaman fungi berkisar antara 2-16 spesies per horizon. Dari total keseluruhan 199 isolat fungi yang berhasil diisolasi, ditemukan sebanyak 45 isolat fungiii hasil skrining yang berpotensial dalam melarutkan unsur fosfat dan/atau kalium. Selanjutnya, sebanyak 15 dari 45 isolat fungi terpilih berdasarkan nilai pelarutan P dan K tertinggi secara kuantitatif, dilakukan uji patogenitas dan ditemukan sebanyak 7 isolat fungi non patogen. Ketujuh jenis fungi potensial dan isolat SM setelah identifikasi ditemukan 3 genus yang berbeda yaitu: Acremonium sp., Aspergillus sp., dan Cladosporium sp. Pada parameter tanaman, hasil menunjukkan bahwa pemberian inokulan fungi pelarut fosfat dan kalium terhadap fase vegetatif selama 14 HST tanaman jagung berpengaruh nyata pada parameter tinggi tanaman, panjang akar, berat basah tajuk, dan berat kering akar dan tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata pada parameter jumlah daun, berat basah akar dan berat kering tajuk, tetapi pada setiap parameter yang hasilnya tidak berpengaruh nyata terdapat beberapa perlakuan yang berpotensi dilihat dari nilai yang tertinggi serta menunjukkan kenaikan dibandingkan kontrol positif dan negatif. Pada isolat fungi pelarut fosfat didapatkan isolat yang terbaik yaitu SWB 2.3.5 memiliki kemampuan pelarutan (Ca3(PO4)2 tertinggi yaitu 4,01 ppm. Perlakuan isolat SWB 2.3.5 + 75% NPK menghasilkan berat basah tajuk tertinggi yaitu 6,93 g dengan kenaikan sebesar 52,30% jika dibandingkan dengan kontrol negatif (F0-) dan 40,85% dengan kontrol positif (F0+). Isolat fungi pelarut kalium yang terbaik yaitu SWB 7.1.2 dengan kemampuan pelarutan K tertinggi yaitu 0,2801 mg/L. Perlakuan isolat SWB 7.1.2 + 75% NPK adalah perlakuan yang paling berpotensi dalam meningkatkan panjang akar. Berdasarkan data panjang akar pada perlakuan isolat SWB 7.1.2 + 75% NPK memiliki nilai paling besar yaitu 55.25 cm atau memiliki kenaikan sebesar 60.94 % apabila dibandingkan dengan kontrol negatif dan 40.48 % dibandingkan kontrol positi

English Abstract

Productivity of maize in Bali according to the Central Bureau of Statistics of Bali Province (2015) in 2000 was 94,761 tons / ha and continued to decline until 2015 which only reached 40,603 tons / ha. This is related to the corn planting area. Based on data from the Unda Anyar River Basin Management Center (2008), the area of critical land in Bali which is outside and inside the forest area reaches 563,666 ha. The development of maize production through the expansion of the area is directed at potential lands, one of which is like untapped dry land for agricultural businesses. Dry land is classified as sub optimal because the soil is infertile, reacts sourly, contains high amounts of Al, Fe, and / or Mn so it can poison the plant. Acidic dry land is generally poor in organic matter and macro nutrients N, P, K, Ca, and Mg (Subandi, 2007). One of the dry land management is the provision of biofertilizers containing selected microbes working to remodel the available organic material into plant nutrients, besides it can be used as phosphate and potassium solvents. Therefore, this research is important to determine potential fungi isolates as functional biological fertilizer agents as solvents of P, and K elements in influencing the growth of corn plants. The study was conducted in December 2017 until August 2018 in a biology and greenhouse laboratory at the Soil Research Center, Bogor. This study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 21 treatments and 3 replications, namely: (1) without the addition of inorganic isolates and fertilizers, (2) 100% NPK, (3) isolates SWB 2.3.5 + 100% NPK, (4 ) isolates SWB 6.4.1+ 100% NPK, (5) isolates SWB 2.4.4 + 100% NPK, (6) isolates SWB 3.1.5 + 100% NPK, (7) isolates SWB 3.1.3 + 100% NPK, (8) isolates SWB 7.4.1 + 100% NPK, (9) isolates SWB 7.1.2 + 100% NPK, (10) isolates SM + 100% NPK, (11) isolates SWB 2.3.5 + 75% NPK, (12) isolate SWB 6.4.1 + 75% NPK, (13) isolates SWB 2.4.4 + 75% NPK, (14) isolates SWB 3.1.5 + 75% NPK, (15) isolates SWB 3.1.3 + 75% NPK , (16) isolates SWB 7.4.1 + 75% NPK, (17) isolates SWB 7.1.2 + 75% NPK, (18) isolates SM + 75% NPK, (19) consortium + 100% NPK, (20) consortium + 75% NPK, (21) + 50% NPK consortium. The variables observed in this study included the fungi and the early vegetative growth phase of the corn plant. The parameters observed consisted of abundance and diversity of fungi, levels of phosphate and potassium fungi dissolution, fungal pathogenicity, and identification of potential fungi. The parameters in the in planta test consisted of height, number of leaves, root length, crown and root wet weight, canopy and root dry weight. The data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance (F test) at the level of 5%. If there is a significant effect, then proceed with Duncan's multiple distance test with a level of 5%. The results showed the number of fungi population that could be grown from the horizon taken from the profile of Bali dry land with different parent materials, vegetation, and land use generally ranging from 1.0 x 102 to 4.55 x 106 cfu / ml. The total fungi which were isolated were 199 isolates with a variety of fungi ranging from 2-16 species per horizon. From a total of 199 isolates of fungi that were isolated, 45 isolates from the screening results were found that had the potential to dissolveiv phosphate and / or potassium elements. Furthermore, as many as 15 of the 45 selected fungi isolates based on the highest P and K dissolution values quantitatively, pathogenicity was tested and found 7 isolates of non-pathogenic fungi. The seven potential fungi and SM isolates after identification were found 3 different genera, namely: Acremonium sp., Aspergillus sp., and Cladosporium sp. In plant parameters, the results showed that the administration of phosphate and potassium solvent inoculants to the vegetative phase for 14 DAP of corn plants significantly affected the parameters of plant height, root length, shoot wet weight and root dry weight and did not have a significant effect on the number of leaf parameters. root wet weight and canopy dry weight, but in each parameter whose results have no significant effect there are several treatments that have the potential to be seen from the highest values and show an increase compared to positive and negative controls. Phosphate solvent fungi isolates found that the best isolate, SWB 2.3.5, had the highest dissolution ability (Ca3(PO4)2 which was 4.01 ppm. The treatment of SWB 2.3.5 + 75% NPK isolates produced the highest canopy wet weight of 6.93 g with an increase of 52.30% when compared to the negative control (F0-) and 40.85% with positive control (F0 +). The best potassium soluble fungus isolate is SWB 7.1.2 with the highest K solubility ability which is 0.2801 mg / L. Treatment of SWB 7.1.2 + 75% NPK isolates is the treatment that has the most potential in increasing root length Based on root length data on the treatment of SWB 7.1.2 + 75% isolates NPK has the highest value of 55.25 cm or has an increase of 60.94% when compared with negative controls and 40.48% compared to positive controls

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FP/2018/915/051900285
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 631 Specific techniques; apparatus, equipment materials > 631.8 Fertilizers, soil conditioners, growth regulators > 631.86 Organic fertilizers
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 23 Apr 2020 04:31
Last Modified: 20 Oct 2021 01:59
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/167041

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