Kualitas dan Kesuksesan Implementasi Sistem Pelaporan Nilai di Sekolah Menengah Atas dengan Menggunakan Expectation - Confirmation Model dan DeLone & McLean

Utama, David Tria (2018) Kualitas dan Kesuksesan Implementasi Sistem Pelaporan Nilai di Sekolah Menengah Atas dengan Menggunakan Expectation - Confirmation Model dan DeLone & McLean. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penerapan teknologi sistem informasi telah digunakan oleh beberapa SMA Negeri di kota Kediri seperti SMAN 2, SMAN 3 dan SMAN 4 Kediri. Pada awal tahun ajaran 2017/2018 sekolah menengah atas seperti SMAN 2, SMAN 3 dan SMAN 4 Kediri mulai menggunakan sistem pelaporan nilai berbasis web dalam rangka mempermudah kebutuhan guru untuk mengelola nilai rapor menggantikan sistem manual dengan pembukuan rapor yang selama 36 tahun digunakan. Di dalam sistem pelaporan nilai digunakan untuk memasukkan nilai tugas, Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) dan Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS), menampilkan nilai-nilai yang diperoleh siswa dan mencetak nilai rapor. Sejauh ini penerapan sistem pelaporan nilai terdapat beberapa permasalahan seperti pada nilai rapor. Beberapa mata pelajaran terdapat nilai psikomotor yang memang kosong ( - atau null) karena tidak ada penilaiannya namun ketika ditampilkan pada sistem pelaporan nilai yang muncul adalah nilai 0 yang menandakan adanya sebuah nilai. Meskipun ini hal kurang berarti namun bagi pihak sekolah ini menjadi permasalahan yang rumit ketika rapor ini digunakan untuk pendaftaran ke perguruan tinggi. Selain itu terdapat permasalahan cetak nilai saat rapor akan dibagikan di akhir semester. Permasalahan ini menyebabkan diundurnya waktu pembagian rapor yang sudah dijadwalkan sebelumnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi kualitas dan kesuksesan sistem e-rapor berdasarkan model Expectation-Confirmation Model dan DeLone & McLean Model. Data diperoleh dengan penyebaran kuesioner dan wawancara sebagai pendukung hasil kuesioner. Sampel yang digunakan penelitian ini adalah sampel jenuh karena jumlah populasi pengguna sistem yang sedikit yaitu 39 responden. Hasil analisis kualitas sistem pada variabel perceived usefulness, confirmation, satisfaction termasuk kategori tinggi dan IS Continuance Intention termasuk kategori sangat tinggi sehingga kualitas sistem e-rapor termasuk kategori tinggi dengan nilai persentase 80,50% . Hasil analisis kesuksesan sistem pada variabel information quality, system quality, use dan user satisfaction termasuk kategori tinggi, service quality termasuk kategori cukup tinggi dan net benefit termasuk kategori sangat tinggi sehingga tingkat kesuksesan sistem e-rapor termasuk kategori tinggi dengan nilai persentase 74,50%.

English Abstract

The application of information system technology has been used by several state high schools in the city of Kediri such as SMAN 2, SMAN 3 and SMAN 4 Kediri. At the beginning of the 2017/2018 school year, high schools like SMAN 2, SMAN 3 and SMAN 4 Kediri began using a web-based value reporting system in order to facilitate the need for teachers to manage report cards replacing manual systems with report cards that were used for 36 years. In the value reporting system is used to enter the value of assignments, Middle Semester Examination (UTS) and Semester Final Examination (UAS), displaying values obtained by students and printing report cards. So far the application of the value reporting system has several problems such as the report card value. Some subjects have psychomotor values that are empty (- or null) because there is no assessment but when displayed in the reporting system the value that appears is a value of 0 indicating a value. Although this is less meaningful but for the school this is a complicated problem when this report card is used for registration to universities. In addition there are problems printing the value when the report card will be distributed at the end of the semester. This problem caused a delay in the report card distribution time that had been previously scheduled. This study aims to determine the condition of the quality and success of the e-report card system based on the Expectation-Confirmation Model and DeLone & McLean Models. Data obtained by distributing questionnaires and interviews as supporting the results of the questionnaire. The sample used in this study is saturated samples because the number of system users is a small number of 39 respondents. The results of the analysis of system quality on perceived usefulness variables, confirmation, satisfaction are included in the high category and IS Continuance Intention is in the very high category so the quality of the e-report card system is in the high category with a percentage value of 80.50%. The results of the analysis of the success of the system on the variable information quality, system quality, use and user satisfaction are included in the high category, service quality is categorized as high enough and net benefits are included in the very high category so that the success rate of the e-report card system is in the high category with a percentage of 74.50% .

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FTIK/2018/875/051900226
Uncontrolled Keywords: Sistem pelaporan nilai, Kualitas, Kesuksesan, Expectation - Confirmation Model, DeLone & McLean-Value reporting system, Quality, Success, Expectation - Confirmation Model, DeLone & McLean
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 372 Primary education (Elementary education) > 372.1 Organization and activities in primary education
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer > Sistem Informasi
Depositing User: soegeng sugeng
Date Deposited: 15 Apr 2020 07:58
Last Modified: 18 May 2022 01:21
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/166898
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